Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98800 total results. Showing results 77881 to 77900 «389138923893389438953896389738983899Next ›Last » Commissioner for cowardice: Ex-police chief gives his deeply personal and provocative view As a police officer who served for 32 years, latterly as a Chief Superintendent, it saddens me to say it, but the former Acting Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Sir Craig Mackey, is guilty of cowardice. Mail Online 10/10/2018 Feature, Opinion Psychiatrists have a rethink about cannabis policy The Royal College of Psychiatrists will review its opposition to the legalisation of cannabis after the government’s decision to make medical cannabis available on prescription. The Times - Subscription at source 10/10/2018 News Joint inspection of the handling of cases involving disability hate crime Her Majesty’s Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate (HMCPSI) and Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS) have undertaken two previous joint inspections of the handling of disability hate crime casework. This inspection focused on progress made by the police and Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) in response to findings from the previous reports: Living in a different world: Joint review of disability hate crime in 2013, and Joint review of disability hate crime – follow up in 2015. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 9/10/2018 Report Progress made ensuring disabled victims get access to justice The report published today by Her Majesty’s Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate (HMCPSI) and Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) reviews the progress made since the last update, published in 2015, on the 2013 joint report: Living in a Different World. The 2015 update was critical of the lack of progress in implementing the recommendations from the 2013 report. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 9/10/2018 News Strategic alliance to be scrapped after seven-year partnership between neighbours Warwickshire chief is 'disappointed' in counterpart, who says he will ensure better value for money. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 9/10/2018 News Force to share new HQ with fire service Notts Police headquarters will make way for joint-use building. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 9/10/2018 News Scrapped merger leaves chiefs ‘disappointed’ Plans for a new force incorporating Cornwall, Devon and Dorset have been scrapped. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 9/10/2018 News Legacy Bill ‘could undermine crucial independence’ The Public Prosecution Service (PPS) has warned that a new legacy Bill for Northern Ireland may fail as the amount of time allowed to investigate serious crime related to the past “may not be achievable” Police Professional 9/10/2018 News Notts Police could strengthen links with vigilante groups Vigilante paedophile hunters could soon begin working even more closely with Nottinghamshire Police. Already, the force works closer with the groups than most other places in Britain, but now those links could be formalised and enhanced. West Bridgford Wire 9/10/2018 News Police ICT: Still a work in progress Published today, the "Police ICT: User Perspectives 2018" report includes articles providing a range of views on the results and what should happen next. Policing Insight's editor, Tina Orr Munro, here acknowledges that some progress on police ICT has been made since last year's survey - but widespread frustrations reveal the police service still has a very long way to go. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 9/10/2018 Analysis, Feature Pc Keith Palmer was let down by a police chief not brave enough to help save him Cowards have always been with us. The difference today is that cowards feel no shame; no remorse for putting their own safety first when others are in peril. On the contrary. Take the despicable case of Sir Craig Mackey. The Telegraph 9/10/2018 Feature, Opinion Police chief warns of ‘significant implications’ after split in force alliance Warwickshire's Police chief has spoken of his ‘huge disappointment’ today, following shock moves by West Mercia Police to break their alliance with the force. Stratford-upon-Avon Herald 9/10/2018 News West Mercia and Warwickshire police to scrap alliance Two police forces who merged services five years ago are scrapping the union. BBC 9/10/2018 News West Mercia Police ending alliance with Warwickshire force in ‘better deal’ for Shropshire West Mercia Police is ending its alliance with Warwickshire Police to make sure the public get "better value for money", according to the region's police and crime commissioner. Shropshire Star 9/10/2018 News Enhancing and improving West Mercia Police West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner John Campion and the force’s Chief Constable Anthony Bangham have today jointly announced their intention to withdraw from the current strategic alliance arrangements the force has with Warwickshire Police. West Mercia OPCC 9/10/2018 News Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts - plus a short guide outlining how serving police officers and staff can get access, free, to many of the articles listed through the National Police Library. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 9/10/2018 News Tasers “more humane’ than beating people, police tell Humza Yousaf Tasers would be more humane than the standard police batons used to “bludgeon people into submission”, officers have told the Justice Secretary. The Scottish Police Federation said calming people down with the threat of an intensely painful electrical shock from a taser was far better than beating them with a metal rod. The Herald (Scotland) 9/10/2018 News Time for honest talk The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) responds to Channel 4’s Dispatches programme which appears to show that forces are so overstretched that nearly a million crimes are not being fully investigated. PFEW chair John Apter said: “At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I find myself wondering why there is a sharp intake of breath every time new crime figures come out. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 9/10/2018 News Frustration on the front line because of ‘chaotic’ police IT A new survey sponsored by the Police Federation unveils the glitches and poor planning hampering Britain’s police forces. Only half (50%) of the UK’s police officers say they can rely on the information held on their forces’ computer systems, according to the report. And just 65% are able to access a computer at work when they need to. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 9/10/2018 News Most senior UK officer criticised for fleeing Westminster terror attack It has emerged that the acting Metropolitan Police Service commissioner witnessed Police Constable Keith Palmer being murdered and fled the scene. Police Professional 9/10/2018 News «389138923893389438953896389738983899Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events