Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98722 total results. Showing results 77061 to 77080 «385038513852385338543855385638573858Next ›Last » Councils demand greater police presence Police in Shropshire have been slated by parish councils for not providing enough bobbies on the beat, with more than six out of 10 expressing dissatisfaction at the lack of visible patrols. Shropshire Star 6/11/2018 News Police competence and a single national force Sir, Matthew Parris should direct his observations at the groups responsible for the failures he identifies. Mike Veale owes his latest appointment to an elected politician and in Phil Gormley’s case the relevant body was the Home Office. Notwithstanding his attitude to the service, I agree with Mr Parris on two points. The Times - Subscription at source 6/11/2018 Feature, Opinion Home Office minister under-fire for defending police’s ‘hate-crime’ probes while violent crime soars and officer numbers keep falling Victoria Atkins defended the investigation by police of hate crimes yesterday Mail Online 6/11/2018 News Police devices can extract data from mobiles Devices that can extract private data from mobile phones are being issued to police officers in Scotland despite widespread questions about their legality. The Times - Subscription at source 6/11/2018 News Police chief fuels petrol theft debate A police chief was criticised yesterday after suggesting that motorists should be made to pay for fuel in advance to help stop drive-off thefts. The Times - Subscription at source 6/11/2018 News Abusive relatives drive up crimes against over-65s Family and friends who are abusing positions of trust are driving up violent crime against the over-65s, campaigners have said. The Times - Subscription at source 6/11/2018 News Chart of police financial reserves 2018 as a share of funding Chart of police financial reserves 2018 as a share of funding. Home Office 5/11/2018 Report Police financial reserves: March 2018 Details of holdings of police reserves at March 2018. This document shows the holdings of police reserves at March 2018, broken down by police force area and showing the breakdown between different types of reserves. Home Office 5/11/2018 Report Five police forces to test new tool to help officers keep domestic abuse victims safe A new risk assessment tool designed to help frontline officers and staff keep domestic abuse victims safe is to be tested by five police forces. College of Policing 5/11/2018 News Metropolitan police rush to set up no-deal Brexit ‘safety net unit’ Exclusive: £2.4m unit set up after warnings over loss of access to EU policing tools The Guardian 5/11/2018 News Rethinking Police Demand A review of drivers, capability and capacity in partnership with the Dawes Trust Crest Advisory 5/11/2018 Report Non-crime incidents are ‘absolutely central’ to policing mission, analysts argue 'Cases involving protection of the vulnerable are not inferior to crime-related demand,' new report says. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 5/11/2018 News Five forces to test new domestic abuse risk assessment tool A new risk assessment tool is to be piloted in more forces to ensure coercive and controlling behaviour is easier for officers to identify. Police Professional 5/11/2018 News Commissioner promises review of spitguards will be complete ‘within weeks’ Cressida Dick, Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS), and Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London, are questioned on the use of spit guards by Susan Hall AM. Police Professional 5/11/2018 News Minister denies police cuts linked to surge in violent crime – as Met floods streets in response to murders Victoria Atkins says historical records disprove that numbers of police officers reduce crime rates The Independent 5/11/2018 News Make social media firms remove terror attack images, says police chief Manchester chief constable in favour of requirement to take down distressing material The Guardian 5/11/2018 News County lines: The dark realities of life for teenage drug runners 'County lines' drug dealing is a growing problem in the UK's small towns. However, it's also creating a hierarchy of exploitation - with its teenage drug dealers themselves near the bottom. Grace Robinson of Edge Hill University; James Densley of Metropolitan State University, and Robert McLean of Northumbria University explain the 'indentured labour' of the drugs trade. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 5/11/2018 Analysis Embedding Learning and Assessment Within Police Practice: the Opportunities and Challenges Arising From the Introduction of the PEQF in England and Wales This article reflects upon the development of the Policing Education Qualifications Framework (PEQF) in England and Wales and considers the implications it will have for policing degrees. Given the topic, the article is primarily forward-looking, but it draws upon the experiences of having worked closely with police for over 20 years in designing bespoke policing degree programmes. It is offered as an opinion piece. The PEQF represents a significant step change in the development of police training and education. In particular, it places tertiary education at the centre of all aspects of learning within the police organisation. The article welcomes the PEQF as a significant opportunity to develop our understanding of police practice. In particular, it provides an impetus to explore ways of embedding learning and assessment within operational police practice. However, this will require both investment and a substantial change programme to ensure that police services have the appropriate infrastructure to support tertiary levels of learning and assessment. It will also require a cultural shift within both universities and police organisations. Most importantly, if the PEQF is to fulfil its potential, police services will need to embrace, promote, and enable reflective practitioners and become reflective practices in the fullest sense. If this is achieved, I argue, the policing degrees of tomorrow will be radically transformed for the better. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice - Registration at source 5/11/2018 Research article Split decision: Why did the alliance between Warwickshire and West Mercia Police have to end? Last month, former Deputy PCC for West Mercia Barrie Sheldon called the shock ending of the alliance between West Mercia and Warwickshire Police a 'crazy decision'. Since then, both Police and Crime Panels have met to discussed what happened. Mr Sheldon examines what took place in those meetings and why West Mercia called time on the alliance. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 5/11/2018 Opinion London violent crime could take ‘a generation’ to solve It could take a generation to solve London's violent crime problem, the city's mayor has warned. BBC 5/11/2018 News «385038513852385338543855385638573858Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events