Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98800 total results. Showing results 85721 to 85740 «428342844285428642874288428942904291Next ›Last » Deputy police and crime commissioner Flick Drummond quits after weeks in the new role Weeks after accepting a £64K a year job as deputy police and crime commissioner, Flick Drummond has left her post because she couldn’t build a professional relationship with her boss. Hampshire Chronicle 26/10/2017 News Wolverhampton’s real life ‘Cinderella’: Police chief calls for ‘strongest punishments’ for mother and stepfather A top police chief has called on courts to hand out the 'strongest punishments' for extreme cases of child cruelty. Express & Star 26/10/2017 News Young use social media to incite violent crime Social media is being used by young people to incite and plan violent and sexual crime, a report by the probation watchdog says. The Times - Subscription at source 26/10/2017 News Police turn to bouncers for help in beating terror threat Private security guards across the country are to be mobilised as part of the counterterrorism effort, trained to spot suspicious behaviour by potential attackers and respond in the event of an atrocity. The Times - Subscription at source 26/10/2017 News Black former Met officer wins right to sue for discrimination Race4Justice says supreme court ruling means professionals in many fields will get full protection of equality legislation The Guardian 26/10/2017 News Revenue And Capital Monitoring As At 31 July 2017 Evidence Set 2 Suffolk OPCC 26/10/2017 Report Outcomes Of Consideration – The PCC’s Proposed Policing Precept For 2017/18 Financial update evidence set 1 Suffolk OPCC 26/10/2017 Report Suffolk PCC’s Financial Update The Panel will question the PCC on his progress in delivering the savings anticipated in his precept and medium term financial plan for 2017/18. Suffolk OPCC 26/10/2017 Report MOPAC Activity Report This report covers the period from 9 September to 6 October 2017. London Assembly Police and Crime Committee 26/10/2017 Report Q And A Session With The Mayor’s Office For Policing And Crime And The Metropolitan Police Service This report serves as a background paper to the monthly question and answer session with the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime and the Metropolitan Police Service. London Assembly Police and Crime Committee 26/10/2017 Report Police And Crime Committee’s Investigation Into Antisocial Behaviour In London Site visit note: visit to Bethnal Green Police Station London Assembly Police and Crime Committee 26/10/2017 Report Transcript of Agenda Item: Gun Crime in London Appendix A Police and Crime Committee – 5 October 2017 London Assembly Police and Crime Committee 26/10/2017 Report Gun Crime in London Report The current levels and types of gun crime in London; the drivers associated with the rise in gun crime; and how the Metropolitan Police and other partners are working to tackle gun crime. London Assembly Police and Crime Committee 26/10/2017 Report PCC reaffirms commitment to police on streets Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner Dame Vera Baird today reaffirmed her commitment to neighbourhood policing. Earlier this week, Norfolk Police revealed plans to scrap all Community Support Officers (CSOs) in light of funding cuts and changing crime trends. Northumberland Gazette 25/10/2017 News ‘No wholesale layoffs’ – but tough decisions if police funding fight lost Suffolk’s crime chief has sworn to protect support officers despite being forced into a ‘tight corner’ over government funding. Ipswich Star 25/10/2017 News Lack of resources blamed after police fail to respond to 999 call from deranged drug user who carried out frenzied knife attack at Darlington Indian restaurant Police failed to respond to an alert issued by a knifeman who stabbed people in frenzied knife attack in a packed restaurant due to a lack of manpower, a report has found. The Northern Echo 25/10/2017 News Criminals try message apps to evade dark web crackdown: report A police crackdown on dark web markets such as AlphaBay and Hansa is driving cyber criminals to use mobile messaging apps to locate anonymous new hideouts from which to operate, a report by security researchers published on Wednesday showed. Reuters 25/10/2017 News Home Office consults on using body-worn video for police interviews Changes will mean suspects are interviewed at the scene of a crime, saving officers time and freeing them up for other duties. Home Office 25/10/2017 News Deputy PCC stands down as ‘not possible to build a professional relationship’ Hampshire’s police and crime commissioner’s (PCC’s) deputy has stood down following an apparent breakdown in their working relationship, just three weeks after being confirmed in the role. Police Professional 25/10/2017 News Met Business Plan 2017-18, Quarter 1 Update London Assembly Police and Crime Committee 25/10/2017 Report «428342844285428642874288428942904291Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events