Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98555 total results. Showing results 74881 to 74900 «374137423743374437453746374737483749Next ›Last » Murder rate rises by 14 per cent as violence continues to escalate There has been a rise in violence in all police force areas, ranging from one per cent in violence against the person offences in West Mercia to 63 per cent in Lancashire, according to the latest crime figures. Police Professional 28/1/2019 News Support and advice for first responders: Victims of terrorism Information to help first responders, including emergency service workers, following a terrorist attack. Home Office 28/1/2019 Report Neighbourhood Policing Survey 2018 Published 28th January 2019 North Yorkshire OPCC 28/1/2019 Report North Yorkshire PFCC publishes results of neighbourhood policing survey and calls for more visible policing North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Julia Mulligan has published the results of her neighbourhood policing survey and has called for more visible policing around the area The Scarborough News 28/1/2019 News Northern Ireland´s top police officer to retire months after Brexit Northern Ireland’s top police officer has announced he will retire in June after five years in the job. Mail Online 28/1/2019 News George Hamilton, Chief Constable, announces retirement Northern Ireland's top police officer is to retire later this year. BBC 28/1/2019 News Thousands of crimes are not being recorded by Dyfed-Powys Police Government inspectors were particularly concerned about domestic abuse offences going unrecorded, but acknowledged some improvements had been made Wales Online 28/1/2019 News Police watchdog to hear secret Brexit presentation Scotland's police watchdog will hear a major presentation on Brexit in private because “disclosure of information could prejudice national security”. The Herald (Scotland) 28/1/2019 News Community responders: A sensible solution to rural policing or an unacceptable ‘splicing’ of emergency services roles? How do you continue to effectively police a large rural force area when you’ve lost nearly 500 police officers in the last eight years? Devon and Cornwall Police believe they may have the answer with their new community responders - on-call firefighters who are also warranted police officers. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 28/1/2019 Analysis Justice ministry knew court IT systems were ‘obsolete’, papers reveal After last week’s meltdown, MoJ documents show warning of ‘unacceptable levels’ of risk The Guardian 28/1/2019 News More than a listening post: How the Truth Project is improving the response to child sexual abuse The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse has launched a major new TV campaign for victims and survivors of child sexual abuse to be heard at the Truth Project. Head of Truth Project and Strategy Helen Ryan and Chris Tuck, a member of the Victims and Survivors Consultative Panel and a survivor of child sexual abuse, explain the importance of the Project. Policing Insight - Registration at source 28/1/2019 Interview, Opinion New figures reveal rising crime crisis with 215 extra officers set for Essex New figures have revealed a rising crime crisis in Essex as more resources are planned to tackle the problem. The crime rate across the county is up 16 per cent when comparing the 11 months to November 2018 with the same period the previous year. Echo (Essex) 28/1/2019 News Minister ‘borrows the wheels’ of moped initiative to kick-start new taskforce Police chiefs and motoring industry join Home Office scheme to fight increase in car crime. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 28/1/2019 News Half of magistrates’ courts closed since 2010 'Have court, will travel' in justice efficiency exercise. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 28/1/2019 News Watchdog group weighs up ‘public concerns’ on clearing path for removing fear of pursuit prosecutions Could three police-related fatalities on the roads have put the brake on changes to laws Police Oracle - Subscription at source 28/1/2019 News The Role of the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police in Supporting the Professionalization of Police in Canada The public deserves and expects professional and accountable policing. The need and desire to maintain and build public trust and respect in policing in dynamic, complex, and constantly evolving political, socio-economic, technological, and demographic contexts has driven increased discussion and examination of professionalization of policing. Effective and efficient policing today requires police leaders who are innovative, have political acumen and agile decision-making capacity, and can engage with a variety of actors at multiple levels to address public safety and security issues. Police leaders are also charged with ensuring that police officers at all levels have the education, knowledge, skills and competencies, and supports needed to solve crimes and problems, enforce laws, and prevent crime. The Commonwealth countries of England, Wales, Australia, and New Zealand have established professional bodies to regulate policing and address these requirements. This review uses identified characteristics of professions as a framework for comparing the work of these associations with contributions the Canadian Association of Chiefs has made in supporting, preparing, and professionalizing policing in Canada. It concludes by comparing the approaches to police professionalization in England, Wales, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice 28/1/2019 Research article Gold Standard Strategic Plans: How Well Do Canadian Police Services Do? This paper reports the results of a content analysis of the business/strategic plans of 23 Canadian police services that provide service to 48% of the country’s population. The results indicate that these plans vary considerably with respect to environmental scans; statements of values, vision and mission; descriptions of goals; resources to be applied to goal achievement; and indicators to be used to assess success and inform ameliorate action. The findings also indicate that the plans pay limited attention to statements of strategic purpose and the competitive environments within which these police services operate. These results are considered in light of the potential that well-done strategic planning processes may have for police leaders and oversight bodies as well as for helping police services better meet accountability requirements and stakeholder expectations. Police Practice and Research - Registration at source 28/1/2019 Research article Northern Ireland ex-police chief warns dissident republicans will exploit hard border Sir Hugh Orde said politicians had their heads ‘stuck in the mud’ Belfast Telegraph 28/1/2019 News Huge repair bill for vandalised police cars in Tayside Police in Tayside have forked out nearly £27,000 to repair vandalised squad cars in the last three years. The Courier (Scotland) 28/1/2019 News On patrol with armed police as workload grows Armed police are tested to the limits each day but the numbers of officers has fallen over the decade. BBC 28/1/2019 Analysis, Feature «374137423743374437453746374737483749Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events