Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 96313 total results. Showing results 79081 to 79100 «395139523953395439553956395739583959Next ›Last » Ban police gang lists – they are racist and unjust Police are labelling young men and boys – almost exclusively black – as potential gang members, based on little or no evidence The Guardian 9/5/2018 Feature, Opinion Basket of goods 2018 Police basket of goods data from police forces 2018. The data contains recent prices paid by Police Forces for common goods and services. Home Office 9/5/2018 Report Police forces save £273 million in three years on equipment cost The Home Office has today published the third ‘basket of goods’ data set allowing the public to compare what each police force spends on common items to ensure best value for money. Home Office 9/5/2018 News Station closures will see force share site with fire service PCC says shared spaces will enable better public access. Police Oracle 9/5/2018 News Urgent review of 33 criminal investigations over forensic failures Scientist is accused of lying to detectives. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 9/5/2018 News Trapped in the matrix Secrecy, stigma, and bias in the Met’s Gangs Database [PDF] Amnesty International 9/5/2018 Report Met police using ‘racially discriminatory’ Gangs Matrix database The Metropolitan Police Service’s ‘Gangs Matrix’ is the “wrong tool for the wrong problem” Amnesty International said today (Wednesday 9 May), as it published a damning report into the little-known gang-mapping database. Amnesty International 9/5/2018 News ‘Life-saving’ police database monitoring violent London gangs at risk because it’s ‘racially discriminatory’ Scotland Yard's Gangs Matrix was set up to help crackdown on knife crime in the capital and has been branded 'life-saving' by a senior cop The Sun 9/5/2018 News Cambridgeshire Chief Constable to retire as force faces considerable change The Chief Constable of Cambridgeshire Constabulary, Alec Wood, has today announced he will retire from the service in September. Peterborough Telegraph 9/5/2018 News Racial profiling by Belgian police is ’cause for concern’: report ‘Without discriminating, we could never stop anyone,’ one police officer told Amnesty International. Politico 9/5/2018 News Urgent probe is launched into London’s crime epidemic with police and Sadiq Khan told to ‘take hold of the situation’ An urgent investigation into the wave of violent crime in London was launched today as Mayor Sadiq Khan was urged to 'take hold of the situation'. The Police and Crime Committee of the London Assembly called on the Mayor and the Metropolitan Police to 'take hold of the situation' as they launched the probe. Mail Online 9/5/2018 News They Can’t Safeguard You When They Are Under Stress: An Exploratory Study on Issues and Problems of Job Stress in Police The purpose of this research is to explore work-related stress in the police of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJ&K), Pakistan. The research aims to identify factors that contribute most towards job stress in AJ&K police and study the nature of and reasons underlying these factors. Political and media pressure has not been widely studied within the context of job stress in the police, and researchers have attempted to bridge this gap and make a theoretical contribution by highlighting the importance of political and media pressure as a job stressor for the police profession. This is exploratory research in which a survey was conducted in three large cities of AJ&K, Pakistan. Primary data was collected through a questionnaire comprising closed and open-ended interview questions. Descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analysis were conducted using SPSS. Content analysis of the interview statements was also undertaken to enhance the validity of the study. International Journal of Police Science & Management - Registration at source 9/5/2018 Research article Developing A Crime Harm Index For Western Australia: the WACHI Can a reliable measure of precise harm levels for the 100 most harmful and frequently occurring offences be developed in Western Australia (WA) based on analysis of actual court penalties for first-time offenders? The 88 offence categories in the WACHI contain both high-harm and high-volume offences, permitting 95% of all offences reported for over 5 years to be assessed for WACHI scores. The counts for these offences moved in different directions from the WACHI total in two of the four year-to-year comparisons. Changes in WACHI were shown to have been highly sensitive to increased reporting of historical sex crimes, isolated in one district each of both Metropolitan Perth and one Regional centre. Carefully implemented use of the West Australian CHI could improve both public safety and policing by adding precision to resource allocation decisions, assessments of priorities and evaluations of policing initiatives. The WACHI would be even more reflective of the changing level of harm to victims if all crime trends were to be based on crimes that occurred in the year under analysis, with separate reporting of crimes that happened many years ago. With that key adjustment, police professionals, department of justice officials, citizens and local governments can use a WACHI to make better decisions about how to prioritise policing in a wide range of contexts Cambridge Journal of Evidence-Based Policing 9/5/2018 Research article Officers to spend more time on the beat with new integrated IT system Move will see officers updating records on-the-spot as opposed to travelling back to station Police Oracle - Subscription at source 9/5/2018 News Met Police ‘gangs matrix’ ‘not fit for purpose’ The data watchdog is investigating the Met Police's gangs database following accusations it is "not fit for purpose". BBC 9/5/2018 News Drug users in Scotland ‘consume most cocaine’ in one session Drug users in Scotland consume the most cocaine in a single session, according to a worldwide survey of drug-taking habits. BBC 9/5/2018 News UK accused of flouting human rights in ‘racialised’ war on gangs Amnesty International claims gangs matrix used by Met police stigmatises black men The Guardian 9/5/2018 News Police twice returned weapons to shotgun killer Matthew Moseley A man who shot another man dead and tried to blame his 14-year-old son had had his shotguns returned by police twice before the attack. The Times - Subscription at source 9/5/2018 News Police dogs learn to fight terrorists Britain’s biggest police force is training dogs to hunt down would-be terrorists and respond to attacks, it has emerged. The Times - Subscription at source 9/5/2018 News Force considers using iris scanners in custody Police Scotland will explore using eye scanners in custody suites to help identify vulnerable people. Police Professional - Subscription at source 8/5/2018 News «395139523953395439553956395739583959Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events