Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98687 total results. Showing results 75841 to 75860 «378937903791379237933794379537963797Next ›Last » Politicians should stop hiding behind the police over drugs reform and show some leadership Theresa May has a lot on her plate at the moment, despite surviving last week’s attempted coup by her party’s right-wing absurdists. Behind the froth, the fury and the foolhardiness of Brexit something remarkable has happened on her home patch. Bear in mind she is a former home secretary with hardline views on drugs. i News 17/12/2018 Feature, Opinion Lincolnshire Police and Crime Commissioner acts on church lead thefts Lincolnshire Police and Crime Commissioner Marc Jones is today (Monday) acting against the lead thieves who target our churches. Rutland & Stamford Mercury 17/12/2018 News What ARE they on? As one police force says it will let off heroin users, former top detective PHILIP FLOWER reveals the violence and misery that drugs can cause Mail Online 17/12/2018 Feature, Opinion First super-complaint to be made against ‘potentially unlawful’ police practice of sharing the data of victims of crime with immigration officials which deters them from speaking to officers The first super-complaint is set to be made against the 'potentially unlawful' police practice of sharing data on crime victims with Home Office immigration officials. Mail Online 17/12/2018 News One in three burgled homes is raided again Thirty per cent of burglary victims have been targeted more than once, a survey has found. The Times - Subscription at source 17/12/2018 News Force spreads its worldwide net to India to snare ‘tech support’ scammers targeting UK Victims report losing more than £21m million in one year to computer software service fraud. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 16/12/2018 News Central London in facial recognition trial Christmas shoppers could have their faces scanned in central London this week as part of a police trial. The Met says it will invite people to take part in testing the technology rather than scanning people covertly. BBC 16/12/2018 News Councillor claims police prioritise hate crime over ‘crimes that public are actually concerned about.’ A councillor has hit out at police for their focus on hate crime, saying resources shouldn’t be focusing on “someone saying something mean on Twitter.” Telegraph and Argus 16/12/2018 News New Government funding for police only a ‘sticking plaster’ New Government funding for policing would "pass the buck" of funding forces to the public, according to the association that represents officers. The Press (York) 16/12/2018 News Police back new scheme to improve car wash safety for employees and customers Nottinghamshire Police are supporting the launch of a new scheme which aims to improve car wash safety. Chad (Nottinghamshire) 16/12/2018 News Labour attacks police cuts as figures show fall in charging rates Proportion charged after arrest for suspected violent offences fell by a third in two years The Guardian 16/12/2018 News Modifying the ‘How’ of An Arrest: Reducing the Interacting Effects of Childhood Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence and Parental Arrest Exposure to intimate partner violence (IPV) as a child is a well-known risk factor for impaired psychosocial functioning contributing to elevated risks of internalizing and externalizing behaviours. Witnessing a parent’s arrest for IPV can interact with and further extend these consequences. This narrative review discusses the research on these adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and identifies the potential for greater traumatic outcomes resulting from their interaction. The authors provide strategies for police to minimize the negative effects on children when arresting a parent who has perpetrated IPV and recommend transitioning towards more integrated units that enable collaborative responses between police practitioners and child experts to minimize the resulting harm of exposure to these particular ACEs. Police Practice and Research - Registration at source 16/12/2018 Research article Analyzing Block Randomized Studies: the Example of the Jersey City Drug Market Analysis Experiment While block randomized designs have become more common in place-based policing studies, there has been relatively little discussion of the assumptions employed and their implications for statistical analysis. Our paper seeks to illustrate these assumptions, and controversy regarding statistical approaches, in the context of one of the first block randomized studies in criminal justice—the Jersey City Drug Market Analysis Project (DMAP). The major contribution of our article is to clarify statistical modeling in unbalanced block randomized studies. The introduction of blocking adds complexity to the models that are estimated, and care must be taken when including interaction effects in models, whether they are ANOVA models or regression models. Researchers need to recognize this complexity and provide transparent and alternative estimates of study outcomes. Journal of Experimental Criminology - Registration at source 16/12/2018 Research article Exploring the Relationship Between Effective Parenting, Self-Control, and Adherence to the Police Code of Silence Prior research has established that low self-control is significantly related to negative police behaviour, but no known study has investigated the development of self-control in those individuals who become police officers, and its subsequent relationship to police misconduct. To that end, structural equation modelling is used to test the theoretical causal sequence linking effective parenting, self-control, and adherence to the police code of silence among a multi-agency sample of 1,072 police recruits. Though our data offer some support for the parental management hypothesis and for the relationship between low self-control and deviance, the results demonstrate that these propositions are not as clear-cut as theoretically presented. This study offers insight into these complicated relationships and the findings yield important policy implications for police administrators. Deviant Behavior - Registration at source 16/12/2018 Research article Stabbings soar of children forced into county lines cocaine trade Doctors and nurses are having “county lines” training to help the soaring numbers of children caught up in drug-trade violence arriving at trauma and A&E units in rural hospitals. The Times - Subscription at source 16/12/2018 News Police Scotland eyes drugs scheme that helps users instead of criminalising them Scotland is considering implementing a drug diversion programme that will see those caught with small quantities of drugs referred for help rather than criminalised, it has emerged. The National 16/12/2018 News Police given drama lessons to improve detection of coercive control Police officers are to receive drama lessons from theatre actors in a bid to improve their ability to "spot the signs" of domestic abuse. The Telegraph 16/12/2018 News Theresa May’s local force go soft on hard drugs Thames Valley Police will not punish those caught with heroin, cocaine and ecstasy under controversial new scheme Mail Online 16/12/2018 News Petty crime is a great giggle, except for victims Britons’ mockery of The New York Times’s take on London is too smug The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 16/12/2018 Feature, Opinion The differential treatment of women in our justice system Russell Webster does a deep dive into the latest official statistics on women in the justice system. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 15/12/2018 Analysis, Feature «378937903791379237933794379537963797Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events