Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98566 total results. Showing results 74941 to 74960 «374437453746374737483749375037513752Next ›Last » Inquest jury finds Meirion James died of asphyxiation following police restraint A former teacher with a history of mental health issues died after he was restrained in a prone position at a police station in west Wales, an inquest jury has found. Police Professional 25/1/2019 News Complaints and misconduct file review 2018 – West Midlands Police During our 2017 legitimacy inspection HMICFRS found that West Midlands Police did not fully comply with requirements to communicate with complainants. In response, in August 2018 we carried out a review of complaints and misconduct files. This letter sets out the findings of the case file review. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 25/1/2019 Report Complaints and misconduct file review 2018 – South Wales Police During our 2017 legitimacy inspection HMICFRS found that South Wales Police did not fully comply with requirements to communicate with complainants. In response, in August 2018 we carried out a review of complaints and misconduct files. This letter sets out the findings of the case file review. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 25/1/2019 Report Complaints and misconduct file review 2018 – City of London Police During our 2017 legitimacy inspection HMICFRS found that City of London Police did not fully comply with requirements to communicate with complainants. In response, in August 2018 we carried out a review of complaints and misconduct files. This letter sets out the findings of the case file review HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 25/1/2019 Report Review of complaints and misconduct files in three forces HMIs Wendy Williams and Matt Parr have written to three police forces (City of London, South Wales and West Midlands) setting out the findings of our review of their complaints and misconduct files. The review followed up on areas for improvement which were identified during our 2017 legitimacy inspection. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 25/1/2019 News PFEW granted judicial review on police pay The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) has been granted a judicial review into “the Government’s failure to act on police pay recommendations”. Police Professional 25/1/2019 News Police Strain, Negative Emotions, Criminal Propensity, and Criminal Coping Utilizing a sample of homeless street youths, the paper draws on general strain theory to understand how police contact and perceived police injustice are related to two forms of criminal coping. It also examines if the relationship between the two police strain measures and criminal coping is mediated by anger and depression. Further, it explores if a composite criminal propensity moderator recently theorized in GST influences the relationships between police strains and coping. Findings show both forms of police strain have direct relationships with property crime, while only police contact has a direct relationship with violence. Further, both forms of police strain have an indirect relationship with violence through anger. Finally, criminal propensity moderates the relationship between both forms of police strain and violent offending but not property offending. Suggestions for further research are offered. American Journal of Criminal Justice - Registration at source 25/1/2019 Research article Chief of Staff, North Yorkshire OPFCC We have an exciting, permanent opportunity to join the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (Julia Mulligan) for North Yorkshire’s (PFCC) Office as her Chief of Staff. As the PFCC’s Head of Paid Staff and Monitoring Officer the successful candidate will act as her most senior advisor in relation to all Police, Fire and Crime matters. North Yorkshire OPCC 25/1/2019 Jobs British Transport Police 2017/2018 annual report The British Transport Police has released its annual report, with statistics showing what occurred in 2018. Rail Advent 25/1/2019 News Justice system in ‘crisis’ as only 8% of crimes prosecuted in England and Wales Exclusive: ‘We are facing a crisis within our justice system, we are starting to see it crumble around us’ The Independent 25/1/2019 News Understanding Public Satisfaction With the Police: Military background and interactions between higher education and prior contact with the police Building upon prior research, the purpose of this paper is to improve the understanding of public satisfaction with the police by examining the effects of one’s military background and the interactions between one’s education and perceptions about prior contact with the police. This study statistically analyzes the 2012 citizen survey data collected in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia, USA, and the theoretical framework includes the major models of citizen satisfaction with the police (i.e. demographic, prior contact with the police and neighborhood conditions). Findings show that being a military family member is significantly positively related to satisfaction with the police. In addition, there are significant interactions between higher education and prior contact with the police, suggesting that people with different educational backgrounds tend to consider their prior experiences (either positive or negative) differently in their general evaluations of the police. The study expands the literature by empirically assessing two often omitted factors that could have significant impacts on how the public evaluate the police. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management - Registration at source 25/1/2019 Research article ‘One Person’s Evidence Is Another Person’s Nonsense’: Why Police Organizations Resist Evidence-Based Practices Despite the noted importance of evidence-based policing (EBP) strategies, police organizations have been slow to adopt them. The present study aims to identify internal and external organizational factors that lead to resistance towards EBP. Qualitative data were obtained through in-depth interviews with 38 executive level police officers and members of police research organizations across Canada. Results reveal that resistance towards EBP is mainly due to organizational factors that arise from within the organization as well as external factors that are political in nature. Although the findings would be helpful for police organizations to reduce resistance to EBP, they must be interpreted with caution given the limited sample size preventing the generalization of results. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice - Registration at source 25/1/2019 Research article Extra 200 staff at Sussex Police to be hired if council tax rise is supported A maximum council tax rise would allow Sussex Police to employ 200 extra staff if approved. Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne is set to propose the rise at a police and crime panel meeting next Friday (February 1). Mid Sussex Times 25/1/2019 News Major IT issues at MoJ The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) has confirmed that serious problems with its IT systems over the past week were “not the result of a cyber-attack and there has been no loss of data”. Police Professional 25/1/2019 News Annual report 2017 REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: I am pleased to present the 2017 Annual Report for the Department of Justice and Equality, which sets out progress achieved by my Department in delivering the objectives set out in the Strategy Statement 2016-2019. [pdf] Department of Justice and Equality (Ireland) 25/1/2019 Report Police to open own ‘blue light’ cafe in Spennymoor town centre The police have come up with an inventive new way to reach out to their communities. The Northern Echo 25/1/2019 News Apps cut crime in Avon and Somerset, claims police chief A police force has rolled out 60 apps to help prevent crime amid a drop in budgets and officer numbers. BBC 25/1/2019 News The Times view on paedophile hunters: rough injustice The police should not be working with vigilante groups The Times - Subscription at source 25/1/2019 Feature, Opinion Third woman in 24 hours dies in crash involving police cars A woman aged 74 became the third person in 24 hours to die in a crash involving a police car when she was knocked off her mobility scooter. The Times - Subscription at source 25/1/2019 News Crime figures: ‘These kids are not born evil’ When Carla Lewis’s son was stabbed after leaving a birthday party in a suburb of Tilbury, Essex, she remembers him screaming at her, asking if he was going to die. A gang member had stabbed him in the back, narrowly missing his spinal cord, and cut his arm and chest. The Times - Subscription at source 25/1/2019 Feature, Opinion «374437453746374737483749375037513752Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events