Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 99169 total results. Showing results 85521 to 85540 «427342744275427642774278427942804281Next ›Last » Staffordshire Police foot £400,000 bill after terror attacks Police were forced to find £400,000 to pay for officer overtime and extra staffing costs in Staffordshire following this year's terror attacks. Express & Star 22/11/2017 News Child exploitation: Police to tackle ‘under-reported’ crime There are hopes a new educational campaign will lead to more child sexual exploitation cases being reported. Gwent Police is concerned "warning signs" that could leave children vulnerable are widely under-reported. BBC 22/11/2017 News More than 900 violent crimes could have been dealt with using just an apology Community resolutions were used to deal with 947 violent crimes in the Humberside Police area in 2016-17 Scunthorpe Telegraph 22/11/2017 News Budget 2017: Chancellor to scrap VAT on Police Scotland and fire service Philip Hammond will announce in his budget that the two emergency services will be eligible for VAT refunds in future. BBC 22/11/2017 News Forensic testing scandal may ruin 10,000 crime cases Suspected tampering with forensic science tests threatens to undermine as many as 10,000 police investigations including murder, rape and assault cases, senior officers have warned. The Times - Subscription at source 22/11/2017 News Chris Marshall: Why every Scottish police officer doesn’t need a gun The Scotsman 22/11/2017 Feature, Opinion Two thirds of Scottish police officers want access to HANDGUNS Cops say they can't keep the public safe without carrying a gun. Daily Record 22/11/2017 News Gwent Police campaign ‘supports vulnerable children’ Teachers, police and other professionals need to work together to ensure vulnerable children have "the best possible" support. BBC 22/11/2017 News Theresa May slashes £413million from police budget – after vowing to protect cops The shocking figures were released on the eve of the Chancellor Philip Hammond's budget The Sun 22/11/2017 News Met Police steals the show at Personnel Today Awards 2017 The Metropolitan Police Service won the coveted overall award at this year’s Personnel Today Awards for a diversity and inclusion initiative that made a real impact on its own recruitment and its local community. Personnel Today 21/11/2017 News Police face legal action over Luton airport terror detention UK-based man, who is not religious and has denounced terrorism, was detained with son en route to holiday in Rome The Guardian 21/11/2017 News New Fed chairman elected Current chairman Steve White will step down at the end of the year. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 21/11/2017 News North Wales Police boss wants new law to beat slavery Tough new laws are needed to combat human trafficking at Welsh ports, a police boss has said. BBC 21/11/2017 News ‘New law set to restrict drone use near airports’ Drone users will face new restrictions from next year, following more than 50 near misses with aircraft in the last 12 months, a transport minister says BBC 21/11/2017 News PSNI officer given approval to take up senior position in Gardai The Irish government has been asked to sanction permission for an officer to join the Republic’s An Garda Siochana force at superintendent level. Police Professional 21/11/2017 News Police Scotland offers free flu jabs in ‘investment in employee wellbeing’ All officers and staff in Police Scotland will receive access to flu jabs as part of a new wellbeing initiative. Police Professional 21/11/2017 News HASC warns of security fears from ‘unconvincing’ numbers of extra border staff Contingency planning for post-Brexit customs operations must not put UK security at risk through the Government’s “failure to plan”, MPs have warned. Police Professional 21/11/2017 News Police review 10,000 cases in forensics data ‘manipulation’ inquiry Police investigate alleged manipulation at Manchester lab in mass recall of samples from criminal cases in England and Wales The Guardian 21/11/2017 News Met Police steals the show at Personnel Today Awards 2017 The Metropolitan Police Service won the coveted overall award at this year’s Personnel Today Awards for a diversity and inclusion initiative that made a real impact on its own recruitment and its local community. Personnel Today 21/11/2017 News PSNI officer given approval to take up senior position in Gardai The Irish government has been asked to sanction permission for an officer to join the Republic’s An Garda Siochana force at superintendent level. Police Professional 21/11/2017 News «427342744275427642774278427942804281Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events