Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98712 total results. Showing results 76901 to 76920 «384238433844384538463847384838493850Next ›Last » Fire service consultation is relaunched sparking new ‘takeover’ row between councillors and PCC Gloucestershire's Police and Crime Commissioner has launched a public consultation on who should oversee Gloucestershire’s Fire and Rescue Service (GFRS). Cotswold Journal 10/11/2018 News Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick accuses Home Office of ‘stepping back’ on soaring crime and failing to bring in facial recognition tech London's top cop has criticised Sajid Javid's department for lack of leadership and over the failure to introduce laws to allow officers to use facial recognition technology The Sun 10/11/2018 News Met Police wants more female firearm officers to address gender imbalance Female police officers are attending special days where they can learn about life on an armed response vehicle. Sky News 10/11/2018 News Met Police chief claims government’s refusal to use facial recognition technology to ‘catch bad guys’ has left forces ‘hamstrung’ The nation's top police officer has accused the Government of leaving police unable to stop violent crime. Mail Online 10/11/2018 News Damian Hinds interview: I don’t want kids to carry knives . . . teachers have to be more involved Boys need role models and opportunities, the education secretary says The Times - Subscription at source 10/11/2018 Feature, Opinion Experts reluctant to speak in child abuse cases Courts are struggling to find experts to give evidence in family cases, particularly those involving child abuse, according to the most senior family judge in England and Wales. The Times - Subscription at source 10/11/2018 News PCCs going cold on fire service governance Merseyside representative says there is no 'appetite' for her to take on responsibilities for fire and rescue. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 9/11/2018 News Scotland Yard chief says politicians have left police lagging behind the bad guys Britain’s most senior police officer says the Government is leaving police “hamstrung” in the fight against violent crime. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 9/11/2018 News Effects of Salt Water on the Ballistic Protective Performance of Bullet-Resistant Body Armour Bullet-resistant body armour is used by law enforcement agencies and military personnel worldwide, often in inclement weather. Some fibre types used in body armour perform poorly when wet, resulting in a reduced level of protection; this is why most body armour protective elements are water-repellent treated and/or protected by a water-resistant cover. Some of the users operate in the maritime environment. The effect of salt water on body armour performance has not been previously reported. In this work the effect of soaking body armour in salt water and exposing body armour for up to 10 soaking and drying cycles in salt water was investigated. The effectiveness of the water-resistant cover was investigated by considering three cover conditions: (i) intact, (ii) cut and (iii) removed. Wet armour was heavier and provided significantly less protection from 9 mm Luger FMJ ammunition when compared to not-exposed armour irrespective of cover condition. A degradation in performance of armours exposed to soaking and drying cycles was noted, but this was similar across all regimes considered (one, three, five and ten cycles) and not as great as for wet armours. Police Journal - Registration at source 9/11/2018 Research article Police numbers in Dorset kept under review – after one of the busiest summers on record Police numbers in Dorset are being kept under constant review – after one of the busiest summers on record. Dorset Echo 9/11/2018 News Police chief says motorists should pay for fuel in advance Motorists should pay in advance for fuel, said a police chief this week. Bilking, or the act of filling up and driving off without paying for it, is a serious crime in the petrol industry but figures revealed recently show that it annually costs the industry millions. Sheffield Telegraph 9/11/2018 News Find out what challenges new North Wales police chief is relishing after first week in role North Wales Police's new chief constable is relishing the challenges ahead as he get to grips with his new role. The Leader 9/11/2018 News Police chief to examine control of Gloucestershire fire service Gloucestershire’s police chief Martin Surl has relaunched a bid that, if successful, would see the responsibility of running the county’s fire service transferred to him. Standard (Wiltshire & Gloucestershire) 9/11/2018 News Dubai police begin training on flying motorbikes Police in Dubai have started training officers to use a flying motorbike - the hoverbike - in the hope first responder units can reach difficult areas. ITV News 9/11/2018 News Joint targeted area inspection of the multi-agency response to sexual abuse in the family in York Today, Ofsted published a report with findings from a joint inspection of multi-agency arrangements for responding to sexual abuse in the family in York. The inspection was undertaken by HMICFRS, Ofsted, the Care Quality Commission and HMI Probation. The inspection forms part of a rolling programme of reports into various areas where different agencies work together to provide support for vulnerable children. The letter outlines our findings about the effectiveness of partnership working and of the work of individual agencies in York. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 9/11/2018 News Drug seizures at lowest level in more than a decade Falling officer numbers and axing of drug squads to blame, says Fed Police Oracle - Subscription at source 9/11/2018 News Addressing concerns about specials and recruitment in degree plans ‘high up the agenda’ It has been more than a year since parts of the service expressed reservations about new entry routes. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 9/11/2018 News Police helicopter could be used to help mountain rescuers Mountain rescuers will be supported by a police helicopter in certain circumstances after they claimed that their lives were being put at risk. The Press and Journal 9/11/2018 News More police could be on the streets of South Yorkshire under new plan Police numbers could rise in South Yorkshire despite budget problems under a radical idea from the Police and Crime Commissioner which, he says, would result in “bucking the trend” of dwindling officer numbers across the country. The Yorkshire Post 9/11/2018 News Skimming cash off UK police budget for tech projects probably not the best idea, say MPs Particularly when those projects overrun and overspend The Register 9/11/2018 News «384238433844384538463847384838493850Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events