Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98646 total results. Showing results 76341 to 76360 «381438153816381738183819382038213822Next ›Last » Just five children in care accounted for more than 350 police misper probes The youngsters disappeared - on average - more than once a week in 2017-2018, raising huge concerns for their welfare. The Herald (Scotland) - Subscription at source 26/11/2018 News Young people, violence and knives – revisiting the evidence and policy discussions In this briefing, Roger Grimshaw and Matt Ford examine recent trends in knife-related violence and assess different approaches to tackling, and reducing it. It builds on an earlier review of evidence of effective strategies for addressing gun and knife crime, published by the Centre for Crime and Justice Studies in 2009. Centre for Crime and Justice Studies 26/11/2018 Report Enabling police and crime commissioners to sit and vote on combined fire and rescue authorities The government has responded to the independent inquiry into the objections of 2 combined fire and rescue authorities (FRA), Cleveland and Dorset & Wiltshire FRA, who disagreed with the government’s proposal to amend their combination schemes to enable a PCC to request to sit on the FRA with voting rights. Home Office 26/11/2018 Report Moped pursuit officers could be ‘prosecuted for doing their job’ The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) claims the tactics used to tackle moped crime continue to expose officers’ liberty as “clearly at odds with the law”. Police Professional 26/11/2018 News First UK police force to try predictive policing ends contract Use of Predpol cancelled, but Met will try to develop its own system Financial Times 26/11/2018 News Kier Pritchard named as police commissioner’s preferred choice for top job A senior police officer who learned his trade on the streets of Swindon could be confirmed as Wiltshire Police’s permanent chief constable on Friday. Swindon Advertiser 26/11/2018 News Shock figures reveal policing divide between West Midlands and London The West Midlands has almost half as many police officers per person than London, shock new figures showing the glaring divide between the capital and the rest of the country have revealed. Express & Star 26/11/2018 News Home Office discussing potentially unlawful access to patient info by police Police officers may be using an unlawful means of obtaining the patient records of firearm licence applicants, it has been reported. Digital Health 26/11/2018 News ‘Past mistakes and leadership failures’ at Cleveland Police blamed for lack of officers Cleveland Police's Chief Constable dramatically condemned the past leadership of his force and blamed it, in part, for the lack of officers in front-line policing. The Northern Echo 26/11/2018 News Kent Police stop using crime predicting software Computer software intended to predict where and when crimes would occur has been scrapped by a police force. BBC 26/11/2018 News Exclusive: UK police wants AI to stop violent crime before it happens Police in the UK want to predict serious violent crime using artificial intelligence, New Scientist can reveal. The idea is that individuals flagged by the system will be offered interventions, such as counselling, to avert potential criminal behaviour. New Scientist 26/11/2018 News Outdated technology wastes police time, says David Hamilton of the SPF The Police Scotland “project” is at risk of being derailed by failures to invest in state-of-the-art equipment, a figurehead for rank and file officers warned. Officers are wasting hours manually typing up notes rather than targeting criminals because of archaic technology, David Hamilton, vice-chairman of the Scottish Police Federation, said. The Times - Subscription at source 26/11/2018 News Interserve facing fresh woe after problems hit West Yorks police job West Yorkshire Police has put Interserve on notice that it will be asking for compensation after it said 75 police cells built by the firm were not up to scratch. Building 26/11/2018 News Police union chief warns an officer will be murdered soon in the UK The chairman of the Police Federation has told LBC the violence on the streets will mean that a police officer will soon be murdered in the UK. LBC 26/11/2018 News Police ‘IGNORED Muslim gang sex abuse’ over ‘POLITICAL CORRECTNESS’ fears Police "recklessly ignored" decades of sexual abuse by predominantly Pakistani Muslim gangs on British Sikh women because of "political correctness", a bombshell report claims. Express 26/11/2018 News Force was wrong to ban journalist from Labour conference, court rules Michael Segalov was refused accreditation by Sussex Police. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 26/11/2018 News Officers using controversial tactical contact ‘must be protected’ Met Fed chairman concerned officers could be left at mercy of the courts if a moped rider suffers injury when knocked off their bike. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 26/11/2018 News Fed election turnout to stay secret for years Result of ballot for chairman which followed major review, will now be subject to a review. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 26/11/2018 News Chief: Service cuts are too deep CC Veale: 'cuts created and caused by austerity are too deep and have gone on for too long'. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 26/11/2018 News Live blog: Professional Standards and Ethics National Conference 2018 As the police complaints system undergoes major reform, the 18th Professional Standards and Ethics National Conference 2018 meets today to consider what those changes mean for policing (26 November). We will be live blogging from the event. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 26/11/2018 News «381438153816381738183819382038213822Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events