Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98790 total results. Showing results 85801 to 85820 «428742884289429042914292429342944295Next ›Last » Poppy day parade could be cancelled because of police cuts One of the country’s biggest Remembrance Sunday parades is on the verge of being cancelled because of police cuts. Metro 23/10/2017 News Staffordshire Police forced to find £400,000 to pay staff after Government promises pay rises Chief constable Gareth Morgan says he is 'irritated' about how it has been done. Burton Mail 23/10/2017 News More police officers per head now than fifty years ago, figures show The police have more officers per capita than in the 1960s, challenging claims that they are understaffed, figures show. The Telegraph 23/10/2017 News Time to stop the stunts: Top officer hits out at ’embarrassing’ officers’ gimmicks Police have been accused of letting criminals off the hook while indulging in bizarre stunts such as painting their nails. Mail Online 23/10/2017 News Vodafone worked with police on its own fraud case against businessman Vodafone was allowed to examine evidence and become involved in disclosure in a case in which it had accused a businessman of fraud. The Times - Subscription at source 23/10/2017 News GLAA anti-slavery agency investigating 200 new cases An agency fighting modern slavery has opened more than 200 investigations in the past five months, including cases involving the hospitality industry. The Times - Subscription at source 23/10/2017 News The Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights says Police Scotland suffers from “institutional racism” Police Scotland has been accused of “institutional racism” by a government-funded charity. The force has been attacked over the recruitment and retention levels of staff from black and minority ethnic (BME) communities. The Herald (Scotland) 22/10/2017 News PCC’s pledge on race after report Surrey Police and Crime Commissioner David Munro welcomed the publication of the government’s Race and Disparity Audit, highlighting what more needs be done regarding policing to improve the experiences of black and minority ethnic (BME) people. Haslemere Herald 22/10/2017 News Hotline to report police sex abuse Top officers are told to make it easier for crime victims to complain about corrupt staff Mail Online 22/10/2017 News Poppy Day is cancelled by the police Outrage as forces insist they cannot afford to man remembrance parades amid budget cuts Mail Online 22/10/2017 News MPs to launch inquiry into growth of pop-up brothels Risks grow as police closures force sex workers to rent Airbnb and other short-term properties The Guardian 22/10/2017 News Police: Unsolved cases victims’ fault Police have blamed victims’ failure to support prosecutions for a growing number of unsolved crimes, amid fears of a criminal justice system in crisis. The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 22/10/2017 News The squeezed middle: How the Job really isn’t what it used to be There is increasing anecdotal evidence that, for serving officers, morale is as low as it's ever been. But what evidence is there to back this up? Serving officer Gareth Stubbs shows that, for officers who joined at the height of recruitment, promotion opportunities have plummeted even as demand is growing - and warns this is a looming problem that needs to be addressed. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 22/10/2017 Analysis Study says body cameras don’t always change police behavior In theory, body cameras are supposed to not only catch police abuses of power, but deter them: officers will be on their best behavior knowing that they could be hauled in. As Washington, DC researchers have learned, though, that isn't guaranteed. They've published a study showing that body cameras didn't significantly affect officers' use of force or the number of civilian complaints in either direction Yahoo! 21/10/2017 News Cleveland’s chief constable to retire 'Widely respected' chief has been praised for markedly improving the force during his service Police Oracle - Subscription at source 21/10/2017 News West Yorkshire Police Commissioner makes pledge over future of PCSOs WEST Yorkshire’s Police Commissioner has re-affirmed his commitment to police community support officers (PCSOs) describing them as “integral” to neighbourhood policing. Telegraph and Argus 21/10/2017 News London now more dangerous than New York City, crime stats suggest London is now more crime ridden and dangerous than New York City, with rape, robbery and violent offences far higher on this side of the Atlantic. The Telegraph 21/10/2017 News Trump links UK crime rise to ‘spread of Islamic terror’ In latest Twitter outburst US president makes terrorism link even though annual figures cover all police-recorded offences The Guardian 21/10/2017 News If the police give up on low-level crime, we all pay a high price Deborah Orr is a Guardian columnist The Guardian 21/10/2017 Feature, Opinion Border Force under strain as low-grade staff fail to keep up Doubts have been cast on the Home Office’s ability to cope with its workload, in a series of negative reports. The Times - Subscription at source 21/10/2017 News «428742884289429042914292429342944295Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events