Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98645 total results. Showing results 76101 to 76120 «380238033804380538063807380838093810Next ›Last » Report Watch: HMICFRS’ Policing and Mental Health Report – ‘Picking up the Pieces’ The latest in our Report Watch series, summarises the findings of a report by HMICFRS’ Policing and Mental Health Report, Picking Up the Pieces, published last month (Nov 27). We look at the impact on policing, recommendations as well as stakeholder and media reactions. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 4/12/2018 Analysis Improved services for sexual crime complainers and victims Healthcare services for rape and sexual assault complainers and victims will be improved through £8.5 million of investment. The Scottish government will provide the money over the next three years to help health boards deliver better services for victims. In this financial year, £2.5m will be used to recruit workforce, provide training and create facilities. Scottish Legal News 4/12/2018 News Anger over unacceptable delays for child victims of sex abuse across Highlands and Islands Child victims of sex abuse in the Highlands, Orkney and Shetland face unacceptable delays before they can be examined, a damning review of Scotland’s forensic services has said. The Press and Journal 4/12/2018 News Scotland’s sex attack danger zones to be revealed on new mobile phone app Women will be able to access information on sexual assaults and harassment in a bid to avoid risky areas. Daily Record 4/12/2018 News Police reveal North Wales’ fastest-growing crimes as shake-up starts to take them on New investigators are being recruited to help tackle emerging offences North Wales Live 4/12/2018 News Protect and serve: Helping police ingest and share multi-media evidence It goes without saying that CCTV footage, dashcam and mobile phone recordings, and videos of witness statements can be integral pieces of evidence in criminal investigations and prosecution proceedings. However, without the right technologies in place to support and secure the ingestion and sharing of these files, they can cause significant issues for the police and wider justice community. FutureScot 4/12/2018 Analysis, Feature Met Commissioner defends deputy who didn’t intervene in Westminster terror attack Sir Craig Mackey, Acting Commissioner, locked himself inside a car as one of his officers was murdered just metres away during the Westminster attack. LBC 4/12/2018 News UK police forces struggling with cyber crime Increased cyber crime is diverting police resources away from dealing with other issues such as violent crime. That’s the conclusion that think tank Parliament Street arrived at after analysing Freedom of Information (FOI) requests sent to police forces in England. Only 14 forces responded to the request, which paints a damning picture of how cyber crime is dealt with or, more realistically, isn’t dealt with. Enterprise Times 4/12/2018 News West Mercia police and crime commissioner hits back at police number claims The number of police officers employed by the force that covers Shropshire has been “significantly lower” than it is now, it has been claimed. Shropshire Star 4/12/2018 News First of 150 police officers paid for by an increase in council tax will start this week This week 56 newly-qualified police constables will be hitting the streets of Essex as the first tranche of 150 new officers paid for following an increase in the policing part of council tax. Yellow Advertiser 4/12/2018 News British policing faces crisis: Crime soars as police numbers drop to lowest in 37 years The scale of the crisis facing police forces is exposed today as figures reveal the lowest number of officers since the infamous "riot year" of 1981. Just 110,000 are struggling to cope with an epidemic of knife crime, a surge of violence on the streets as well as warring drugs gangs, spiralling cyber crime and the ever-present terrorist threat. Express 4/12/2018 News Public should ‘get involved’ and ‘do something physical’ if they see police being attacked, Met commissioner says The public should be "getting involved" and "do something physical" if they see a police officer being attacked, according to the Met Police's commissioner. Cressida Dick said the recent trend of people filming attacks on police and mockingly posting the footage online was "absolutely awful". The Telegraph 4/12/2018 News Police officers investigated over cadet sex claims Police officers running cadet programmes in London and Manchester are under investigation, accused of abusing their position for a "sexual purpose". BBC 4/12/2018 News Met police driver faces criminal investigation after ramming moped Controversial tactic left teenage suspect with serious head injuries and fractures The Guardian 4/12/2018 News Home Office funding to combat substance misuse by young people A scheme to help young people in the Blackpool area make healthy choices has been awarded over £90,000. Home Office 4/12/2018 News IOPC: Forces must safeguard police cadets from sexual abuse Forces have been advised on better safeguarding of police cadets after receiving two referrals of police officers abusing their position for a sexual purpose. Police Professional 4/12/2018 News Deputy Chief Constable The Chief Constable of Wiltshire is seeking to appoint a new Deputy Chief Constable and applications are invited from suitably qualified and experienced senior police officers for this demanding position. Salary £117,690 plus allowances. Closing date for applications Friday 14th December 2018, 12 noon. Wiltshire Police 4/12/2018 Jobs Chiefs told to inspect cadet safeguarding procedures Allegations officers abused their positions for a sexual purpose are being investigated. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 4/12/2018 News Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts - plus a short guide outlining how serving police officers and staff can get access, free, to many of the articles listed through the National Police Library. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 4/12/2018 News Jersey’s Home Affairs Minister ‘regrets’ his comments about low police morale Jersey’s Home Affairs Minister says he ‘regrets’ comments he made to ITV News last week about police morale. ITV News 4/12/2018 News «380238033804380538063807380838093810Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events