Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98786 total results. Showing results 77701 to 77720 «388238833884388538863887388838893890Next ›Last » Hate crime action plan 2016 to 2020 The government’s plan for dealing with hate crime in England and Wales. The documents set out the government’s plan of actions to deal with hate crime until 2020. The action plan applies to England and Wales only. These documents have been updated, in line with the commitment the government made in the July 2016 hate crime action plan Home Office 16/10/2018 Report Hate crime plan refreshed to protect victims and promote shared values New measures put in place to tackle hate crimes include a review of legislation, extra funding to support communities and improving the response to incidents. Home Office 16/10/2018 News Hate crime: What do victims tell us? This research project was commissioned by HMICFRS to better understand the experiences of victims of hate crime. It provides a powerful victim perspective and complements our own hate crime inspection report. The research identifies some important areas of policing that victims tell us need to be improved. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 16/10/2018 Report Hate crime: What do victims tell us? HMICFRS has, today, published the summary of a research project into victims’ experiences of hate crime. The research was carried out by NatCen, who have published the full report of their findings, and was used to inform and supplement HMICFRS’s report Understanding the difference: the initial police response to hate crime. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 16/10/2018 News John Campion: We need to reform police partnership The decision to withdraw from the current alliance between West Mercia and Warwickshire has understandably attracted a lot of attention in the last week, writes West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner John Campion. Shropshire Star 16/10/2018 Feature, Opinion Hate crime victims to receive better support from call handlers Government funding training as part of new package of measures to coincide with Hate Crime Awareness Week. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 16/10/2018 News Demand for public inquiry into activities of undercover police There are renewed calls for a public inquiry into undercover policing in Scotland after new details were published of groups infiltrated by English officers. The Scotsman 16/10/2018 News Criminal prosecutions falling in Merseyside, figures reveal Fewer crimes are being prosecuted at the crown court in Merseyside, according to Ministry of Justice figures. WirralGlobe 16/10/2018 News Met Police’s use of stop-and-search without a reason has soared The Met Police's use of powers to stop-and-search without suspicion has rocketed in the last year. LBC 16/10/2018 News Hate crimes: Rise in offences linked to religious beliefs There has been a surge in hate crime directed at people because of their religious beliefs, new figures show. BBC 16/10/2018 News West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner gives victims the chance to quiz offenders with launch of restorative justice scheme Victims of serious crime will be given the chance to quiz and get answers from their offender as a new scheme is set to be launched. West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) David Jamieson is introducing a restorative justice initiative to help victims recover and get closure as well as to help change offenders’ behaviour. Solihull Observer 16/10/2018 News Hate crime soars by 17% to almost 100,000 offences a year in police records Today's figures came as the government launched a major review of hate crime law that could widen the offence to include ageism and misogyny Mirror 16/10/2018 News Developing a ‘copper’s nose’: The need to empower new officers The task of policing has become increasingly regulated over recent decades, largely for well-understood reasons. But has this regulation stifled creativity, autonomy, and the development of 'natural' police officers? Serving officer Martin Gallagher makes the case for a bit more chaos. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 16/10/2018 Opinion Party conferences: What did we learn about the future of policing and justice policy? Brexit may appear to have dominated this year's annual party conferences, but Crest Advisory's Harry Redgrave says the conferences were also an opportunity to gauge the latest political thinking on the future of policing. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 16/10/2018 Analysis Interagency Cooperation in the Era of Homeland Policing: Are Agencies Answering the Call? Since the rise of “homeland security policing” (Oliver International Review of Law, Computers & Technology, 20(1-2), 49–62, 2006), police agencies from all levels of organization are called on to cooperate by sharing intelligence, equipment, tactics, and training. While the increased level of cooperation between local policing agencies and Federal-level agencies has been well documented, far less attention has been paid to cooperation among agencies that share contiguous jurisdictions. Similarly, a body of research assesses if information is shared across agencies, but far less research exists that investigates if agencies cooperate in ways other than simply sharing information. Through interviews with officers from agencies operating in several adjacent jurisdictions, this research documents the ways in which agencies cooperate, the perceived benefits of cooperation, and the perceived challenges to cooperation. These findings suggest that agencies engage a variety of joint activities, and they agree on the benefits that working together affords. However, the broader political and contextual climates in which these organizations operate often limit the extent to which they can cooperate. Implications of this research for police management are discussed. American Journal of Criminal Justice - Registration at source 16/10/2018 Research article ‘Staggering scale’ of child sexual abuse highlighted by MP More than 3,200 offenders were jailed for child sexual abuse in 2017, Home Office figures have revealed. Telegraph and Argus 16/10/2018 News Police commissioner: West Mercia is not ‘going it alone’ West Mercia's police and crime commissioner has hit out at those who have described the end of the alliance between the force and Warwickshire as a "divorce". Worcester News 16/10/2018 News West Mercia Police move to scrap alliance branded ‘abuse of power’ A police chief and crime commissioner has been accused of an ‘abuse of power’ over a decision to scrap an alliance with a neighbouring force. Express & Star 16/10/2018 News Conservatives pick police commissioner for third term The Conservatives have picked Katy Bourne to run for a third term as the Sussex police and crime commissioner. Brighton & Hove News 16/10/2018 News New Zealand Police Citizens’ Satisfaction Survey NEW ZEALAND: New Zealand Police commissioned Gravitas Research and Strategy Ltd to conduct the 2017-2018 Citizens’ Satisfaction Research programme (covering the fiscal year July 2017-June 2018). [pdf] New Zealand Police 16/10/2018 Report «388238833884388538863887388838893890Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events