Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98645 total results. Showing results 75861 to 75880 «379037913792379337943795379637973798Next ›Last » Supers President: Policing still needs more investment Responding to the Home Office’s announcement of the police funding settlement for 2019-20, Association President Gavin Thomas said: Police Superintendents' Association (PSA) 13/12/2018 News Funding settlement does not cover pensions increase or surpass inflation The shadow policing minister and police federation have slammed today's funding settlement announcement as “cuts dressed up as good news” and “smoke and mirrors sprinkled with fairy dust”. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 13/12/2018 News APCC custody lead welcomes publication of police use of force statistics Responding to the publication of police use of force statistics England and Wales: April 2017 to March 2018, APCC Custody Lead and ICVA Chair Martyn Underhill PCC said: Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 13/12/2018 News Funding settlement fuelled by Council Tax increase gets mixed response The Police Funding Settlement for 2019/20 announcement means forces can substantially increase local taxation to fund core policing, bringing in up to £970 million more if every police and crime commissioner (PCC) raises precepts by the maximum allowed. Police Professional 13/12/2018 News Provisional police funding settlement: APCC response Responding to today’s provisional police funding settlement APCC Finance Lead, Roger Hirst PFCC said: Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 13/12/2018 News New statistics show increased use of Tasers and disproportionate use of force among ethnic minorities Police use of Tasers has increased by almost 50 per cent in the past year, according to newly published Home Office statistics which for the first time provide full details on “use of force”. Police Professional 13/12/2018 News Surrey Chief Constable moving to MPS The Chief Constable of Surrey, Nick Ephgrave, is to join the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) as one of two new assistant commissioners, it has been announced. Police Professional 13/12/2018 News Our policemen and women are the very best in the world and do an incredible job keeping us all safe. Cheshire's police and crime commissioner (PCC) could face a vote of no confidence tomorrow, December 14. Guardian (Northwich) 13/12/2018 News The Government’s boost to funding must be matched by improvements in policing Our policemen and women are the very best in the world and do an incredible job keeping us all safe. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 13/12/2018 Feature, Opinion £1bn cash boost for police will be part paid for with council tax rise as Javid asks officers to do more Sajid Javid has told police he expects more crimes to be solved as householders face an extra £24 on their council tax bills to pay for a £1billion cash boost for forces. The Telegraph 13/12/2018 News Police funding plan that ‘prioritises south and puts up council tax bills’ slammed on Teesside Mike Veale is 'outraged' at Government plan to put up council tax bills and increase spending on southern forces Teesside Live 13/12/2018 News England and Wales police funding rise of £970m ‘not enough’ Despite ‘biggest increase since 2010’, some forces say they are barely making ends meet The Guardian 13/12/2018 News Black people more likely to have force used against them by police Concern as figures show black people experienced 12% of incidents despite being 3.3% of England and Wales population The Guardian 13/12/2018 News Technology Use and Constituting Structures: Accounting For the Consequences of Information Technology on Police Organisational Change The influence of information technology on organisational change has long been a concern in policing. Despite the assumption that technology holds great potential for improving police performance, studies suggest that technology delivers mixed results. In this article, we use a theoretical model well-known in studies on organisations and information systems but less familiar in criminal justice. The structurational model of information technology helped explain the complex processes underlying the organisational effects of a new records management system (RMS) in a single police agency. Using interviews, focus groups, and an agency-wide survey, we found that various designer and user groups interpreted and interacted with the RMS differently. Thus the same type of information technology led to the development of different ‘technologies-in-practice.’ Despite the agency’s concerted efforts to facilitate the RMS’s acceptance, these differences between groups led to unintended consequences, including reinforcing the traditional divide between street cops and management cops. Policing and Society - Registration at source 13/12/2018 Research article Violence Reduction Unit ‘cannot simply be a re-branding exercise of existing programmes’ Following an urgent investigation into London’s surge in violence crime, the London Assembly has called on the Mayor to clarify how his measures are helping. Police Professional 13/12/2018 News The Government are right to recognise that more money is needed in policing The Government has today announced extra funding for policing as part of the provisional police funding settlement. Policing is continuing to make substantial savings and drive efficiencies, but the Government are right to recognise that policing has come under severe strain and that extra funding is necessary to meet the demands of the public. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 13/12/2018 News New Prevent statistics show referrals up by a fifth New Home Office statistics show a 20 percent increase in the number of people referred to and supported through the Prevent programme – with extreme right wing concerns up by over a third. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 13/12/2018 News Making the public pay more for policing is ‘blatantly unfair’ The news that the Government is planning to plug the funding gap in policing by increasing local taxes has been slammed by the Police Federation of England and Wales. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 13/12/2018 News Government orders council taxpayers to pay extra for police as crime rises Police funding settlement relies on council tax increase for £500m extra funding The Independent 13/12/2018 News Police funding: Government pledges extra £300m Police forces in England and Wales are set to receive an extra £300m to help pay for pension expenses and other costs, ministers have announced. BBC 13/12/2018 News «379037913792379337943795379637973798Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events