Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98768 total results. Showing results 77541 to 77560 «387438753876387738783879388038813882Next ›Last » Fingerprints blunder puts trials at risk as police chiefs create emergency group to ensure labs get accreditation Trials could collapse and criminals walk free because the police have failed to meet strict new rules governing fingerprint evidence. Mail Online 21/10/2018 News Warning as Philip Hammond rejects rise in police funds Philip Hammond has dismissed calls for more money for the police, leading to warnings in government that the chancellor risks undermining the fight against terrorism. The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 21/10/2018 News The weird gifts given to Hull police – from dodgem rides to diamante watches Rules meant any gift has to be declared and listed Hull Live 20/10/2018 News Devon and Cornwall Police take action after 700 attacks on officers in just one year Five officers were seriously injuried last year Plymouth Live 20/10/2018 News FORCE FOCUS: Police commissioner David Jamieson’s column on new justice scheme for victims I am delighted to announce that if you are a victim of crime in Solihull then you will soon be able to access a brand new service designed to help you get closure and move on with your life. Solihull Observer 20/10/2018 Feature, Opinion Police Crime Prevention Initiatives becomes the accreditation body for BCRPs seeking to reduce crime Police Crime Prevention Initiatives (PCPI) has become the accreditation body for Business Crime Reduction Partnerships (BCRPs), which seek to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in towns and cities around the country. Working closely with Police and Local Authorities, BCRPs bring businesses together to make their communities safer and to combat the adverse impact on profitability caused by crime and the fear of crime. 20/10/2018 News Film shown in Beds schools to tackle hate crime Thousands of children across Bedfordshire and other parts of the region are being taught about hate crime through an innovative video which Bedfordshire Police has sent to schools to stream to their pupils during National Hate Crime Awareness Week. Heart 20/10/2018 News Police in Northampton are using ‘trap cars’ with trackable devices inside to catch criminals. Operation Radiator, launched this month, will see trackable items left in unmarked vehicles around the town, which if stolen, can be tracked and the offender(s) arrested. Heart 20/10/2018 News Innovation and Policing: Factors Influencing the Adoption of Social Medias By Members of Quebec Police Organizations The literature on members of police organizations adopting new technology is generally descriptive and rarely explanatory. However, the Diffusion of Innovation Theory and the studies that have grown out of it have contributed to creation of a model that helps explain adoption rates of new technology by individuals working in an organization. To verify whether this model can be used to study the adoption of technology in police organizations, our study examines the factors that influence the adoption of social media (SM) by members (n = 177) of Quebec police organizations. Our findings confirm that the factors identified in the literature on innovation—the perception that potential users have of the new technology as well as organizational factors, such as the respondent’s role in the organization—can also help explain why and how frequently a member uses SM in his or her work. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice - Registration at source 20/10/2018 Research article An Analysis of State Statutes Regarding the Role of Law Enforcement Police officer roles are typically divided into either crime control or peacekeeping/order maintenance functions. With the prevalence of community-oriented policing (COP), the majority of an officer’s duties are ostensibly more order maintenance in nature, but in the post-Ferguson world, the crime-fighting, warrior cop mentality still holds firm, which is in conflict with the tenets of COP. State statutes dictate the legal role of police officer and prior analyses demonstrated a shift over time toward including more order maintenance tasks following the emergence of COP. This analysis re-examines these statutes to determine if this shift continued. Our findings indicate a counterintuitive reversal in the trend, with more states removing order maintenance and peacekeeping duties from their statutes despite the wide dominance of COP. Criminal Justice Policy Review 20/10/2018 Research article A grim new generation of football hooligans There has been a big increase in disorder and trouble will grow if Premier League clubs do not pay more towards the cost of policing Mail Online 20/10/2018 Analysis, Feature More crime reported online as police observe ‘channel shift’ from 101 Online reporting of crime and accidents has almost doubled in Suffolk since the beginning of the year. Ipswich Star 20/10/2018 News West Mercia Police begin recruitment of 100 new police officers The recruitment of 100 new police officers for the area has started. Shropshire Star 20/10/2018 News Scottish Police inspector blasted after claiming female cops shouldn’t be on duty with firearms unless they have a male officer with them In an email circulated around Police Scotland, he wrote: “I’m going to plunge in with both feet and open myself up to being accused of being sexist!" The Scottish Sun 20/10/2018 News Google fails to take down terrorist videos from its platforms Google remains the number one hosting platform for Islamic State and al-Qaeda videos and audio and the online reach of terrorist groups remains undiminished despite tech companies’ promises, researchers say. The Times - Subscription at source 20/10/2018 News Devon and Cornwall police force admits guilt after death of church caretaker Thomas Orchard A police force entered an unprecedented guilty plea yesterday over the death of a man who lost consciousness in a cell after having a restraint belt wrapped around his face and nose. The Times - Subscription at source 20/10/2018 News HMICS Inspection of custody centres across Scotland The aim of this inspection was to assess the treatment of and conditions for those detained in police custody centres across Scotland. We inspected 17 custody centres and assessed what progress has been made in achieving positive outcomes, adhering to national policy and processes, and implementing previous HMICS recommendations. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS) 19/10/2018 Report HMICS publishes report into Police Scotland custody centres People detained in police custody in Scotland generally receive a good standard of care despite there being inconsistencies across the country in the facilities in which they are held and how the care is delivered. In a report published today by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS), Police Scotland is urged to develop a strategy and systems to address these variations and other recurring issues. The publication follows a series of unannounced visits by HMICS to inspect the treatment of, and conditions for, those detained in 17 police custody centres from Shetland to Campbeltown. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS) 19/10/2018 News Huddersfield grooming: Twenty guilty of campaign of rape and abuse Twenty men have been found guilty of being part of a grooming gang that raped and abused girls as young as 11 in Huddersfield. BBC 19/10/2018 News Hate crime surges by 76 per cent in the West Midlands Hate crime in the West Midlands has rocketed by 76 per cent over the last five years, according to new official figures. Express & Star 19/10/2018 News «387438753876387738783879388038813882Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events