Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98467 total results. Showing results 74281 to 74300 «371137123713371437153716371737183719Next ›Last » The Schengen Evaluation Mechanism: Exploring the Views of Experts in the Field of Police Cooperation Freedom of movement was founded in Europe over 30 years ago, signing the Schengen agreement 1985. The convention implementing the Schengen Agreement (CISA) took effect in 1995. It was incorporated into EU law and considered a major achievement of European integration. The Schengen evaluation mechanism has been developed as guarding system for establishing and maintain effective cooperation and mutual trust among member states. There have been major changes within the mechanism, the initial intergovernmental peer review process is now a community method led by the European Commission. This study analyses the development of the Schengen area and the evaluation process, exploring the views of the evaluation experts assessing police cooperation. The research found that although the new evaluation system was considered appropriate for the monitoring the arrangements, there are key areas that could be improved within the process of conducting evaluations, maintaining expertise and sharing best practise. European Law Enforcement Research Bulletin - Registration at source 19/2/2019 Research article Diane Abbott: Austerity politics have created a ‘crisis in policing’ Spiralling violent crime linked to government funding cuts, claims Labour. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 19/2/2019 News Enhancing Public Security Through Use of Social Media This paper focuses upon the emerging findings of an ongoing Horizon 2020 project -MEDI@4SEC: The Emerging Role of New Social Media in Enhancing Public Security. Working actively with police forces across Europe, MEDI@4SEC is creating a future roadmap for the role of social media in law enforcement and public security planning, not only for communication purposes and as a listening platform, but also as a tool for collaboration – a digital realm where policing and crime prevention can be done in new ways with new types of digital and real-world interventions. The ongoing results of MEDI@4SEC presented here illuminate a variety of police tasks are increasingly utilising social media. Such activities further highlight a series of challenges and opportunities for policing associated with organisational change, legal and ethical issues, privacy, transparency and liability, technological infrastructure and training required and budgetary concerns that are likely to shape the take up of social media usage in police forces around Europe in the coming years. European Law Enforcement Research Bulletin - Registration at source 19/2/2019 Research article Law Enforcement Responses to Violent Extremism in Greece In order to generate a European perspective of counter-radicalisation, it is important to understand the individual strategies of member states. Illuminating the best practices of countries can provide the best stimulus to initiate policy reform and changes to multi-agency prevention. In this article, the experiences and needs of practitioners from law enforcement agencies in Greece are captured to provide a deeper understanding of prevention work. Results are presented from focus groups with law enforcement practitioners that were held at a counter-radicalisation workshop in Athens where over 120 practitioners assembled to discuss violent extremism and vulnerable groups in Greece. Approximately two-thirds of the participants reported having contact to extremists in a professional capacity. These practitioners most commonly worked within smaller teams (1-10) and collaborated with a diverse range of national stakeholders. Although participants were most concerned about Islamist extremism, left-wing extremism was the most commonly reported form of extremism encountered. Participants emphasised the need for further training in recognising the signs of violent extremist behaviour and international information sharing. Results indicate a growing need for more technological formats that can host counter-radicalisation tools, such as app-based risk assessments and training modules. European Law Enforcement Research Bulletin - Registration at source 19/2/2019 Research article Carrying a heavier burden: The Police Federation’s Demand, Capacity and Welfare Survey 2018 The Police Federation's 2018 survey of officer welfare again shows shocking levels of officer stress and exposure to trauma. Mary Elliot-Davies of the Federation explains the findings of the survey, and what's urgently needed to protect officers and allow them to rebuild their resilience. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 19/2/2019 Analysis Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts - plus a short guide outlining how serving police officers and staff can get access, free, to many of the articles listed through the National Police Library. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 19/2/2019 News Prison is a dead end for many offenders and we need to avoid it David Gauke is the justice secretary. Shaun Bailey is the Conservative candidate for London mayor The Times - Subscription at source 19/2/2019 Feature, Opinion Tough laws on cannabis don’t cut teenage use A global study of 100,000 young people has found no evidence that teenage cannabis use is higher in countries with more liberal drug laws or lower in countries that have tougher controls. The Times - Subscription at source 19/2/2019 News Round the clock tagging to ‘protect victims’ The Justice Secretary David Gauke has announced the rollout of new GPS tags which will monitor the location of offenders 24/7. Police Professional 18/2/2019 News Sinn Fein leader voices concern over appointment of next PSNI chief constable Mrs McDonald said the PSNI had ‘zero credibility’ in its handling of cases linked to the legacy of the Troubles. Belfast Telegraph 18/2/2019 News South Yorkshire Police sets up drone squad South Yorkshire Police is to begin developing a drone capability following the approval of funding by a board of senior officers. 18/2/2019 News Cressida Dick: We do our best to prevent ‘travellers with ill-intent’ Stopping jihadi bride schoolgirls is 'complicated', commissioner admits. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 18/2/2019 News Commissioner reflects on her term in office The Police Investigations & Review Commissioner (PIRC) has today announced she will step down from her post when her five year term in office ends. Commissioner Kate Frame was appointed in 2014, after the formation of the PIRC in April 2013. Police Investigations and Review Commissioner (PIRC) 18/2/2019 Feature, Opinion GPS tags “must not become cost cutting exercise” “The use of better technology is long overdue but must not become a cost saving initiative”, argues PFEW National Chair. This comes following the Justice Secretary's annoucement on Saturday 16 February to tag thousands of criminals with GPS trackers in England and Wales. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 18/2/2019 News Hillsborough trial: ‘officer did not discuss consequences of opening gate’ David Duckenfield gave no orders before or shortly after issuing command, court told The Guardian 18/2/2019 News Home Secretary visits police centres preparing for EU exit Sajid Javid visited 2 policing hubs that are supporting preparations for EU exit in the event of no deal. Home Office 18/2/2019 News Met Commissioner: Why ‘myths and stereotypes’ are holding back a 50-50 gender split Cressida Dick believes the public is '20 years behind' on women in policing. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 18/2/2019 News MPs urge government to redraft new domestic abuse bill so it protects victims in Northern Ireland ‘The UK risks protections for vulnerable people for the sake of party political gain,’ says Stella Creasy The Independent 18/2/2019 News Justice Secretary: ‘we need to think more imaginatively’ about punishment in the community Justice Secretary David Gauke has called for a “smart” justice system as part of a revolution in the treatment of offenders. Police Professional 18/2/2019 News Police crisis as cops quit in huge numbers Police forces are facing a staffing crisis, with more than a third missing their recruitment targets, the Daily Express can reveal. Express 18/2/2019 News «371137123713371437153716371737183719Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events