Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98645 total results. Showing results 75321 to 75340 «376337643765376637673768376937703771Next ›Last » West Midlands Police use ‘wands’ to fight knife crime Police officers in the West Midlands have been given metal-detecting "knife wands" in an attempt to tackle knife crime. BBC 12/1/2019 News South Wales Police chief Matt Jukes: ‘Too many delays in abuse cases’ Domestic abuse cases are taking too long to get to court because investigations are hampered by cuts in resources, South Wales's chief constable says. BBC 12/1/2019 News Crime in Prisons This report specifically considers the issue of ongoing criminality in prison custody. This research project was funded by the four PCCs in the Midlands’ region: Staffordshire, West Midlands, West Mercia and Warwickshire. However, the research has extended to consider the national context and policy agenda. The Government, and specifically Rory Stewart as Prisons Minister, has recognised that crime in prisons presents a pressing, significant, and contemporary challenge, and that is a point on which we concur. Staffordshire OPCC 12/1/2019 Report The plan to fix our prisons: Six-month minimum jail terms, refurbished cells and full-body scanners The dog handlers at Wormwood Scrubs prison are feeling good. They and their canine partners have just found two packages of contraband, which were hurled over the north wall during the night, but failed to make it across the high inner fence. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 12/1/2019 Analysis, Feature Ministers consider ending jail terms of six months or less The Ministry of Justice is considering banning prison sentences of less than six months in England and Wales. BBC 12/1/2019 News Chief Constable Mike Barton burps, swears and runs England’s best police force. What sets him apart? The bulky, bald Lancastrian whom one admirer likens to Colonel Kurtz in Apocalypse Now, rules Durham Constabulary in idiosyncratic style i News 12/1/2019 News Police chiefs warn murder rates will rise unless more officers are put on streets EXCLUSIVE: Their warning comes as new research finds one in three Brits has not seen a policeman walking their beat in the past year Mirror 12/1/2019 News MORE than 6,000 cases of stalking and harassment recorded by West Mercia Police in one year Crime statistics published by the Office of National Statistics show the number of cases recorded by West Mercia Police for the 12 months leading up to June 30 last year was triple the figure recorded for the same period three years earlier. Worcester News 12/1/2019 News It’s all a bit sci fi, but how about putting bobbies on the beat? CAN you believe a British police force is dropping tricky cases on the advice of computer programmers? Having worked with the police, been best man to a murder detective at his first wedding and had some contention with them in my lifetime, I can believe this. But don’t take my word. New Scientist reports that in one force some Desktop Plod now consults an algorithm to help decide which crimes are solvable and should be investigated by officers. Conservative Woman 12/1/2019 Feature, Opinion ‘I was raped and chose not to go to police’ Katt Walton was raped at a house party by a stranger. She works with victims of sexual violence and knew from experience there was no chance of conviction. So she took the decision not to go to police. Now she has waived her right to anonymity to highlight why so few perpetrators are brought to justice. BBC 12/1/2019 Feature, Opinion The town where criminals are being ‘let off’ Police release thugs 'because the nearest cells are a two-hour round trip away' Mail Online 12/1/2019 News Teenage knife crime – how the Harris academies are fighting back Every day, children across London live with the shocking consequences of knife crime. But some schools are taking action. Pupils and staff at the pioneering Harris academies are determined to tackle the crisis – and save lives. Andrew Billen reports The Times 12/1/2019 Analysis, Feature More children sent to referral units where gang leaders can target them As many as one child in every 30 is being educated in a pupil referral unit (PRUs) in some areas, despite the units being widely considered “fertile ground” for gang recruitment and knife crime, data has shown. The Times - Subscription at source 12/1/2019 News Force’s recruitment of volunteer detectives ‘unacceptable’ Essex Police deny this represents 'policing on the cheap'. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 11/1/2019 News Public confidence in police increases but visibility and stop and search are issues Public confidence in the police has increased with more than two-thirds satisfied with their local force. Police Professional 11/1/2019 News 2019: Major challenges ahead for UK policing CoPaCC Chief Executive and Policing Insight publisher Bernard Rix takes a look at what could be in store for policing in 2019. It's not just about Brexit... Policing Insight - Subscription at source 11/1/2019 Opinion Britain’s burglary hotspots revealed Henley-in-Arden residents in B95 postcode make the most insurance claims - does your town feature? Mail Online 11/1/2019 Analysis, Feature Homeless ex-police officer: From walking the beat to sleeping on the street Russell Monk is a former police officer, who served in Leeds. After struggling with mental health problems, he left his job and ended up sleeping rough. To help get back on his feet he has sold The Big Issue in Exeter and London. This is his account of how failings in the systems let some people fall through the cracks… The Big Issue 11/1/2019 Feature, Opinion 80% of 999 calls to Thames Valley Police not genuine emergencies Thames Valley Police are urging the public to consider whether a situation is a real emergency before dialling 999. ITV News 11/1/2019 Analysis, Feature Canadian police can demand breath samples ANYWHERE and up to TWO HOURS after you’ve been driving under strict new drunk driving law Canadian police will now be able to demand breath samples from anywhere, including restaurants, bars and even at home, under a new law. Mail Online 11/1/2019 News «376337643765376637673768376937703771Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events