Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98566 total results. Showing results 74921 to 74940 «374337443745374637473748374937503751Next ›Last » The Guardian view on the rise in homicides: policing is a partial solution Poverty and desperation among young people, as well as cuts to police numbers, lie behind a 14% increase in the homicide rate The Guardian 27/1/2019 Feature, Opinion Donald Trump’s private visit cost Police Scotland £3.2m Exclusive: force spent millions covering Trump’s two-day visit to his own golf resort last year The Guardian 27/1/2019 Analysis, Feature The staggering amount it is costing to police Manchester United and City Champions League games Both Manchester United and Manchester City’s progression into the knock-out stages of the Champions League is certainly a triumph for the city, but the reveal of the amount it is costing to police visiting European fans to particular fixtures in Manchester has left a good proportion of football fans aghast. The Sportsman 27/1/2019 News Tory fury as election watchdog seeks police powers amid fears of bias The election watchdog is planning to hand itself powers of prosecution in time for a second Brexit referendum, prompting fears that pro-Leave groups could be unfairly targeted with criminal charges. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 27/1/2019 News More than 2,000 sex offenders who were spared jail in the past five years went on to reoffend, figures reveal More than 2,000 sex offenders who were spared jail in the past five years went on to commit similar sickening crimes. Mail Online 27/1/2019 News Sirens, scuffles …and sexism From vicious knife fights to having your breasts stamped by colleagues (yes, really), female police officers have seen it all. Veteran Jennifer Rees interviewed WPCs from across the decades and now shares more than 60 years of unbelievable but true tales Mail Online 27/1/2019 Analysis, Feature Inside the world of digital forensics with Suffolk police’s cybercrime unit The world of forensic science has evolved over centuries to utilise the analysis of blood, DNA, fingerprints, ballistics and toxicology in solving crime. East Anglian Daily Times 27/1/2019 Analysis, Feature UK cyber-crime victims lose £190,000 a day More than £190,000 a day is lost in the UK by victims of cyber-crime, police statistics show. BBC 27/1/2019 News Victims wait up to 9 days for police to act on 999 calls Response targets are being missed for violent crime and burglary The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 27/1/2019 News Met police ‘disproportionately’ use stop and search powers on black people London’s minority black population targeted more than white population in 2018 – official figures The Guardian 26/1/2019 News Crisis as police close 2.3m investigations without a suspect being charged Police chiefs yesterday called for an investigation into why, as crime increases, figures show charge rates have plunged to a record low. Just 415,935 people were charged in the year to September after police recorded 5,073,131 offences. Express 26/1/2019 News The Metropolitan Police uses stop and search powers ‘disproportionately’ on the black community The number of black people stopped and searched has risen by nearly 20 per cent i News 26/1/2019 News Cleveland Police chief resigned after allegations of inappropriate behaviour towards women A police chief who resigned a week ago did so because of allegations of inappropriate behaviour towards women, The Northern Echo has learned. The Northern Echo 26/1/2019 News Crime will continue to rise until us bobbies are released from the shackles of the PC police The national crime figures released this week confirmed what my colleagues and I have known for some time. Violent crime is out of control and criminals now see certain cities and towns across the country as places where they can act with impunity. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 26/1/2019 Feature, Opinion Using Citizen Notification to Interrupt Near-Repeat Residential Burglary Patterns: the Micro-Level Near-Repeat Experiment The experiment was conducted in Baltimore County, Maryland and Redlands, California. As residential burglaries came to the attention of the police, a trickle randomization process was used to assign each micro-level NR-HRZ (measured 800 ft, 244 m from the burglary location) and associated buffer (400 ft, 122 m) to treatment or control. Treatment was performed by uniform agency volunteers and consisted of swift notification to residents in the area of increased risk of burglary victimization. Treatment and control zones were compared for differences in the mean count of residential burglary using independent samples t tests. Two surveys were administered to gauge the impact of the program: one targeted residents and one targeted at the treatment providers. There was limited evidence that the treatment reduced follow-on burglaries. The effectiveness of the intervention varied depending on the post-intervention time period being considered. The results of the community survey suggested that: (1) the most frequent crime prevention actions taken by residents were relatively low-cost and low-effort and (2) notification did not increase resident fear of burglary. The treatment provider survey found that the program was effective at increasing the level of engagement between volunteers and the agency and had positive impacts on community perception. This research demonstrated that law enforcement volunteers can be used to undertake programs that have positive impacts on police-community relations. Limitations included low near-repeat counts, delays in discovering/reporting burglary, and staffing constraints. Journal of Experimental Criminology - Registration at source 26/1/2019 Research article Police Chiefs Blog: CC Sara Thornton – Chief Constables Council January 2019 Last week I chaired Chief Constables' Council for the sixteenth and last time. Over the last four years the breadth and depth of business has increased significantly. We have extended the length of the national meeting by half a day and have introduced a regional tier of meetings to obtain wider feedback and to make best use of our time together. Despite this, it is an enormous challenge to ensure that everyone has a chance to contribute and to get business done in the time available! National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 26/1/2019 Feature, Opinion Racism and spying cases blight Cleveland, the ‘worst police force’ Cleveland has been branded Britain’s worst police force after it was revealed that it is facing multiple inquiries into racism, intrusive surveillance and suppression of evidence. The Times - Subscription at source 26/1/2019 News Londonderry bomb: MI5 has 700 officers in Belfast as dissidents stoke Brexit fears MI5 has more than 700 officers stationed in Belfast as part of a huge intelligence operation to combat the threat of dissident republican terrorism. The Times - Subscription at source 26/1/2019 News Police car deaths: Review of 999 and pursuit driving The way police cars are driven for 999 calls and pursuits will be reviewed after four deaths involving patrol vehicles in four days, a watchdog said. BBC 26/1/2019 News Officers took ‘all reasonable steps’ to trace man with mental health issues The Police Investigations & Review Commissioner (PIRC) found that they “followed guidelines within the force’s Mental Health and Place of Safety Standard Operating Procedures”. Police Professional 25/1/2019 News «374337443745374637473748374937503751Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events