Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98458 total results. Showing results 74221 to 74240 «370837093710371137123713371437153716Next ›Last » Disgruntled airport EMPLOYEE was behind Gatwick drone chaos that caused Christmas misery for thousands, police believe The drone attack that brought chaos to Gatwick airport before Christmas is thought to have been an 'inside job', according to Whitehall sources. Mail Online 21/2/2019 News Police believe airport insider was behind Gatwick drone chaos The drone attack that brought Gatwick to a standstill before Christmas is believed to have been an “inside job”, according to Whitehall sources. The Times - Subscription at source 21/2/2019 News More stop and search powers to cut acid attacks Police are to get more powers to stop and search people they suspect of carrying acid and other corrosive substances in public, the home secretary said yesterday. The Times - Subscription at source 21/2/2019 News Mental Health Cop: Three years until 2022 A little medium and long-term thinking on mental health and its relationship with policing, if I may? Mental Health Cop blog 20/2/2019 Feature, Opinion Smacking ban set to increase demands on police and social workers, MSPs told The smacking ban is likely to increase costs for the police, force chiefs say. The Courier (Scotland) 20/2/2019 News Altia-ABM’s investigative software embedded with dtSearch is now deployed across UK police forces and other enforcement and intelligence agencies Headquartered in the UK, Altia-ABM develops innovative software to facilitate investigations and manage covert operations. U.S.-based dtSearch Corp. provides document filters to parse a wide variety of data formats and text retrieval to instantly search terabytes of data. Altia-ABM products embedding the dtSearch Engine span UK police forces, local and central government agencies. Altia-ABM is now looking to further expand its software footprint globally, including to police and other law enforcement and intelligence agencies across the U.S. SD Times 20/2/2019 News MPs painted a picture of ongoing ‘savage funding cuts putting very legitimacy of our service at stake’ Spotlight Merseyside: It surely can not be right the largest cuts in police funding hit communities with the greatest social and economic need. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 20/2/2019 News Failure to fund Grenfell Tower inquiry in full is ‘slowing down investigation’ The Home Office has been criticised for not funding the entire costs of the Metropolitan Police Service’s (MPS) investigation into the Grenfell Tower disaster. Police Professional 20/2/2019 News A police officer’s view: ‘I know what domestic abuse in Britain really looks like’ “My boyfriend has just beaten me up... There’s blood everywhere, I think he… he’s broken my jaw. He was stamping on my head and punching me”. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 20/2/2019 Feature, Opinion Mermaids training for police ridiculed online Training given to Merseyside police by trans activist group Mermaids has been ridiculed online. The Christian Institute 20/2/2019 News Liverpool’s ‘entrepreneurial’ criminal gangs could be about to get a major boost There could be challenges coming for efforts to disrupt the gangs Liverpool Echo 20/2/2019 News Police are to get new powers to stop and search anyone suspected of carrying acid in a public place Sajid Javid is to give police new stop and search powers to combat a spike in 'sickening' acid attacks. Mail Online 20/2/2019 News Merseyside Police Commissioner set to stand down Merseyside’s Police Commissioner has confirmed that she will be standing down. Click Liverpool 20/2/2019 News Data Protection Act 2018: We’re still a long way from ‘business as usual’ The Data Protection Act 2018 is a game-changer in how data is handled, but has law enforcement risen to the challenge? In the first of a new series, Owen Sayers, an enterprise architect, privacy and security specialist with thirty years experience in the CJS, outlines the issues surrounding the Act and whether law enforcement is fully prepared for them. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 20/2/2019 Analysis Police get new powers to counter acid attacks Police are to get extra powers to stop and search people they suspect are carrying acid and other corrosive substances in public. The Times - Subscription at source 20/2/2019 News Government refuse full police funding request for Grenfell probe The government has been accused of short-changing policing over one of Britain’s worst modern disasters in a flagrant example that “investigating crime doesn’t pay” Police Oracle - Subscription at source 20/2/2019 News Forces promised new offender tracking ‘not going soft’ on crime A more robust and advanced scheme to track offenders by GPS that is “not a soft option on criminals” is to be rolled out nationally. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 20/2/2019 News Political heavyweight to ‘take step back’ from responsibility of one of UK’s largest forces One of policing’s political heavyweight 'governors' is stepping down from the front line. Merseyside police and crime commissioner Jane Kennedy today announced she will not be seeking a third term of office next year. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 20/2/2019 News Drone no-fly zone to be widened at airports after Gatwick chaos Police given powers to stop and search and use warrant to access drone electronic data The Guardian 20/2/2019 News Police ‘stop and search’ powers Consultation outcome: The Offensive Weapons Bill, which is currently before Parliament, will introduce the offence of possession of a corrosive substance in a public place and provisions to extend stop and search powers to cover this offence. The use of corrosive substances as a weapon can cause significant harm and injury to individuals, families and communities and we are determined to take strong action in order to prevent these horrendous attacks. Following the misuse of drones that caused significant disruption to Gatwick airport operations in December 2018, the Department for Transport and the Home Office have been working closely with the police to re-examine whether the police have the necessary stop and search powers to deal with a scenario where drones cause widespread disruption to the operation of aerodromes. Home Office 20/2/2019 Report «370837093710371137123713371437153716Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events