Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98635 total results. Showing results 75741 to 75760 «378437853786378737883789379037913792Next ›Last » Cheshire Police sickness levels ‘will increase’, ex-officer says A former police officer has claimed sickness levels will continue to rise after a report found that mental health issues are common in the force. Warrington Guardian 18/12/2018 News Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our readers… Our Publisher, Bernard Rix, reflects on Policing Insight's last twelve months, sets out our Christmas and New Year schedule, and takes a look on what we're planning for 2019... Policing Insight - Registration at source 18/12/2018 Opinion Policing Insight’s 2018 highlights: Innovation in the face of adversity As 2018 draws to a close, Policing Insight's editorial team highlight some of their favourite articles from the past year and set them as FREE access for all our readers to enjoy during the holiday period Policing Insight 18/12/2018 Opinion Police Use of Body Worn Cameras This article gives an overview of police use of body-worn cameras (BWCs). In doing so it explores the widespread adoption of BWC technology around the world and shows how different jurisdictions are adopting the cameras for a variety of uses. Next, the review examines the empirical research of BWCs and assesses the perceived benefits and concerns of the technology. The article then examines a case study of police use of BWCs in Canada. Politicians and civil rights groups have called on police in Canada to adopt BWCs to improve accountability, but little movement has been made in this direction. The article identifies several reasons why police have been slow to adopt the technology in Canada despite public demand and the widespread deployment of the technology elsewhere. It concludes with suggestions for areas of future research. Police Practice and Research - Registration at source 18/12/2018 Research article Revealed: Met police spent £130k on hunt for Croydon cat killer Scotland Yard spent more than 2,250 police hours, the equivalent to more than £130,000 of police resources, on its Croydon cat killer investigation, it was claimed today. The Standard 18/12/2018 News Met Police use controversial facial recognition technology amid London’s Christmas shopping crowds A suspect has been arrested by police during a trial of controversial facial recognition technology among Christmas shoppers in central London. Mail Online 18/12/2018 News ‘Interim’ plan after Scottish railway police merger stalls Ministers are pursuing a medium-term alternative to the stalled merger of British Transport Police into Police Scotland, it has been confirmed. BBC 18/12/2018 News Switching On, Switching Off: Reflections of A Practitioner Researcher Examining the Operational Behaviour of Police Officers Evidence-based policing is rapidly becoming adopted by policing agencies among policing jurisdictions. Many academic programmes have been established in higher education to train police managers in applied criminology. However, there is a lack of literature for police officer practitioner researchers (POPR) who might undertake qualitative research, especially research projects that examine police behaviour. This paper reflects on the changing role of the practitioner-researcher and suggests that police officers undertaking qualitative research need to learn to ‘switch off their police role’ and ‘switch on their researcher role’. The author’s insights are drawn from his own experience of qualitative fieldwork working with police officers from New Zealand Police and South Australian Police. Police Practice and Research - Registration at source 18/12/2018 Research article Examining the Impact of the Freddie Gray Unrest on Perceptions of the Police Taking advantage of a large residential survey that was ongoing in Baltimore, Maryland, during the riots surrounding the death of Freddie Gray in 2015, in this study, we examined changes in attitudes of procedural justice and police legitimacy before and after the events occurred. We found little change in measures of obligation to obey the law, trustworthiness of the police, and procedural justice among residents of Baltimore. The police are facing a challenging period of turmoil and reform as incidents of police use of force against minorities continue to draw national attention. Our findings suggest, however, that these macro‐level events may have little immediate impact on views of police legitimacy and procedural justice, as contrasted with longer term historical relationships between the police and the public. We argue that more research is needed to understand broader societal factors that shape people’s perceptions of the police as law enforcement and policy makers search for policies and programs to build trust with minority communities. Criminology and Public Policy 18/12/2018 Research article The critical role of leadership in policing – a #WeCops debate As part of the Home Office's Frontline Review, a series of #wecops chats were hosted over the last few months to help get officers' input. The aim of this discussion, hosted by @TACCSteveGraham, and written up by Insp. Dan Reynolds, was to explore the role of leadership in modern policing. Policing Insight - Registration at source 18/12/2018 Opinion Deep and Dark Web: Retrieving online terrorist content Policing Insight contributor and Senior Research Fellow at CENTRIC Andrew Staniforth outlines an initiative to help law enforcement agencies tackle online content that inspires radicalisation. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 18/12/2018 Opinion Tolerance levels: How police culture impacts on emotional health and wellbeing Currently on a career break, serving police officer Sarah-Jane Lennie shares some of the emerging themes from her PhD research into the emotional wellbeing of police officers. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 18/12/2018 Analysis David and Goliath or cat and mouse? Prising information on digital court reform out of the Ministry of Justice Following a two-year battle with the Ministry of Justice for the release of a report into digital courts, Director of Transform Justice Penelope Gibbs says not all the risks highlighted in that report have been mitigated. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 18/12/2018 Opinion Offender Interviews: Implications For Intelligence-Led Policing Intelligence-led policing (ILP) involves the analysis of data to inform the development and implementation of strategic actions aimed at more efficiently reducing crime. The purpose of this paper is to examine how chronic acquisitive offenders – a focus of ILP – respond to police patrol, and how this knowledge can be turned into actionable strategies to reduce crime. Interviews were conducted with 137 chronic offenders who had multiple convictions for burglary, robbery and/or vehicle crime. The interviews involved the collection of both qualitative and quantitative data, including responses to situational crime vignettes. When encountering police patrols, criminals were initially more likely to displace (e.g. committing crime elsewhere and/or later in the day) than to desist from offending. Some of the conditions under which police patrol was most effective were identified, including offenders’ fear of being recognized by officers. Repeated thwarted crime attempts appeared to be most impactful, with even the most chronic offenders becoming “worn down.” The profiles of top offenders should be systematically disseminated to front line officers to augment the effectiveness of police patrol and minimize the possibility of crime displacement. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management - Registration at source 18/12/2018 Research article New Zealand to hold referendum on legalising recreational cannabis Vote will coincide with 2020 general election; it follows legalisation of drug’s use for medicinal purposes The Guardian 18/12/2018 News Offenders with Muslim names are not jailed for longer, study finds Academics question extent of discrimination at crown courts in England and Wales The Guardian 18/12/2018 News CPS to extend effective domestic violence prosecution scheme Techniques developed in pilot projects have improved conviction rates The Guardian 18/12/2018 News Femicide in UK: 139 women killed by men last year, more than 100 knew their killer, report reveals One hundred and thirty-nine women were killed by men in 2017, with two in five cases involving excessive violence, a report has revealed. The Standard 18/12/2018 News Editor’s Viewpoint: Catholics need more support to join police It takes courage to be a police officer, but it takes a special kind of courage for a Catholic from what would be regarded as a strongly nationalist or republican background to join the PSNI. Belfast Telegraph 18/12/2018 Feature, Opinion Being a woman ‘no barrier to police career’ More women should be encouraged to consider a career with the Police Service of Northern Ireland, a leading female officer has said. BBC 18/12/2018 News «378437853786378737883789379037913792Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events