Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98635 total results. Showing results 75961 to 75980 «379537963797379837993800380138023803Next ›Last » Legal aid advice network ‘decimated’ by funding cuts Cuts to legal aid have created "deserts" of provision across England and Wales, a BBC investigation found. BBC 10/12/2018 News The Times view on the need for tech giants to protect children from paedophiles online Internet companies need to do more to protect children who are live streaming at home from unscrupulous observers. If they do not, government must step in The Times - Subscription at source 10/12/2018 Feature, Opinion Paedophiles grooming children live on YouTube Paedophiles are taking advantage of the boom in live streaming on YouTube to convince children to take off their clothes or adopt sexualised poses. The Times - Subscription at source 10/12/2018 News Predators coax children into exposing themselves In a bedroom in northern England last week, two young girls were playing a board game while paedophiles watched. The girls, who looked no older than six, were live-streaming on YouTube from a laptop webcam placed on the floor. They sat at the foot of the bed, in front of multicoloured curtains and dinosaur wallpaper, and took out crayons. The Times - Subscription at source 10/12/2018 News Record number test positive for drug‑driving Drug-driving has reached a record level, with an average of 37 motorists a day failing tests for illegal substances, figures show. The Times - Subscription at source 10/12/2018 News Pepper spray used in non-violent situations in prison pilot Pava incapacitant spray to be rolled out to all jails despite criticism during evaluation The Guardian 9/12/2018 News ‘More than 3,000 crime reports not recorded every year by Dyfed-Powys Police’ Crimes of violence and sexual offences were among the 3,000-plus reported crimes not recorded by Dyfed-Powys Police every year in the past four. Western Telegraph 9/12/2018 News Kent Police secures £850,000 Brexit contingency funding with help of Crime Commissioner Matthew Scott Kent Police has secured £850,000 of government money for Brexit contingency planning. Kent Online 9/12/2018 News Rank Matters: Police Leadership and the Authority of Rank Dominant discourse conceptualises leadership in the police as a rank-neutral activity. Despite the growing body of academic work in police leadership studies, critical analysis of the influence of rank is largely overlooked. The power and authority of rank have assumed a taken-for-granted and unquestioned status. The authority of rank, however, provides police officers with a powerful framework to understand leadership in the police. Drawing on the findings from 38 semi-structured interviews with police officers in a UK constabulary, this paper problematises conventional understanding of police leadership and theorises the use of rank through the creation of an analytical model, the Situated Authority Model of Leadership. The Model acts as framework for policing scholars and practitioners to critically consider the nuanced relationship between context and authority in police leadership. At a time when police organisations across the globe increasingly seek to adopt collaborative leadership practices, this paper contributes to the evidence base that challenges the development of alternative approaches to leadership and demonstrates that an appreciation of rank in the experience and practice of leadership is fundamental to the leadership reform in the police. Policing and Society - Registration at source 9/12/2018 Research article Policing Nightlife Areas: Comparing Youths’ Trust in Police, Door Staff and CCTV Against a background of the pluralisation of policing in contemporary city spaces, and sustained interests in the assessment of policing in the criminology and criminal justice literatures, the current study seeks to draw a comparative analysis in trust between policing actors, as experienced by nightlife consumers. While studies on trust in the police are numerous, this is much less the case for other actors involved in policing urban (nightlife) spaces. Neither is it very well understood how trust is distributed between policing actors. It is important to investigate this, taking into consideration the privatisation and technologisation of safety provision in contemporary cities, and the legitimacy of the actors involved. Using a survey, 894 youths enrolled in education were asked to evaluate their trust in actors involved in the policing of urban nightlife areas: the police, door staff, and CCTV. Results showed that people tend to trust human policing agents more compared to technological agents. A cluster analysis further indicated that alongside this general pattern, four additional groups can be found in the data: two groups that display the highest trust in either the police or door staff with intermediate trust in CCTV, and two groups expressing either overall low trust or overall high trust, independent of the policing actor. Policing and Society 9/12/2018 Research article Letter: Can we have more police officers rather than a Police and Crime Commissioner? Recently the Echo led with the story that our Police Crime Commissioner (PCC) was struggling to keep people safe. Dorset Echo 9/12/2018 Feature, Opinion Seizures of drugs in England and Wales: user guide 'Seizures of drugs in England and Wales: user guide' is designed to be a useful reference guide with explanatory notes on seizure of drugs. Home Office 8/12/2018 Report Seizures of drugs in England and Wales statistics Contains figures for seizures of drugs made by local police forces and the UK Border Force. Home Office 8/12/2018 Report Virtual courts Russell Webster investigates the government's bid to modernise and digitise our court system. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 8/12/2018 Feature, Opinion Welsh forces ‘living in hope rather than trust’ multimillion pound apprenticeship levy row will be resolved Welsh forces are millions of pounds worse off every year because of a political technicality. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 8/12/2018 News UK’s first female police officer commemorated The UK's first warranted female police officer has been commemorated in a memorial service. BBC 8/12/2018 News Perceptions of Policing and Security Among Hong Kong Migrant Sex Workers—a Research Note In this research note, I report findings from a small study examining Hong Kong sex workers’ perceptions of policing and security in Hong Kong. The major objective of this explorative project is to gauge perceptions of sex workers in Hong Kong that were chiefly recent migrants, meaning they were not native or born in Hong Kong. Specifically, it seeks to examine the attitudes and experiences of sex workers regarding policing in Hong Kong, specifically the Hong Kong Police Force and Immigration Department, both of whom are relevant given the varying degrees of legal status Hong Kong sex workers have while residing in Hong Kong. Asian Journal of Criminology - Registration at source 8/12/2018 Research article Hi-tech maps to tell public how long police officers spend on their beats High-tech maps that tell the public how long bobbies spend on the beat hour-by-hour in their neighbourhoods have been developed by police and could be a blueprint for the UK. The Telegraph 8/12/2018 News The Yorkshire Post says: Rural betrayal as police cuts take their toll on North Yorkshire Although it is metropolitan police forces which have suffered the biggest cuts in funding, the impact on predominantly rural forces such as North Yorkshire should not be under-estimated. Its budget has been reduced by 14 per cent and fewer officers cover 3,500 square miles of rural terrain. The Yorkshire Post 8/12/2018 Feature, Opinion Legal red light zone was mistake, says its pioneer “Selling sex in Holbeck is safer these days,” says Laura, though what she means by safe is that people are more likely to notice if she is murdered. The Times - Subscription at source 8/12/2018 News «379537963797379837993800380138023803Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events