Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98714 total results. Showing results 76941 to 76960 «384438453846384738483849385038513852Next ›Last » This Service Terminates Here? Politics, Practitioner Perspectives, and the Future of Railway Policing in Scotland Following the devolution of railway policing under the Scotland Act 2016, the Railway Policing (Scotland) Act 2017 set in motion a process that, if completed, will see the British Transport Police’s Scottish Division integrated into Scotland’s relatively new national police force, Police Scotland. The post-legislative journey has, however, proven far more challenging than supporters of integration envisaged. Drawing upon primary and secondary data, this article investigates the integration process to date and shows how a politicized and poorly managed transition programme left employees disillusioned, and fostered a deep strain of mistrust towards the project. With escalating costs, a lack of practitioner buy-in, the potential loss of experienced officers and staff, longer-term risks to the remaining BTP organisation, and no clear evidence of benefits, the article concludes that the Scottish Government should call off full integration and consider an alternative approach towards the devolution of railway policing. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice 8/11/2018 Research article London crime: Police furious after Sajid Javid tells them to ‘step up response’ to knife attacks in capital Comments come after MPs warned government funding cuts could have 'dire consequences for public safety' The Independent 8/11/2018 News What Is the Privatisation of Policing? The politics of austerity have deepened market penetration across the UK policing sector, bringing into effect an array of new policing assemblages which cut across the public–private divide like never before and defy simple categorisation. However, public discourse has not kept pace with this fast-changing reality, all too often reducing these assemblages into an amorphous singularity–‘privatisation’–towards which one is either unambiguously for or against. This article accordingly sets out the analytical tools for developing a more nuanced discourse on the privatisation of policing. It first develops a new typology of privatisation across five categories: function, formulation of private sphere, trigger of privatisation, regulatory influence of the state, and relationship to the ideal-type police monopoly. It then operationalises this typology using four recent examples of privatisation drawn from the UK policing sector. It lastly clarifies how this typology can be used to inform discourse on the privatisation of policing. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice - Registration at source 8/11/2018 Research article Sajid Javid challenges Chancellor to provide police with ‘resources they need’ to tackle surge in knife crime Home Secretary Sajid Javid has challenged the chancellor Philip Hammond to provide police with the “resources they need” in face of a surge in knife crime. The Telegraph 8/11/2018 News Spousal Violence and Evaluations of Police Performance in Canada: Does Police Contact Matter? Using data from the Canadian General Social Survey-Victimisation main file, this study assessed the relationship between spousal violence victimisation and attitudes towards police. In a nationally representative study of male and female Canadians, we conducted multinomial logistic regression analyses to evaluate the extent to which spousal violence was related to evaluations of police performance [in terms of (a) enforcing the law, (b) responding to calls, (c) being easy to talk to, (d) supplying information to reduce crime, (e) treating people fairly, (f) keeping people safe, and (g) overall confidence in the police] after controlling for socio-demographic and neighborhood characteristics. In follow up analyses, we evaluated if victims of spousal violence who had police contact as a direct result of the violence differed from spousal violence victims who did not have police contact. Journal of Family Violence - Registration at source 8/11/2018 Research article After the Budget, where does Policing go next? “Plan B”… "Policing is in crisis" has often been said this year. But, in his recent budget, the Chancellor chose not to act. In his latest article, Policing Insight's regular columnist, former GMP ACC and CoPaCC Director Ian Wiggett, looks at the latest evidence of "crisis", and sets out his thoughts on what options policing might now pursue. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 8/11/2018 Opinion Sajid Javid says police to get new ‘stop and search’ powers to combat rising knife crime Police are to get enhanced powers to stop and search suspects in an attempt to combat the surge in violent crime and knife attacks, Sajid Javid has revealed. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 8/11/2018 News Police ‘will spend less time chasing paedophiles’ if new cuts go ahead Government austerity will send us back to the 1970s, Chief Constable warns Derbyshire Live 8/11/2018 News Home Secretary says police are ‘enforcers not legislators’ in unity call on knife crime crisis Policing must use its “full powers” and step up the response to bring the growing knife crime crisis under control, the Home Secretary has urged. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 8/11/2018 News Seizures of drugs in England and Wales statistics Contains figures for seizures of drugs made by local police forces and the UK Border Force. Home Office 8/11/2018 Report No surprises in the latest drugs statistics The news that the number of drugs seizures has fallen was predictable, and can be linked partly to falling numbers of police officers, says the Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW). Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 8/11/2018 News Sussex – National child protection inspection Protecting children is one of the most important tasks the police undertake. Only the police can investigate suspected crimes, arrest perpetrators and monitor sex offenders. Police officers have the power to take a child who is in danger into a place of safety, or to seek an order to restrict an offender’s contact with children. The police service also has a significant role working with other agencies to ensure the child’s protection and well-being, longer term. This inspection examined child protection in Sussex Police in June and July 2018. It is part of a rolling programme of inspections of all police forces in England and Wales. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 8/11/2018 Report Inspectors say Sussex Police making child protection a ‘top priority’ Sussex Police has prioritised keeping vulnerable children safe from harm, according to a report published today by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS). HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 8/11/2018 News BWV highlights complex challenge of managing digital evidence In its Body Worn Cameras and Digital Evidence Management Report – 2018, IHS Markit forecasts that the use of these cameras by police forces globally will increase by nearly 30 per cent this year – exceeding 1.5 million body-worn video (BWV) cameras in use worldwide. Police Professional - Subscription at source 8/11/2018 Analysis, Feature Holyrood committee backs raising age of criminal responsibility MSPs have thrown their weight behind moves to raise the minimum age of criminal responsibility to 12. The Times - Subscription at source 8/11/2018 News Reassurances given over action against violent crime South Yorkshire communities affected by a recent upsurge in violent crime – much of it knife related – have been told to expect improvements far sooner than the ten year turn-around time predicted to solve London’s problems. The Yorkshire Post 8/11/2018 News Officers plead for united team to tackle hooligan resurgence ‘once and for all’ And federation urges clubs to ban supporters who misbehave overseas. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 8/11/2018 News New mobile phone technology aids police New technology which will enable frontline officers to access a wide range of systems on a mobile phone for the first time is being used by Leicestershire Police. Rutland & Stamford Mercury 8/11/2018 News Police chiefs pledge continued border co-operation whatever Brexit brings Garda Commissioner Drew Harris and PSNI Deputy Chief Constable Stephen Martin stressed the importance of maintaining partnership arrangements. Belfast Telegraph 8/11/2018 News MPs: Police ‘stabbed in the back’ over pensions changes Black Country MPs have rounded on the Government for 'stabbing police in the back' over new pensions plans they say will pile further misery onto Britain's over-stretched forces. Express & Star 8/11/2018 News «384438453846384738483849385038513852Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events