Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 96426 total results. Showing results 77141 to 77160 «385438553856385738583859386038613862Next ›Last » Accept the jurisdiction of the ECJ — or criminals will walk our streets Ed Davey is the Liberal Democrats’ home affairs spokesman The Times - Subscription at source 9/8/2018 Feature, Opinion Call for IOPC to review its process after ‘spurious case’ thrown out Fed is considering legal action Police Oracle - Subscription at source 9/8/2018 News Police commended for domestic violence prosecutions as defendants ‘gaming’ the specialist court process Defendants use a common strategy to plead not guilty in the hope domestic violence complainants will not show up at specialist courts and magistrates will dismiss their case as having insufficient evidence Police Professional 8/8/2018 News Obstacles to Problem-Oriented Policing in Montevideo In the broad context of Uruguay’s police reform, the Ministry of Interior is implementing a problem-oriented policing (POP) program in Montevideo, Uruguay’s capital city. The purpose of this paper is to examine the obstacles confronted by this program over its implementation. Data were collected through 20 semi-structured interviews conducted with members of the Uruguay National Police selected via purposeful sampling. The study relies on a grounded theory approach. Findings were interpreted based on five categories of analysis. Findings point at obstacles confronted by the program associated with contextual organizational factors, a general misunderstanding of POP, leadership, resistance and motivation, and availability and sufficiency of resources. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management - Registration at source 8/8/2018 Research article The Impact of Job and Family Factors on Work Stress and Engagement Among Hong Kong Police Officers The purpose of this paper is to examine the effects of demands from three life domains: society, workplace and family and different resources at the individual, family and supervisor levels on occupational stress and work engagement among Hong Kong police officers. A survey based on a random sample of 514 male and female police officers was conducted, and multivariate regression was employed to assess the effects of demands and resources on work stress and work engagement. Family–work conflicts, organizational and operational factors affected work stress and work engagement among police officers. Constructive coping was found to be positively related to work stress and negatively associated with work engagement. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management - Registration at source 8/8/2018 Research article Racialized Perceptions of the Police The purpose of this paper is to examine differences in latent structures/dimensions in public perceptions of the police by race/ethnicity and level of identification with a given race/ethnic group. To identify differences in dimensions of juveniles’ perceptions of the police by the sub-samples, factor analyses were conducted utilizing data from the Gang Resistance Education and Training program evaluation. The results show that minority juveniles have a relatively fragmented dimensional structure for the construct of perceptions of the police, while white juveniles have a unidimensional structure. Furthermore, moderate within-group differences in structures were found among African–American juveniles. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management - Registration at source 8/8/2018 Research article Police chief gives green light to cannabis users to grow and sell drug in their own home A police chief has given the green light for cannabis users to grow and sell drugs as forces were accused of ignoring the law. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 8/8/2018 News Policing: Is it a case ‘a bad process beating a good person’? With twenty-five years policing experience under his belt, Devon and Cornwall Chief Inspector Stephen Lenney takes a closer look at frontline policing and the pressures it faces and asks whether it is time for a complete rethink on policing and its processes. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 8/8/2018 Opinion Examining Body‐worn Camera Integration and Acceptance Among Police Officers, Citizens, and External Stakeholders We explore integration and acceptance of body‐worn cameras (BWCs) among police, citizens, and stakeholders in one jurisdiction (Tempe, AZ) that adhered to the U.S. Department of Justice’s (U.S. DOJ’s) BWC Implementation Guide. We assess integration and acceptance through (a) officer surveys pre‐ and postdeployment, (b) interviews with citizens who had recent police encounters, and (c) interviews with external stakeholders. We also analyze (d) officer self‐initiated contacts, (e) misdemeanor court case time to disposition, and (f) case outcomes. We found high levels of BWC acceptance across all groups. Officer proactivity remained consistent. Time‐to‐case disposition and the rate of guilty outcomes both trended in positive directions. Criminology and Public Policy 8/8/2018 Research article Confidence in the Police, Due Process, and Perp Walks Perp walks have been declared constitutionally acceptable even though the practice could be perceived to be a form of preconviction punishment and a manifestation of populist punitiveness. In adjudicating the constitutionality of perp walks, courts have employed a balancing test in which the interests of the press and the public’s desire to know about the activities of law enforcement are weighted heavily. No research has been aimed at examining public opinion about this practice, however. We report the results of a national opt‐in survey of public opinion on perp walks and find that less than one third of the sample respondents support them. By employing models derived from research on the influence of race and ethnicity on attitudes toward criminal justice policies, we find that, after controlling for concerns about the police and due process rights violations, African Americans and Hispanics/Latinos are more supportive of perp walks than are Whites. These findings suggest that perp walks are one of a few areas in which racial/ethnic minorities might take a harsher view of punitive criminal justice policies compared with Whites. Criminology and Public Policy 8/8/2018 Research article AI and robotics ‘future-proof’ policing The latest trends in artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics that have the potential to “future-proof” law enforcement were showcased recently at Interpol’s Global Complex for Innovation. Among the practical applications of these latest technologies examined at the conference were: using AI for conducting virtual autopsies; crime prediction systems to support police to optimise resources; behaviour detection tools; techniques to autonomously research, analyse and respond to international mutual legal assistance requests; blockchain-based traceability approaches that respect privacy; and autonomous patrol vehicles. Police Professional - Subscription at source 8/8/2018 Analysis, Feature Problems worth solving Partnership working and problem-oriented policing are important tools for the modern service, but Dr Rob Heaton explains why further improvements may be limited. Police Professional - Subscription at source 8/8/2018 Feature, Opinion Policy v protection The roll out of spit guards has caused controversy among campaigners who believe the equipment is either not fit for purpose or not being implemented to sufficient standards. Police Professional explores whether further bureaucracy to achieve consistency comes at the price of officer safety. Police Professional - Subscription at source 8/8/2018 Analysis, Feature Three appointments bring ‘great expertise’ to College Board New independent members have been appointed to bring the College of Policing’s Board back to full strength. Police Professional 8/8/2018 News Forces driving green change with 60 new electric cars Surrey and Sussex Police will move towards a more efficient fleet by procuring new electric vehicles. Police Professional 8/8/2018 News Researchers sceptical over link between domestic abuse and football Forces across the country stepped up patrols and launched campaigns to combat domestic violence during the World Cup over the summer. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 8/8/2018 News Force told to improve recording of violent crimes Failure to log incidents impedes victim support and investigations, HMI warns Police Oracle - Subscription at source 8/8/2018 News Warning sounded over no deal Brexit risk to public safety Home Office says it is planning for all possible scenarios. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 8/8/2018 News Huge spike in armed police incidents as officer numbers fall Armed officers were deployed more times by Gwent Police last year than at any other time in the last decade, despite a fall in the number of armed officers. South Wales Argus 8/8/2018 News Police chief’s Brexit fears Police and crime commissioner Clive Grunshaw said it was key that Government should pledge to ensure the ability for police to keep people safe and tackle crime was not adversely affected by Brexit. Lancashire Telegraph 8/8/2018 News «385438553856385738583859386038613862Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events