Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98712 total results. Showing results 76881 to 76900 «384138423843384438453846384738483849Next ›Last » Critics slam Sadiq Khan for ‘squandering’ £7.1million per year from police budget on 109 ‘penpusher’ executives Sadiq Khan has squandered millions of pounds from his policing budget on an army of highly paid penpushers – taking vast sums away from the battle against soaring knife crime, according to critics of London's Labour Mayor. Mail Online 11/11/2018 News Don’t let province’s policing budget foot the bill for £30m legal battle, urges rank-and-file PFNI plea to government to pick up tab for holiday pay ruling officers 'entitled to'. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 10/11/2018 News First response Dr Dave Sloggett considers how the public can be better prepared to save lives when they become involved in gang crime or terror-related events. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 10/11/2018 Analysis, Feature Stop and search needs to be intelligence-led or it won’t help the fight against knife crime Children want good police because they like to feel safe and sadly too many join gangs to achieve that The Sun 10/11/2018 Feature, Opinion Police force uses robot software to help find new recruits Bosses facing Tory cuts say the artificial intelligence system will save £100,000 a year by swapping HR staff for automatic applications Mirror 10/11/2018 News Holy moly, Dubai’s police force is testing hoverbikes While American police struggle to equip officers with body cameras, Dubai's police continue to drift further into the future and make the world's authorities red with envy. Yahoo! 10/11/2018 News ‘We are LOSING CONTROL of our streets’ Shock police warning amid knife crime epidemic A former Met Police Chief has admitted that British police are dangerously close to "losing control of our streets" following a surge in the knife crime epidemic in recent days. Express 10/11/2018 News Police could suspend 101 non-emergency number amid rising 999 calls and budget cuts Bedfordshire Police suspended the service this week to cope with a spike in calls The Independent 10/11/2018 News Four-fifths of people believe police austerity cuts have made Britain’s streets less safe, new poll reveals Almost 80 per cent of people believe police force spending cuts have made them less safe on the streets of Britain, an exclusive survey has shown. The Independent 10/11/2018 News Police ‘hamstrung’ over facial recognition tech, says Met chief Cressida Dick also says police were ‘hung out to dry’ by Theresa May when she was home secretary The Guardian 10/11/2018 News Tory police cuts behind wave of knife crime, says ex-Met chief Lord Blair warns that the benefits of neighbourhood policing are being lost because of financial pressures The Guardian 10/11/2018 News Where Bias Begins: A Snapshot of Police Officers’ Beliefs About Factors That Influence the Investigative Interview With Suspects The aim of the current study was to obtain a snapshot of police officer’s beliefs about factors that may influence the outcome of the investigative interview with suspects. We created a 26-item survey that contained statements around three specific themes: best interview practices, confessions and interviewee vulnerabilities. Police officers (N = 101) reported their beliefs on each topic by indicating the level of agreement or disagreement with each statement. The findings indicated that this sample of officers held beliefs that were mostly consistent with the literature. However, many officers also responded in the mid-range (neither agree nor disagree) which may indicate they are open to developing literature-consistent beliefs of the topics. Understanding what officers believe about factors within the investigative interview may have implications for future training. It may also help explain why some officers do not consistently apply best practices (i.e. strong counterfactual beliefs) versus officers who reliably apply literature-consistent practices to their interviews (i.e. knowledge-consistent beliefs). Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - Registration at source 10/11/2018 Research article Early Intervention Youth Fund: successful bids Projects awarded funding listed by Police and Crime Commissioner area. Home Office 10/11/2018 Report Home Secretary announces recipients of Early Intervention Youth Fund The Home Secretary, Sajid Javid, has announced the recipients of the Early Intervention Youth Fund. Home Office 10/11/2018 News Government cash injection to fight drug gang menace in East Anglia The Home Office has announced hundreds of thousands of pounds for Essex and Suffolk crime prevention schemes to keep young people from being exploited by ‘county lines’ gangs. The Journal (Lowestoft) 10/11/2018 News Police ‘hamstrung’ by outdated technology in fight against crime, Cressida Dick warns Britain's most senior police officer has said officers are 'hamstrung' by outdated technology while the 'bad guys' race ahead. The Independent 10/11/2018 News West Midlands Police is doing its bit in push for ‘real living wage’ On Monday I announced I would raise the wages for 182 of our poorest paid staff at West Midlands Police to £9 per hour. Having pledged to be a ‘real living wage’ employer two years ago I have vowed to follow the pay increases, set annually, by the Living Wage Foundation charity. Solihull Observer 10/11/2018 Feature, Opinion It’s hard to shake the impression our hard-working cops are led by donkeys — and it leaves us all vulnerable It's no surprise we’ve lost control of our streets, not just in the capital, but across the country — where knife crime is increasing at a HIGHER rate than in London The Sun 10/11/2018 Feature, Opinion Met Police chief calls on Home Office to show ‘greater leadership’ Britain’s most senior police officer has demanded the Home Office shows “greater leadership” in tackling crime. PoliticsHome 10/11/2018 News Shropshire police commissioner pledges £500,000 for road safety initiatives Grant money worth half a million pounds has been allocated to cutting the number of people dying on Shropshire's roads. Shropshire Star 10/11/2018 News «384138423843384438453846384738483849Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events