Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98768 total results. Showing results 77521 to 77540 «387338743875387638773878387938803881Next ›Last » Innovation Management in Police Organisation The article deals with the evaluation of innovation management process of the Police University College of Finland. As an example of evidence-based policing model in practice, the innovation (iPREP police training method), the scientific research that developed the innovation and the adoption of the innovation are introduced. European Law Enforcement Research Bulletin 22/10/2018 Research article Law Enforcement Conduct Commission Annual Report 2017-2018 AUSTRALIA: The Law Enforcement Conduct Commission commenced operations on 1 July 2017, and this report outlines the important work conducted in our first full year of independent oversight of the NSW Police Force (NSWPF) and the NSW Crime Commission (NSWCC). [pdf] NSW Law Enforcement Conduct Commission (LECC) (Australia) 22/10/2018 Report Pension proposals could have ‘dire consequences’ for police force in Suffolk Pension changes could have a ‘catastrophic’ effect on policing Suffolk, risking almost 100 jobs and curbing recruitment, according to the chief constable. Ipswich Star 22/10/2018 News Ex-met police chief Bernard Hogan-Howe calls for urgent review of cannabis laws Bernard Hogan-Howe, the former Metropolitan Police commissioner, has called for an "urgent review" of the evidence around legalising cannabis. The Telegraph 22/10/2018 News Former Met police chief urges rethink on cannabis Bernard Hogan-Howe says there is clear evidence to warrant review of prohibition The Guardian 22/10/2018 News Domestic Abuse Nearly 2 million people a year in England and Wales experience domestic abuse, and many endure long-term harm from their experiences. Domestic abuse is traumatising for victims and their children and is unacceptable in our society. It requires legislative change and a comprehensive strategy, effective across the country, that confronts one of this country’s most common and most serious crimes. Earlier this year the Government set out its strategy for tackling domestic abuse, and it has committed to bringing forward a draft Domestic Abuse Bill later this year. We decided to hold a short inquiry into the Government’s proposed strategy, and to identify issues which it must address in the draft bill and in its future policies 22/10/2018 Report Universal credit is backward step in tackling domestic abuse, MPs warn Home affairs committee report urges government to scrap single household payments The Guardian 22/10/2018 News Finders can be keepers, say police Save The honest citizen’s instinct to hand in valuables at their nearest police station will be rebuffed under a decision that will save £1.5 million a year. The Times - Subscription at source 22/10/2018 News Abuse scandals prompt rogue cabbie crackdown A purge on rogue minicab drivers will be launched after the child exploitation scandals in towns such as Rochdale and Rotherham. The Times - Subscription at source 22/10/2018 News County lines gangs escape prosecution A police force has failed to prosecute a single “county lines” drug dealer in a city where hundreds of children are at risk of exploitation by criminal networks, The Times can reveal. The Times - Subscription at source 22/10/2018 News Police dispute Irish President’s security claims during Belfast trip Police in Northern Ireland have disputed the Irish President’s claim that he had to travel to Belfast by private jet because they could not provide security for him to journey by road. News Letter (Northern Ireland) 21/10/2018 News How we help police officers cope with mental health challenges In his latest column, Suffolk Constabulary chief constable GARETH WILSON talks about how his force is dealing with the mental health pressures the job of policing can place on his staff. East Anglian Daily Times 21/10/2018 Feature, Opinion Philip Hammond BLOCKS extra for money for the police in Budget talks with the Home Secretary Philip Hammond has rejected pleas from the Home Secretary for extra money for the police in the Budget amid alarm at rising crime, it was claimed today. Mail Online 21/10/2018 News Almost £2 million of fraud prevented in Hampshire It's since a scheme encouraging banking staff to spot the signs was introduced, say police. Spire FM 21/10/2018 News Groundbreaking face recognition technology could revolutionise Britain’s policing and catch suspects in SECONDS The introduction of the £90million Japanese technology, which scans faces in a crowd against photos on a police watch list, has already led to dozens of arrests The Sun 21/10/2018 News Legalise cannabis — and knife violence too — or keep fighting the war against crime Canada was pretty much sold out of dope on Wednesday, from Halifax to Vancouver, Windsor to Baffin Island. Day one of the legalisation of marijuana and the whole country was zonked out of its irritating, liberal box. There were almost certainly Inuit in Nunavut rolling big fat spliffs instead of slicing up the whale blubber. I don’t blame them. If I lived in Canada, I’d do much the same. The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 21/10/2018 Feature, Opinion Ban firework sales to stop yobs terrorising communities, says Manchester police chief A top chief constable has called for an outright ban on the sale of fireworks in order to stop young people 'terrorising' communities. Mail Online 21/10/2018 News Now police won’t take FOUND property after revelations that they refused to deal with reports of missing items For decades, honest citizens who stumble across valuables in the street have handed them in at local police stations in the hope of reuniting them with grateful owners. Mail Online 21/10/2018 News New notions of diversity: Internal bias and the role of leaders The idea of unconscious bias has increasing traction in policing, but what if we're looking in the wrong places? Dr Emma Williams of Canterbury Christ Church University discusses different types of diversity and how internal bias could be affecting both leadership in the police and how certain roles are valued. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 21/10/2018 Opinion Is it time to legalise cannabis, asks ex-Met Police chief Bernard Hogan-Howe as he intervenes in drugs debate Former Scotland Yard chief Bernard Hogan-Howe has called on the Government to set up an urgent review to examine the legalisation of cannabis. Mail Online 21/10/2018 Feature, Opinion «387338743875387638773878387938803881Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events