Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98621 total results. Showing results 75281 to 75300 «376137623763376437653766376737683769Next ›Last » Feeble drug policy fuels war on our streets A new approach is needed to help children escape from a world of drug-running, gang coercion and premature death The Times - Subscription at source 14/1/2019 Feature, Opinion Wands to tackle knife crime The police are being issued with metal detecting “wands” to help them to tackle an increase in knife crime. The Times - Subscription at source 14/1/2019 News Cumbria Police officers to be issued with spit hoods Police in Cumbria dealing with suspects causing trouble after being arrested are to be issued with spit guards. BBC 13/1/2019 News Britain’s STABBING EPIDEMIC continues as knife crime soars and police seem clueless Britain's knife crime problem intensifies and has spread to rural areas – with hospitals adopting battlefield techniques to cope - yet police seem to be clueless as how to tackle the crisis. Express 13/1/2019 News A policing paradox: As crime rises, detection rates of those responsible fall Though the number of recorded crimes is rising, the proportion of those crimes that are detected is falling. Professor Marian FitzGerald of the University of Kent explores the figures. Policing Insight 13/1/2019 Analysis Crime victims wait half an hour for police to respond to 999 calls as response times double Victims of crime are having to wait up to 30 minutes for police to attend 999 calls as response times have doubled in some forces, figures obtained by The Daily Telegraph reveal. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 13/1/2019 News Perceptions of Incarcerated Youth About Police Violence and Legitimacy in Trinidad and Tobago This study was focused on the youth’s perceptions in Trinidad and Tobago, a developing Caribbean nation. It describes their personal experiences with and perceptions of police misbehavior or excessive use of force on juveniles and young adults held in the two reformatory institutions, as well as in the country’s only juvenile facility. The main objective of the present empirical research was to explore the diachronic conceptual relationship between violence and the levels of police legitimacy as perceived or experienced by the youth from 13 to 23 years old. Short questionnaires were used to capture the youth’s opinions on institutional violence, a distinct and long-lasting phenomenon in the region. Multivariate analyses of the quantitative data also examined the role of trust as an influencing factor for police legitimacy (and legitimation), being previously evaluated in terms of efficiency and equality. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - Registration at source 13/1/2019 Research article Public ‘turning blind eye’ to street drug dealing People are "turning a blind eye" to drug use and dealing on the streets because it is becoming normalised, a senior police officer has warned. BBC 13/1/2019 News Ofsted warns: Exclude pupils and you push up crime An epidemic of stabbings, drug crime and murders linked to children who have been excluded from school will be tackled this week in a crackdown on head teachers who expel struggling pupils. The Sunday Times 13/1/2019 News Smart gadgets open door to stalking and abuse, say police Doorbells, fridges and even toys that can be operated remotely are being used by people to spy on their partners The Sunday Times 13/1/2019 News Police swoop on Uber Eats and Deliveroo delivery riders The Home Office has acted to curb a black market in jobs for alleged illegal immigrants that was exposed by The Sunday Times. The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 13/1/2019 News The Met’s Gangs Matrix is racist policing in its purest form The database fuels the violence it purports to be trying to stop. It needs a complete overhaul The Guardian 13/1/2019 Feature, Opinion Britain’s WORST drink-drive towns revealed Cities in North West and Wales have most drunk drivers while Londoners are better behaved Mail Online 12/1/2019 Analysis, Feature World-first mobile phone detection cameras rolled out in Australia AUSTRALIA: New South Wales hopes to cut fatalities on the state’s roads by a third with devices that operate day and night in all weather The Guardian 12/1/2019 News Police given metal-detecting ‘wands’ to tackle knife crime Metal-detecting 'wands' are to be handed to frontline police officers in the latest move to tackle the huge increase in knife crime. Express & Star 12/1/2019 News Police in Cumbria will have added protection from ‘vile’ offenders Cumbria Constabulary has become the latest police force in England and Wales to adopt the use of spit guards - after officers were spat at, on average, every three days last year. News & Star 12/1/2019 News West Midlands Police use ‘wands’ to fight knife crime Police officers in the West Midlands have been given metal-detecting "knife wands" in an attempt to tackle knife crime. BBC 12/1/2019 News South Wales Police chief Matt Jukes: ‘Too many delays in abuse cases’ Domestic abuse cases are taking too long to get to court because investigations are hampered by cuts in resources, South Wales's chief constable says. BBC 12/1/2019 News Crime in Prisons This report specifically considers the issue of ongoing criminality in prison custody. This research project was funded by the four PCCs in the Midlands’ region: Staffordshire, West Midlands, West Mercia and Warwickshire. However, the research has extended to consider the national context and policy agenda. The Government, and specifically Rory Stewart as Prisons Minister, has recognised that crime in prisons presents a pressing, significant, and contemporary challenge, and that is a point on which we concur. Staffordshire OPCC 12/1/2019 Report The plan to fix our prisons: Six-month minimum jail terms, refurbished cells and full-body scanners The dog handlers at Wormwood Scrubs prison are feeling good. They and their canine partners have just found two packages of contraband, which were hurled over the north wall during the night, but failed to make it across the high inner fence. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 12/1/2019 Analysis, Feature «376137623763376437653766376737683769Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events