Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98684 total results. Showing results 76601 to 76620 «382738283829383038313832383338343835Next ›Last » Forensic early warning system (FEWS) annual report Annual report on the Home Office forensic early warning system, which identifies new psychoactive substances in the UK. Home Office 19/11/2018 Report Water cannon bought by Boris Johnson for £322k sold for just £11k after police banned from using them Three water cannon bought and refurbished for more than £320,000 while Boris Johnson was London Mayor have been sold for just £11,025. The Telegraph 19/11/2018 News Taking the office out of the station Our officers and staff are being equipped with laptops and mobile phones which will enable them to spend more time out in your community. The roll out of laptops and smart phones to all front line officers and staff means that they don’t always have to return to their station to complete paperwork. Officers can now access all the necessary systems from their mobile devices, meaning they will spend more time out on the streets, moving more quickly between jobs. Avon & Somerset Constabulary 19/11/2018 News Scotland hit by legal aid crisis as solicitors withdraw from rota A fourfold increase in the number of solicitors withdrawing from providing cover in police stations has led to Scottish Liberal Democrat justice spokesman Liam McArthur calling on the government to take action on Scotland’s legal aid system. The Scotsman 19/11/2018 News True scale of county lines gangs may have been underestimated The true scale of the "county lines" drug dealing epidemic blighting the UK may have been underestimated, police admit. Express 19/11/2018 News New police unit may be created to tackle serious waste crime A new police unit may be created to tackle the most serious cases of waste crime affecting farmers and landowners. Farming UK 19/11/2018 News Fears police are ‘falling over themselves’ not to arrest children The Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner has said she is concerned the force is “falling over itself” to avoid arresting under-18s. The Argus 19/11/2018 News Police warning to activist groups as Northern Ireland ‘paedo hunter’ sent to prison Not a single child abuser in Northern Ireland has been convicted on evidence provided by so-called 'paedophile hunters', the PSNI has said. Belfast Telegraph 19/11/2018 News Army is ‘on standby to help police’ in case of No Deal Brexit chaos The plans will be put in place if Britain leaves the European Union without a deal in March Mirror 19/11/2018 News Leicestershire Police could lose nearly 200 officers because of controversial Government ruling, chief constable warns Chief Constable Simon Cole has already lost 500 officers since 2010 Leicestershire Live 19/11/2018 News Interpol on notice as requests for police action soar Critics say authoritarian governments are using the organisation to target their opponents Financial Times 19/11/2018 Analysis, Feature International search on for new Northern Ireland police ombudsman An international search to find the next Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland begins today. Belfast Telegraph 19/11/2018 News Brexit chaos: Army ready for DEPLOYMENT to assist police in event of no-deal Soldiers are being prepared for possible deployment to assist police in the event that there is No Deal Brexit chaos following the UK’s withdrawal from the EU in March. Express 19/11/2018 News Calculating deductions against a police injury pension Court of Appeal Published November 19, 2018 Evans and another v Chief Constable of the South Wales Police The Times - Subscription at source 19/11/2018 Report Police funding cuts must be stopped, says Wolverhampton MP Emma Reynolds Cuts to police resources must be halted if forces are to be able to tackle rising crime rates, says Wolverhampton MP Emma Reynolds. Express & Star 19/11/2018 News Red Notice Interpol is becoming a useful idiot for regimes who persecute political critics The Times - Subscription at source 19/11/2018 Feature, Opinion Vetting failed to block child rapist PC The vetting of police recruits must be reviewed after a “committed paedophile” infiltrated a force and raped a 13-year-old girl he had met while on duty, the Police Federation has said. The Times - Subscription at source 19/11/2018 News Britain is ‘failing to take cyberwar threat seriously’ Ministers are failing to act with “a meaningful sense of purpose or urgency” to the growing cyberthreat from countries such as Russia, a parliamentary committee has warned. The Times - Subscription at source 19/11/2018 News We’re careful, say drivers who speed and jump traffic lights Drivers are convinced that they are careful despite more than half admitting to running amber traffic lights and breaking speed limits in built-up areas, research suggests. The Times - Subscription at source 19/11/2018 News The gangs matrix has trapped Britain’s young black men in a feedback loop of bad policing – and that’s bad for everyone The police's database may not directly affect all of us – but for those listed on it, it further entrenches historical patterns of social and institutional estrangement The Independent 18/11/2018 Feature, Opinion «382738283829383038313832383338343835Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events