Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98645 total results. Showing results 76141 to 76160 «380438053806380738083809381038113812Next ›Last » ‘Rainy day’ money: Why using cash reserves is not the answer to plugging the pension shortfall Amid the headlines that cash-strapped forces are 'sitting on' £1.4bn in reserves and calls from the Police Minister to dip into these reserves to plug the pensions' gap, former GMP ACC and CoPaCC Director Ian Wiggett explains the picture surrounding forces' use of reserves is far more complicated. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 3/12/2018 Analysis Theresa May backs tactical moped stops The Prime Minister has supported the Metropolitan Police Service’s (MPS) use of “robust” tactics to curb moped crime in the capital. Police Professional 3/12/2018 News Doubling of police precept could bring £450m injection of funding for forces Met officer numbers forecast to fall to 'lowest level since 2002' without extra funding, warns mayor Sadiq Khan. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 3/12/2018 News Sadiq Khan says violent crime in London has been made ‘far worse’ because of police cuts The mayor is concerned that falling numbers of police officers makes it harder to stop stabbings Get West London 3/12/2018 News Criminal investigations into “Hacking” soar Police forces across the UK and Wales are spending more time each year investigating cyber incidents and crimes related to social media platforms. Computer Business Review (CBR) 3/12/2018 News Thames Valley police ordered to pay £8,800 to family of teen racer killed in high-speed pursuit while high on cocaine Police have been ordered to pay £8,800 to the family of a teenage driver who died in a high-speed pursuit, after a judge ruled that officers had breached his human rights. The Standard 3/12/2018 News More than just a number: Improving the police response to victims of fraud Fraud is estimated to make up 31 per cent of all crime in England and Wales, with 3.24 million fraud offences estimated to have taken place in the twelve months to March 2018. Research has found that 45 per cent of fraud victims felt that the financial loss they experienced had an impact on their emotional wellbeing and 37 per cent reported a significant psychological or emotional impact. The Police Foundation 3/12/2018 Report Powers of entry Guidance on powers of entry and how they are created or modified, using the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012. Home Office 3/12/2018 Report £8.5m to support rape victims The Scottish Government has provide money to health boards to improve support for those who have been sexually assaulted Third Force News 3/12/2018 News Met police officer numbers could fall to lowest level since 2002, says Sadiq Khan London mayor Sadiq Khan has said police officer numbers in the capital could drop to their lowest level since 2002 unless “urgent” action is taken to stop financial cuts. The Standard 3/12/2018 News Yorkshire’s largest police forces among those hardest hit by austerity, league table shows Yorkshire’s two largest police forces are among those worst affected nationally by years of austerity with only six other organisations facing bigger percentage cuts to their annual incomes since the Government’s cuts began, it has emerged. The Yorkshire Post 3/12/2018 News Feeling the force: the effects of cuts on the police The police are often the first line of response, but as real-terms cuts continue, how can already ‘badly overstretched’ services possibly offer a response that meets public expectations? Emily Twinch reports. Public Finance 3/12/2018 Analysis, Feature Britain’s data commissioner launches investigation into UK use of facial recognition The information watchdog has launched a formal investigation into the police use of facial recognition technology following trials across the country, The Daily Telegraph has learned The Telegraph 3/12/2018 News Prison doesn’t work and justice policy is finally reflecting it In the politics of 2018 anger trumps reason and emotion weighs more than evidence. But in surprising places, rationality is winning. For decades the dominant forces behind the politics of criminal justice have been deterrent and retribution. “Prison works”, declared Michael Howard, dismissing all the evidence that it really doesn’t. Tony Blair calculated that no one lost votes being too “tough” on crime. The Times - Subscription at source 3/12/2018 Feature, Opinion The world’s most vulnerable should not bear brunt of counterterrorism bill There is a real threat to the way our nation delivers much-needed humanitarian aid, contained in the Counterterrorism and Broder Security Bill, which comes back to the House of Lords for the report stage today. The Times - Subscription at source 3/12/2018 Feature, Opinion We are on to you, MI6 chief warns Moscow cyberattackers The head of MI6 accuses Russia of trying to subvert the British way of life as he warns Moscow “not to underestimate our determination and our capabilities” in a rare public speech today. The Times - Subscription at source 3/12/2018 News Most fraudsters get away with it ‘because police have no strategy’ Nearly a third of fraud investigations are closed within weeks, there is a shortage of specialist officers despite the crime’s complexity and only 3 per cent of offenders are brought to justice, research suggests. The Times - Subscription at source 3/12/2018 News Force emboldened with technology that pinpoints drink-drive offenders Police Scotland uses pre-Christmas campaign to announce introduction of digital breathalysers. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 2/12/2018 News Met police numbers ‘will fall dramatically without new funds’ Sadiq Khan says London force will drop to 2002 levels unless hundreds of millions of pounds in new money can be secured The Guardian 2/12/2018 News Predictors of Satisfaction With Kenya’s Police and Kenya’s Criminal Justice System: Results From A Sample of Kenyan College Students Although the influence of procedural justice on citizens’ satisfaction and cooperation with police has been tested in several geopolitical contexts, this is the first study to examine the relationship between procedural justice and satisfaction with Kenya’s police and Kenya’s criminal justice system on a Kenyan college campus. Using a sample of 523 students from a prominent Kenyan university, we found that procedural justice and officer integrity predicted satisfaction with both Kenya’s police and criminal justice system. Also, more highly educated students (sophomores, juniors, and seniors, compared to freshmen) were more satisfied with both the Kenyan police and criminal justice system. Conversely, victims of crime in the community were less satisfied with Kenyan police, and students who had a negative personal experience with police were less satisfied with the country’s criminal justice system. Although instrumental factors of policing (e.g., police effectiveness) were not tested in this study, thus precluding a comparative assessment of normative and instrumental models of policing, this study contributes to the extant literature by pointing out the salience of procedural justice and officer integrity for improving the relationship between the police and the communities they are sworn to serve. The study’s implications for policy are discussed. Police Journal - Registration at source 2/12/2018 Research article «380438053806380738083809381038113812Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events