Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98645 total results. Showing results 75881 to 75900 «379137923793379437953796379737983799Next ›Last » Knife crime offences rise to highest level since 2010 Courts in England and Wales dealt with 21,381 offences to the end of September The Guardian 13/12/2018 News Prevent referrals over rightwing extremism rise by over a third Number of people referred to UK programme over concerns about far-right activity up 36% The Guardian 13/12/2018 News Black people more likely to have force used against them by police Official figures show black people experienced 12% of incidents despite being 3.3% of England and Wales population The Guardian 13/12/2018 News Provisional police grant report: 2019 to 2020 This provisional report sets out the aggregate amount of grants proposed for the police in England and Wales for 2019 to 2020. It also includes the proposed amount of grant for each local policing body. Home Office 13/12/2018 Report Police recorded crime and outcomes open data tables Police recorded crime and outcomes detailed figures and supplementary material including a user guide. Home Office 13/12/2018 Report Police use of force statistics, England and Wales: April 2017 to March 2018 Statistics on incidents where police officers use force; including type of force, reason, outcome, injuries, and subject information (such as age, gender). Home Office 13/12/2018 Report Individuals referred to and supported through the Prevent Programme, April 2017 to March 2018 This release contains statistics on the number of individuals referred to and supported through the Prevent Programme in England and Wales from April 2017 to March 2018. Home Office 13/12/2018 Report The Channel programme Channel is a confidential, voluntary multi-agency safeguarding programme that supports people who are vulnerable to radicalisation. Home Office 13/12/2018 Report New drink-drive limit in Scotland ‘has not reduced road accidents’ The reduced drink-drive limit in Scotland has had no impact on cutting road accidents, a new study has found. Halesowen News 13/12/2018 News Police Scotland review asks public to share their experiences People in Scotland have been urged to describe their experiences of dealing with police in a move to build public confidence in the service. The Scotsman 13/12/2018 News Revealed: Elite SAS troops joined 100 police in raid to bust ‘ISIS-inspired Christmas bomb terror plot’ in quiet Newcastle neighbourhood The SAS helped foil a suspected ISIS-inspired Christmas terror plot after raiding a 'bomb-making den'. Mail Online 13/12/2018 News Social Value: A new way to build community capacity Cuts to vital local community services have put the police service under increasing pressure as it attempts to plug the gaps. Firesouls CEO Dan Ebanks says the Social Value Act 2018 may provide the answer to getting more resources into local organisations that, in turn, would alleviate some of those pressures. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 13/12/2018 Opinion Risk Factors For Occupational Stress Among Greek Police Officers In view of the absence of police stress research in Greece, the purpose of this paper is to measure occupational stress among police officers and to investigate occupational stress risk factors. A cross-sectional study with a convenience sample was conducted among 336 police officers in Athens, Greece. Data collection was performed during January to March 2018 and the response rate was 77.8 percent. Demographic characteristics, job characteristics, lifestyle factors and coping strategies were considered possible risk factors. The “Operational Police Stress Questionnaire” and the “Organizational Police Stress Questionnaire” were used to measure occupational stress, while the “Brief Cope” questionnaire was used to measure coping strategies. Regarding service operation, the most stressor events were personal relationships outside work, tiredness, bureaucracy, injury risk and lack of leisure for family and friends. Regarding service organization, the most stressor events were lack of personnel, inappropriate equipment, lack of meritocracy, lack of sources and inappropriate distribution of responsibilities in work. According to multivariate analysis, increased use of avoidance-focused coping strategy, and decreased sleeping, physical exercise and family/friends support were associated with increased occupational stress. Moreover, police officers who work out of office experienced more occupational stress than police officers who work in office. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management - Registration at source 13/12/2018 Research article Community Policing and Intelligence-Led Policing Despite increased scholarly inquiry regarding intelligence-led policing (ILP) and popularity among law enforcement agencies around the globe, ambiguity remains regarding the conceptual foundation and appropriate measurement of ILP. Although most scholars agree that ILP is indeed a unique policing philosophy, there is less consensus regarding the relationship between ILP and the ever-present model of community-oriented policing (COP). Consequently, there is a clear need to study the empirical distinctions and overlaps in these policing philosophies as implemented by US law enforcement agencies. The paper aims to discuss these issues. The goal was to answer the question: are these two policing philosophies are being implemented as separate and distinct strategies? Results of our exploratory and structural models indicate that COP and ILP loaded on unique latent constructs. This affirms the results of the bivariate correlations, and indicates that COP and ILP have discriminant measurement validity. In other words, COP and ILP are conceptually distinct, even when implemented in police departments across the USA. Implications of these findings and suggestions for future research are discussed. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management - Registration at source 13/12/2018 Research article Are the Police Embracing Evidence-Informed Practice? A View From England and Wales The What Works Centre for Crime Reduction (WWCCR) in the UK’s College of Policing has a key role in promoting the use of research in policing. Since 2014, the WWCCR has aimed to review – and make accessible – research to better inform and target crime reduction and to build police capacity to identify, evaluate and apply research evidence to practice. This comes amidst significant changes to entry requirements for policing in the UK as part of efforts to further professionalise the service and prepare for future challenges in policing. We report findings from in-depth interviews with senior police officers from forces across England and Wales, conducted as part of a three-year evaluation of the WWCCR. These interviews explored the traction of ‘evidence-based practice’ among senior officers and showed shifts over time in their accounts of the value placed on research and how it is promoted and used within their force. Additionally, an online survey across policing ranks, conducted in 2016, found differences by seniority in perceptions about the relevance of research for policing, and the level of organisational support for it. Findings are used to consider the status of research evidence in policing and its development within a policing profession. Policing and Society - Registration at source 13/12/2018 Research article Everyday Deficiencies of Police Surveillance: A Quotidian Approach to Surveillance Studies It has become theoretical orthodoxy to point to and problematise a rise in surveillance. This article contributes to this debate. Following a still marginal yet budding number of studies that focus on the practical, quotidian level of surveillance systems, the article ethnographically examines the daily surveillance work of a number of Danish detectives. What is demonstrated is that whilst the Danish detectives openly acknowledged the need for further surveillance, they simultaneously often refrained from actually carrying out the surveillance practices needed. The article describes why that is. In doing so, it serves as a reminder of how the everyday reality of surveillance work may not necessarily be as effective as much scholarship on the matter may lead us to believe. Furthermore, it shows how these given Danish surveillance actors not only did not follow surveillance policies, they sometimes even actively opposed them. Contrary to the widespread idea that surveillance actors such as the police automatically appreciate new Orwellian opportunities, the Danish detectives commonly saw them as a hindrance to what they truly appreciated about their work. To them, an increase in police surveillance often meant a decrease in job satisfaction. Policing and Society - Registration at source 13/12/2018 Research article Police could soon stop replacing officers who leave the force The police have warned they could soon stop replacing officers if the Government does not help maintain funding. Enfield Independent 13/12/2018 News London violence: ‘Concerns’ over crime reduction plan London's mayor must take "further and drastic action" to tackle violent crime in the capital, members of a crime committee have said in a letter. BBC 13/12/2018 News Boy’s fatal Xanax overdose prompts warning by police The death of a teenager who overdosed on Xanax has prompted police to warn that young people across the country are falling victim to the growing use of “incredibly dangerous” tranquillisers. The Times - Subscription at source 13/12/2018 News Crimes can be reported to Kent Police via ‘live chat’ Victims of crime can now report offences to Kent Police via a "live chat" feature on the force's website. Kent Online 12/12/2018 News «379137923793379437953796379737983799Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events