Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98772 total results. Showing results 77581 to 77600 «387638773878387938803881388238833884Next ›Last » Legalising cannabis is the right way forward Prohibition of the Class B drug has failed and it’s time we copied Canada and Colorado by treating it like tobacco The Times - Subscription at source 19/10/2018 Feature, Opinion Gangs taught how to make bullets online Criminal gangs are increasingly using antique guns with homemade ammunition because they cannot get hold of modern weapons, police say. The Times - Subscription at source 19/10/2018 News Knife crimes and murders soar in violent Britain Knife crime is the worst on record in England and Wales as drug turf wars and “county lines” gangs fuel violence. The Times - Subscription at source 19/10/2018 News APCC response to latest ONS crime statistics APCC Performance lead, Matthew Scott said: Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 18/10/2018 News Response to ONS national crime statistics Chief Constable Mike Cunningham, College of Policing CEO, said: “The crime figures published today show that the nature and complexity of crime is changing and highlight the increasing levels of demand being placed on officers and staff at a time when their numbers have been reduced. College of Policing 18/10/2018 News Yousaf demands tougher action on modern slavery Justice Secretary Humza Yousaf is demanding Scotland’s biggest companies take firmer action to tackle human trafficking and modern slavery in the workplace. Daily Business 18/10/2018 News NPCC responds to ONS crime statistics release The ONS have today released their crime statistics for the 12 months to June 2018. The stats show no change in the overall level of crime measured by the Crime Survey of England and Wales, but show a 9 per cent increase in recorded crime. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 18/10/2018 News New inspector for police forces and fire services appointed Phil Gormley has been appointed to take up the dual roles of Her Majesty’s Inspector of Constabulary and Inspector of Fire & Rescue Authorities in England. Home Office 18/10/2018 News Police could advise foreign cities to restrict alcohol sales next time England play abroad Exclusive: Deputy Chief Constable Mark Roberts said that it is ‘difficult to stop’ the drunken behaviour of England fans abroad The Independent 18/10/2018 News New HM Inspector announced The Home Secretary has today announced the appointment of Phil Gormley QPM as one of Her Majesty’s Inspectors of Constabulary and Her Majesty’s Inspectors of Fire & Rescue Services. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 18/10/2018 News “Every day it chips away at you”: Police officers as victims of prejudice, bias and hate within the police There have been many more recruits to the police from minority ethnic, female, and gay and lesbian groups in recent decades - but to what extent has their experience mirrored that of their white, male colleagues? Irene Zempi of Nottingham Trent University examined police experiences of bias, prejudice and ‘hate’ inside the police service itself. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 18/10/2018 Analysis, Feature Police have no time to investigate wolf whistles or teach people good manners – chief A police chief voices his "frustration and incredulity" at proposals for misogyny and ageism to be classed as hate crimes. Sky News 18/10/2018 News A ‘hand grenade’ under police force – says chief on pension changes It will cost the equivalent or more than 400 full-time officers Birmingham Live 18/10/2018 News New inspector for police forces and fire services appointed Phil Gormley will take up the posts on 22 October. Home Office 18/10/2018 News Warning of Cumbria Police merger threat Cumbria Police may have to consider a merger with another force because of a “looming” budget bombshell, the county’s crime commissioner has warned. The Westmorland Gazette 18/10/2018 News Crime figures rise but PCC says North Yorkshire is still safest place Today's figures from the Office of National Statistics, 'Crime in England and Wales, year ending June 2018', show an increase of 9% in recorded crime in North Yorkshire. Minster FM 18/10/2018 News Deputy police commissioner’s pledge to tackle modern slavery Merseyside's deputy police commissioner has pledged her support to tackle modern slavery. WirralGlobe 18/10/2018 News Police are ‘wasting time’ looking into hate crime instead of genuine law-breaking Officers have less time to investigate violent incidents as they spend so much time focusing on hate crime, according to a police leader. Metro 18/10/2018 News Financial pressure could derail police increases in Essex Planned increases in the number of police officers in the county could be derailed due to substantial financial pressures – including a tripling of the force’s car insurance premiums – Essex’s crime commissioner has warned. Yellow Advertiser 18/10/2018 News Police bracing for Brexit hate crime spike against EU citizens and migrants in March Police fear repeat of attacks around EU referendum, which was then the largest hate crime spike on record The Independent 18/10/2018 News «387638773878387938803881388238833884Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events