Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98554 total results. Showing results 74821 to 74840 «373837393740374137423743374437453746Next ›Last » Alarm over number of PSNI staff in ‘acting up’ roles as hunt begins for a new chief A former PSNI deputy chief constable has warned that there could be a "crisis" if the policing board doesn't address the number of people who are temporarily "acting up" in senior PSNI roles. Belfast Telegraph 30/1/2019 News New ‘smart motorways’ blasted as police have no hard shoulder to pull dangerous drivers over Police Federation road policing head Dave Blundell revealed officers had complained they had been forced to wait 'miles and miles' to halt culprits The Sun 30/1/2019 News I hate this hateful hate industry Don't we all have our pet hates? I may have several items jockeying for pole position in my list (ISIS, Gillette, and the berk who spilt beer all over the bar last night currently spring to mind) at any one time. I consider hate to be the sovereign territory of the individual, which should never be yielded to outside interference. I would also never wish to deprive someone of the pleasure of hating me, having spent 40 years building up a cast-iron case for doing so. Conservative Woman 30/1/2019 Feature, Opinion MP slams Greater Manchester mayor Andy Burnham for surge in crime complaints An increase in crime reports is the fault of Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham, according to MP Chris Green. Leigh Journal 30/1/2019 News Proposed UK law could expose journalists’ emails, say critics British police forces could find it easier to access journalists’ private emails as a result of legislation making its way through parliament, according to freedom of speech campaigners, who are urging politicians to make a last-minute intervention to secure journalistic freedom. The Guardian 30/1/2019 News North Yorkshire residents feel less safe and say crime is worse, survey finds A survey of policing in North Yorkshire has found residents feel less safe with many believing crime is getting worse and under a third are satisfied with the police presence in their area. The Northern Echo 30/1/2019 News Gloucestershire’s police chief wants more funding Gloucestershire's Chief Constable Rod Hansen says the maximum increase in the police share of the council tax is the most realistic way the Constabulary can deliver the County's Police and Crime Plan and the service the public deserves. Heart 30/1/2019 News NPCC Roads Policing Lead: Poor drivers “emboldened” by lack of enforcement The National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) Lead for Roads Policing has warned that continuing to cut the number of officers operating on roads will lead to an increase in the number of preventable deaths as bad and irresponsible drivers will feel they are less likely to be caught. Police Professional 30/1/2019 News Repeated exposure to trauma “rewires” brains of police officers The first Demand, Capacity and Welfare Survey to include details of exposure to trauma has found that virtually all police officers experience it at some point during their service – and more than 60 per cent have experienced it within the past 12 months, dramatically increasing their risk of health-related issues. Police Professional 30/1/2019 News Requirement for chief constable to have served outside NI downgraded from `essential’ to `desirable’ A requirement that the PSNI chief constable must have served in a high-ranking role in another force has been downgraded to a "desirable" criteria for candidates. The Irish News 30/1/2019 News Feminists slam ‘controlling’ police for telling women to jog in groups to avoid threats and insults from men Police came under fire last night for urging women to jog in groups to avoid sexist abuse. Mail Online 30/1/2019 News ‘It’s like Wacky Races out there!’: Police chief says motorists are left free to drive dangerously due to a lack of speed cameras and officers on roads British highways are overrun with Dick Dastardlys with not a Peter Perfect in sight, a frontline police leader suggested yesterday. Mail Online 30/1/2019 News Private security firms handcuffing thugs is a criminal betrayal of 200 years of policing MP John Woodcock on how he’s lost faith in his constabulary in the Lake District over ‘alarming’ new plans Mail Online 30/1/2019 Feature, Opinion Shouting ‘nee-naw’ is for pretend policemen Readers may have noticed that I’ve got a bit of a downer on the Thames River Police, or, as they now style themselves, the Metropolitan Police Marine Policing Unit. The Times - Subscription at source 30/1/2019 Feature, Opinion Police cuts have made roads ‘like Wacky Races’ Traffic police are warning of lawlessness on the roads as they struggle to cope with increasing levels of dangerous driving. They also say that smart motorways are only making their job harder. The Times - Subscription at source 30/1/2019 News Stay safe by running in groups, police tell women A police force has been criticised for launching a campaign urging women to go running in groups to avoid abuse. The Times - Subscription at source 30/1/2019 News Social media ‘must be forced to protect young users’ Tech companies including Facebook and YouTube have failed to protect young people despite repeated promises and should now be forced by law, the children’s commissioner has said. The Guardian - Subscription at source 30/1/2019 Feature, Opinion County lines drug trade snares 10,000 children About 10,000 children are being used to carry drugs across the country in an escalation of the “county lines” trade. The Times - Subscription at source 30/1/2019 News Banks’ online security is not tough enough to stop hackers Less than half of Britain’s leading banks are doing enough to protect customers from hackers, according to a Which? investigation. The Times - Subscription at source 30/1/2019 News Airbnbs used as drug dens by expanding ‘county lines’ gangs, officials reveal Children being stabbed, raped, tortured and exploited by gangs, charity says The Independent 29/1/2019 News «373837393740374137423743374437453746Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events