Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98635 total results. Showing results 75841 to 75860 «378937903791379237933794379537963797Next ›Last » Cheshire police commissioner to face vote of no confidence Cheshire's police and crime commissioner (PCC) could face a vote of no confidence tomorrow, December 14. Guardian (Northwich) 13/12/2018 News UK: Public should ‘resist drum-beat of calls for all police to carry a Taser’ Responding to the statistics on police deployment of Tasers over the last year published today by the Home Office, Oliver Feeley-Sprague, Amnesty UK’s Police and Security Programme Director, said: Amnesty International 13/12/2018 News Home Office releases first national Police Use of Force statistics for England and Wales New Home Office statistics show that restraint tactics, such as handcuffing, were the most common type of force used by police across England and Wales. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 13/12/2018 News Extra £8m for Beds Police … but Council Tax payers to stump up most of the cash Council Tax payers are to stump up extra cash in order to meet Bedfordshire Police’s £8m settlement increase this year, it has been revealed. In an announcement earlier today, the force hailed the settlement as a victory for PCC Kathryn Holloway and Chief Constable Jon Boutcher. Luton Today 13/12/2018 News Police officers asked to fill in forms if they shout at suspects while restraining them Police officers who shout at violent suspects while restraining them have to spend valuable time filling in forms to justify their actions, it has emerged. The Telegraph 13/12/2018 News Response to the provisional police funding settlement 2019/20 Chief Constable Mike Cunningham, CEO of the College of Policing, the professional body for police, said: College of Policing 13/12/2018 News Police to get largest funding increase since 2010 There will be up to £970m additional funding, including up to £509m from further council tax flexibility, to enable police forces to recruit more officers. Home Office 13/12/2018 News Applications to the Biometrics Commissioner under PACE Guidance for chief police officers on making an application to the commissioner for the retention and use of DNA and fingerprints. Home Office 13/12/2018 Report Reaction as police use of force statistics published for the first time The first full year’s-worth of Police Use of Force statistics have been published. In April 2017 the Home Office introduced new forms aimed at providing an accurate record of the type and frequency of officers’ use force on a day to day basis. Every time an officer uses any type of force they must report the details. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 13/12/2018 News Police funding announcement dismissed as ‘sticking plaster solution’ Taxpayers will fund more than half the potential £970m increase. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 13/12/2018 News Supers President: Policing still needs more investment Responding to the Home Office’s announcement of the police funding settlement for 2019-20, Association President Gavin Thomas said: Police Superintendents' Association (PSA) 13/12/2018 News Funding settlement does not cover pensions increase or surpass inflation The shadow policing minister and police federation have slammed today's funding settlement announcement as “cuts dressed up as good news” and “smoke and mirrors sprinkled with fairy dust”. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 13/12/2018 News APCC custody lead welcomes publication of police use of force statistics Responding to the publication of police use of force statistics England and Wales: April 2017 to March 2018, APCC Custody Lead and ICVA Chair Martyn Underhill PCC said: Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 13/12/2018 News Funding settlement fuelled by Council Tax increase gets mixed response The Police Funding Settlement for 2019/20 announcement means forces can substantially increase local taxation to fund core policing, bringing in up to £970 million more if every police and crime commissioner (PCC) raises precepts by the maximum allowed. Police Professional 13/12/2018 News Provisional police funding settlement: APCC response Responding to today’s provisional police funding settlement APCC Finance Lead, Roger Hirst PFCC said: Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 13/12/2018 News New statistics show increased use of Tasers and disproportionate use of force among ethnic minorities Police use of Tasers has increased by almost 50 per cent in the past year, according to newly published Home Office statistics which for the first time provide full details on “use of force”. Police Professional 13/12/2018 News Surrey Chief Constable moving to MPS The Chief Constable of Surrey, Nick Ephgrave, is to join the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) as one of two new assistant commissioners, it has been announced. Police Professional 13/12/2018 News Our policemen and women are the very best in the world and do an incredible job keeping us all safe. Cheshire's police and crime commissioner (PCC) could face a vote of no confidence tomorrow, December 14. Guardian (Northwich) 13/12/2018 News The Government’s boost to funding must be matched by improvements in policing Our policemen and women are the very best in the world and do an incredible job keeping us all safe. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 13/12/2018 Feature, Opinion £1bn cash boost for police will be part paid for with council tax rise as Javid asks officers to do more Sajid Javid has told police he expects more crimes to be solved as householders face an extra £24 on their council tax bills to pay for a £1billion cash boost for forces. The Telegraph 13/12/2018 News «378937903791379237933794379537963797Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events