Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98635 total results. Showing results 75601 to 75620 «377737783779378037813782378337843785Next ›Last » County needs an extra 24 armed police and traffic cops (and chief constable says we’re going to get them) An extra 24 armed officers and traffic police are needed to ensure the county is covered, the chief constable said. Swindon Advertiser 27/12/2018 News I take scandal of Asian sex gangs personally, says Sajid Javid Sajid Javid has said that he took the Rochdale sexual grooming scandal personally because it involved men from his home town who were from a Pakistani background like him. The Times - Subscription at source 27/12/2018 News Military is urged to share latest anti-drone defences with police The British army has tested cutting-edge counter-drone technology, prompting calls for greater co-operation between the police and the military to prevent the kind of disruption caused at Gatwick airport. The Times - Subscription at source 27/12/2018 News Gatwick drone police urged to step aside after ‘messing up’ investigation There are calls for the Metropolitan Police to take over the Gatwick Airport drone probe from Sussex Police Mirror 26/12/2018 News How Do Undergraduate Students Construct Their View of Cybercrime? Exploring Definitions of Cybercrime, Perceptions of Online Risk and Victimization While cybercrime is recognized as an increasing problem in society, it is unclear how users perceive cybercrime and online risks. This qualitative study explored how undergraduate students in England, a group who are at relatively high risk of victimization, viewed language and concepts associated with cybercrime. Three focus groups were conducted with a total of 16 18- to 21-year-old undergraduate students, and data were analyzed inductively and thematically. The themes explored in this article include: the physical world versus the virtual world; confusion regarding the law (including a perceived lack of police interest in responding to cybercrime); the normalization of risky or harmful online behaviour; and victimization. The themes also point towards a variety of misconceptions about cybercrime alongside an ambivalence towards the potential risk of becoming a victim. The data provide a potential step towards tailoring education packages and awareness programmes to ensure at-risk groups are equipped with actionable mechanisms to protect themselves. Further research is suggested in terms of exploring how such perceptions can be changed through effective training and awareness programmes, potentially reducing the level of risk in this group. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice - Registration at source 26/12/2018 Research article Police Candidate Selection: Assessing the Effectiveness of Pre-Employment Polygraph Screening The majority of law enforcement agencies in the USA use pre-employment polygraph screening as a pass/fail criterion for prospective applicants. However, the polygraph has a number of unresolved practical and theoretical issues that are pronounced in the pre-employment screening context. After reviewing the literature in 2003, the National Research Council concluded there is a strong risk that pre-employment polygraph screening may erroneously exclude a large number of otherwise suitable candidates. Meanwhile, police departments face increasing difficulties finding qualified candidates to hire, and are often unable to keep pace with force attrition due to retirements and other factors. In light of these facts, this study attempts to determine if the polygraph is an effective means of filtering undesirable candidates by comparing data on police officer arrests between states that mandate pre-employment polygraph screening for law enforcement personnel and those that forbid the practice as a matter of law. The results were both surprising and completely contrary to initial expectations. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice - Registration at source 26/12/2018 Research article Sussex Police told to step aside in Gatwick probe after questioning if drone existed in bungled investigation Around 14,000 passengers faced travel chaos after more than 1,000 flights were delayed or cancelled in the run up to Christmas The Sun 26/12/2018 News Public Support For Police Use of Swat: Examining the Relevance of Legitimacy For five decades, law enforcement agencies have developed specialized units, such as Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) teams, for dealing with dangerous situations. In recent years, the uses of SWAT have expanded to a number of circumstances. The President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing noted that improper use of SWAT may damage the publics’ relationship with police. The current study examines public support for police use of SWAT across a number of different situations, using a national sample of 702 American adults. Descriptive statistics indicate widespread support for the use of SWAT in circumstances associated with hostage situations and terror events, with lower levels of support for circumstances involving the serving of drug warrants, large-scale public events, and peaceful protests, among others. Results from a series of logistic regressions indicate that legitimacy has inconsistent effects on public support for police use of SWAT across circumstances. Implications for theory and policy are discussed. Journal of Crime and Justice - Registration at source 26/12/2018 Research article ‘Wrong to ignore’ ethnicity of grooming gangs – Javid Home Secretary Sajid Javid has defended highlighting the ethnicity of some grooming gangs. BBC 26/12/2018 News Gatwick drones: Sussex Police facing calls to hand over control of investigation MP and peer suggest Metropolitan Police could lead probe instead The Independent 26/12/2018 News Sussex Police told to step aside amid mounting criticism of probe into drone attack on Gatwick airport The police force in charge of the investigation into the drone attack at Gatwick airport has been told to step aside and allow others to take over amid mounting criticism over its handling of the probe. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 26/12/2018 News Couple held for 36 hours over Gatwick drone feel ‘completely violated’ The couple who were arrested and released without charge over the Gatwick airport drone disruption said they felt “completely violated” by their treatment. The Times - Subscription at source 26/12/2018 News Drone defences rolled out after Gatwick chaos Drone detection systems will be introduced at airports throughout the UK after chaos caused at Gatwick airport last week, the security minister has promised. The Times - Subscription at source 26/12/2018 News Foxhunting ban being ignored, say environmental groups Foxhunts may hold Boxing Day meets under guise of trail hunting, warn campaigners The Guardian 26/12/2018 News Britain’s pickpocketing hotspots revealed London and Lincolnshire top table of WORST areas for light-fingered street crime - so how bad is YOUR area? Mail Online 26/12/2018 Analysis, Feature Christmas message from the NPCC CC Sara Thornton reflects on 2018 and the challenges policing will face in 2019. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 25/12/2018 Feature, Opinion ‘The settlement means police funding will increase’ Home Secretary's Christmas message Police Oracle - Subscription at source 25/12/2018 Feature, Opinion Hundreds of sexual harassment claims against male police officers Guardian investigation shows fraction of complaints over past six years led to dismissal The Guardian 25/12/2018 News Less than 25% of hate crime reports on UK railways lead to charges British Transport Police figures also show average of eight hate crimes are reported per day The Guardian 25/12/2018 News UK now has systems to combat drones – Ben Wallace Detection systems are now able to be deployed throughout the UK to combat the threat of drones, ministers say. BBC 25/12/2018 News «377737783779378037813782378337843785Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events