Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98891 total results. Showing results 77981 to 78000 «389638973898389939003901390239033904Next ›Last » Police ICT: Still a work in progress Published today, the "Police ICT: User Perspectives 2018" report includes articles providing a range of views on the results and what should happen next. Policing Insight's editor, Tina Orr Munro, here acknowledges that some progress on police ICT has been made since last year's survey - but widespread frustrations reveal the police service still has a very long way to go. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 9/10/2018 Analysis, Feature Pc Keith Palmer was let down by a police chief not brave enough to help save him Cowards have always been with us. The difference today is that cowards feel no shame; no remorse for putting their own safety first when others are in peril. On the contrary. Take the despicable case of Sir Craig Mackey. The Telegraph 9/10/2018 Feature, Opinion Police chief warns of ‘significant implications’ after split in force alliance Warwickshire's Police chief has spoken of his ‘huge disappointment’ today, following shock moves by West Mercia Police to break their alliance with the force. Stratford-upon-Avon Herald 9/10/2018 News West Mercia and Warwickshire police to scrap alliance Two police forces who merged services five years ago are scrapping the union. BBC 9/10/2018 News West Mercia Police ending alliance with Warwickshire force in ‘better deal’ for Shropshire West Mercia Police is ending its alliance with Warwickshire Police to make sure the public get "better value for money", according to the region's police and crime commissioner. Shropshire Star 9/10/2018 News Enhancing and improving West Mercia Police West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner John Campion and the force’s Chief Constable Anthony Bangham have today jointly announced their intention to withdraw from the current strategic alliance arrangements the force has with Warwickshire Police. West Mercia OPCC 9/10/2018 News Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts - plus a short guide outlining how serving police officers and staff can get access, free, to many of the articles listed through the National Police Library. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 9/10/2018 News Tasers “more humane’ than beating people, police tell Humza Yousaf Tasers would be more humane than the standard police batons used to “bludgeon people into submission”, officers have told the Justice Secretary. The Scottish Police Federation said calming people down with the threat of an intensely painful electrical shock from a taser was far better than beating them with a metal rod. The Herald (Scotland) 9/10/2018 News Time for honest talk The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) responds to Channel 4’s Dispatches programme which appears to show that forces are so overstretched that nearly a million crimes are not being fully investigated. PFEW chair John Apter said: “At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I find myself wondering why there is a sharp intake of breath every time new crime figures come out. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 9/10/2018 News Frustration on the front line because of ‘chaotic’ police IT A new survey sponsored by the Police Federation unveils the glitches and poor planning hampering Britain’s police forces. Only half (50%) of the UK’s police officers say they can rely on the information held on their forces’ computer systems, according to the report. And just 65% are able to access a computer at work when they need to. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 9/10/2018 News Most senior UK officer criticised for fleeing Westminster terror attack It has emerged that the acting Metropolitan Police Service commissioner witnessed Police Constable Keith Palmer being murdered and fled the scene. Police Professional 9/10/2018 News Chief Constable recruitment I am recruiting for a permanent Chief Constable of Wiltshire Police, based at Police Headquarters in Devizes. The appointment will be for a fixed period of three years and may be extended by mutual agreement. I am happy to discuss whether you would need to move to live in Wiltshire to do this job effectively. You must have held the rank of ACC/Commander or a more senior rank in a UK Police Force (or have held one of the designated roles if appointed from overseas). You must have successfully completed the Senior Police National Assessment Centre (PNAC) and the Strategic Command Course (SCC). I am looking for a Chief Constable who can ensure the delivery of my Police and Crime Plan. Closing date for applications is 5pm on Monday 29 October 2018. Wiltshire OPCC 9/10/2018 Jobs Chiefs warned to listen to ‘factory floor’ over station-closing epidemic Nick Hudson shines a spotlight on cuts to policing in the West Midlands region. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 9/10/2018 Analysis, Feature All forces need faith lead, says police association A faith lead in each force will help police cope better with demand by working more closely with religious communities, the chairman of the Christian Police Association believes Police Oracle - Subscription at source 9/10/2018 News New Taser model developed Redesigned version outperforms X2. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 9/10/2018 News Police force tells reporters to check social media for updates as it stops sending out press releases Gwent Police has told journalists to check its social media channels as it will no longer be sending out press releases to the media. Press Gazette 9/10/2018 News ‘Lost respect!’ Police chief who HID during Westminster terror attack ‘must resign’ Former National Firearms Advisor Andy Redhead said the Acting Met Police Commissioner “should reconsider his position” after it was revealed during an inquest yesterday that he locked himself in his car during the Westminster Terror Attack. Express 9/10/2018 News Police investigations being hindered by ‘outdated’ IT systems, officers and staff warn The results of this year's Police ICT User survey have now been published, with police officers and staff expressing deep dissatisfaction with ICT provision in their forces. They tell a story of badly specified, out-of-date equipment, slow and unreliable systems with poor integration combined with a lack of suitable training and support. Policing Insight 9/10/2018 News Designing A Graduate Entry Route For Police Recruits: Lessons From A Rapid Evidence Assessment of Other Professions Policing in the UK is currently undergoing changes to the training and attained qualifications of entry level police officers. The College of Policing is in the process of developing three entry routes into the profession, one of which is a graduate conversion course for those new recruits who hold, at a minimum, a Bachelor’s degree. The objective of this research was to gather evidence on existing conversion courses to inform the development of this route. A rapid evidence assessment was undertaken to a narrative synthesis of the literature on graduate conversion courses in other professions. Fifty-one studies were identified and coded. Four main themes emerged from the available evidence as being central. These themes – learning styles, translating theory into practice, teaching methods and assessment were cross cut by pedagogical sub-themes of collaborative learning, and reflective practice. Policy and practice implications for a policing conversion course are drawn out to guide development and delivery of police training and education in the 21st century. Police Practice and Research - Registration at source 9/10/2018 Research article 27 Days of Managerial Work in the Police Service The purpose of this study was to uncover the realities of managerial work in the Norwegian police service. Observation and interview of 27 police managers showed that managerial work emerged and unfolded through specific practices, which occurred within a shared organisational practice shaped by police culture, context and mission. Managers practiced in a variety of ways rather than according to a universal set of managerial practices. Individual police managers developed proficiency by carrying out day-to-day work duties. These managerial practices were dependent on dynamic actions and interactions and were subject to expectations and pressures. Police managers earned legitimacy primarily through being foremost among equals. The current findings supported studies suggesting that managers face complexity and uncertainty in their work as well as those that downplay what managers ought to do, focussing instead on what it is possible to achieve. The implication of these findings for practice is that individual police managers need to develop their own ways of tackling personal, strategic, relational and operational challenges. Police Practice and Research - Registration at source 9/10/2018 Research article «389638973898389939003901390239033904Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events