Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98731 total results. Showing results 77281 to 77300 «386138623863386438653866386738683869Next ›Last » This is how many people with mental health issues Humberside Police detained last year People with mental health issues were detained more than 400 times by Humberside Police last year. Hull Live 29/10/2018 News APCC Finance Lead response to 2018 budget Responding to today’s Budget, APCC Finance Lead, Roger Hirst PFCC said: Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 29/10/2018 News Suffolk police chief to retire next year after 30 years of service in East Anglia Suffolk Constabulary’s Chief Constable Gareth Wilson announced he will retire in April next year after completing 30 years’ of dedicated public service, four of those as leader of the Suffolk police force. East Anglian Daily Times 29/10/2018 News Northamptonshire Police HQ sale plan not ‘value for money’ The sale of a police headquarters was cancelled because it "did not represent value for money", a Conservative police and crime commissioner (PCC) says. BBC 29/10/2018 News Gwent Police announce front-counter closures Gwent Police has announced plans to close front-counter services in more than half of its police stations, following a review. South Wales Argus 29/10/2018 News Law Enforcement and the Depiction of Minorities and Women on Social Media: A Review of Municipal Police Department Facebook Pictures There is a growing area of research today focusing on how the demographics of law enforcement officers and criminals are depicted. This research has concentrated on portrayals by the media, popular culture, criminal justice textbooks, training manuals, and other literature surrounding criminal justice. There is little known, however, about the way the race and gender of police and criminals are represented on social media. This study attempts to fill this void by examining police Facebook pages in the 171 largest cities in the United States. Specifically, 20,152 images of police and criminals on these police Facebook pages are examined to determine whether there are disparities in representation based on race, gender, and other variables. We found that female and minority officers are appropriately represented in the images of police on Facebook pages in relation to their actual representation in the field. In contrast, images of criminals tend to be disproportionately composed of Black males. Implications for the recruitment of minority officers and other relevant issues are discussed. Race and Justice - Registration at source 29/10/2018 Research article Implications of Police Occupational Culture in Discriminatory Experiences of Senior Women in Police Forces in England and Wales Perceptions of police occupational culture were measured in a sample of senior women in policing (N = 169) through an online survey conducted late 2017/early 2018 to explore the occurrence of sexual harassment and sex discrimination. Negative aspects of ‘cop’ culture are associated with greater rates of harassing and discriminatory experiences. Social Identity Theory (SIT) examined the salience of role, gender and seniority as factors relevant to those experiences. Conclusions discuss implications for reform and cultural change. Policing and Society - Registration at source 29/10/2018 Research article A Randomized Control Trial of A Targeted High-Risk Offender Program Across Three Jurisdictions This study reviews findings from Project Regional Analytics for the Safety of Our Residents, a modified focused deterrence program operated across three jurisdictions in Massachusetts. Unlike most other evaluations of targeted high-risk offender programs, the impact on individual-level offending is examined. Data from records management systems in three police agencies were extracted and used to create social harm risk scores. The top 150 offenders were selected for inclusion in this study. Subjects were blocked into three groups according to their composite score and then randomly assigned into treatment and control groups. All treatment group offenders were invited to a notification meeting where they decided whether to participate in the program with a police and social worker case management team. The outcome examined in this study is time to a new arraignment. Nonparametric and semiparametric methods detected no significant difference between groups after approximately one year. Implications for future research and practice are then discussed. Police Quarterly - Registration at source 29/10/2018 Research article Blog: “It is not the police who risk becoming irrelevant but the Government” PFEW Operational Policing Lead Simon Kempton reflects on scathing Home Affairs Select Committee report released last week. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 29/10/2018 Feature, Opinion MDP struggling to address firearms training problems because of lack of resources MDP struggling to address firearms training problems because of lack of resources Police Oracle - Subscription at source 29/10/2018 News PCCs call for Chancellor to use budget to rescue service Government financial plans to be announced on Monday Police Oracle - Subscription at source 29/10/2018 News 101 call waiting times to Thames Valley Police surge by more than 400 per cent Average waiting times for 101 calls to Thames Valley Police (TVP) have gone up by more than 400% in the last year. Bracknell News 29/10/2018 News Thames Valley Police repost tweet mocking Diane Abbott A police force reposted a tweet by a former officer mocking the shadow home secretary Diane Abbott. BBC 29/10/2018 News The Police Café: An efficient method for improving the dialogues between the police and the community Nowadays there is an urgent social demand for safer and more liveable communities because of the intensification of the national safety problems, the international and the transnational threats. In this article an initiative method will be introduced that was used by the Belgian Police at first and the method is called the Police Café after the original method called the World Café – a structured conversational process. The primary aim of the initiative that is unique within the Hungarian Police is to reach the most intensive involvement of the members of the Police and the civilians in order to restore and maintain safety. According to the methodology of the Café, the Police invite professionals who are somehow responsible for the public safety of the given precinct of a city representing different professions or organisations to carry out an unconventional and innovative conversation. The protection of safer and liveable communities is our common social responsibility and with this innovative method, the first step can be taken. European Law Enforcement Research Bulletin 29/10/2018 Research article Recording Hate Crime: Technical Solutions in a Training Vacuum In Ireland, police record hate crime as part of their operational duties and their remit in collecting crime data. This article addresses the impact on the quality of official hate crime statistics of a technical change to the manner in which the hate element of a crime was recorded in Ireland in 2015. The primary data were collected via two research projects conducted in 2015 and 2017. Both projects addressed the treatment of hate crime in the criminal justice process in Ireland. This article draws on interviews with members of the police and employees of the national Garda Information Services Centre (GISC) conducted for these studies. While technical advancements were made in the recording of hate crime, by 2017 awareness of hate crime recording categories had not been mainstreamed among police officers and little support had been provided to them in interpreting the meaning of categorical labels. While technical training had begun to be rolled out, training on the substantive issues involved had not been mainstreamed and did not address the recording of discriminatory motivations. European Law Enforcement Research Bulletin 29/10/2018 Research article Predictive Policing: Is It Really An Innovation? The novelty of predictive policing, its goals and promises, are put under criticism and discussion. In the last few years predictive policing have been presented as a new model for law enforcement activities. Predictive policing is based on the special skills of statisticians and computational scientists who run sophisticated techniques to analyse data available in disparate sources, to anticipate and prevent crime and disorder. Hence, a shift in the police work could be envisaged; a change of ‘paradigm’ (T. Kuhn). This “new” model appears to be rooted in the last century 70s and 80s ‘new penology’ with its actuarial approach, where numbers produce the individual. Further back in time, its roots can also be found in the 19th century vision of J. Bentham, when he proposed a ‘moral arithmetic’ for the benefit of governmentality (M. Foucault). A predictive regime requires organisational capabilities and structures, a new way of thinking and (perhaps) new leaders. Police forces would have to be able to effectively make use of the findings of predictive research. Yet, some police forces still don’t recognise the criticality of science and research. And, let’s not forget that information is not knowledge, as it is ‘indifferent’ to meaning and does not consider people’s ‘intentional states’ (J. Bruner). So, it seems the individual is lost in the mechanics of discovering patterns. But it takes only one to disrupt society… European Law Enforcement Research Bulletin 29/10/2018 Research article Problem-Oriented Policing: Matching the Science to the Art This paper is an edited version of the Jerry Lee Lecture delivered at the Stockholm Criminology Symposium in 2018, the year in which Professor Herman Goldstein was awarded the Stockholm Prize in Criminology in recognition of his contribution to public safety through the development of problem-oriented policing. This paper examines the significance of a problem-oriented approach and seeks to establish the right balance among, and appropriate role for, a broad range of diverse contributions that scholars and analysts can make to support effective problem-solving. It explores the distinctive contributions of experimental criminology and program evaluation to problem-oriented work, and contrasts the inquiry techniques typically employed by social scientists and by natural scientists. The goal of this paper is to usefully “round out” the role that scholars are prepared to play in advancing effective problem-solving practice. Crime Science Journal 29/10/2018 Research article Edmonton Police Commission street check review report 2018 CANADA: The EPC Street Check Review Report created by Dr. Curtis Griffith outlined several recommendations for the EPS to address noted or perceived gaps in organizational policies and practices. [pdf] Edmonton Police Commission (Canada) 29/10/2018 Report Sgt Simon Kempton said police can’t compete with online criminals A frontline officer has warned that police are 'getting to the point of asking victims to carry out their own investigations'. Daily Echo (Bournemouth) 29/10/2018 News Hundreds of dangerous drivers off the hook in police loophole blunder An alleged hit-and-run is among cases axed over 'invalid' letters after cops failed to remove former chief constable Phil Gormley’s name from official documents. Daily Record 28/10/2018 News «386138623863386438653866386738683869Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events