Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98413 total results. Showing results 74101 to 74120 «370237033704370537063707370837093710Next ›Last » Ending Short Prison Sentences: An amnesty for prolific thieves and burglars? Since the New Year, the Justice Secretary David Gauke MP and Prisons Minister Rory Stewart MP have been making the case for ending prison sentences shorter than six months – except for violent and sex offenders. The stated aim is to reduce the numbers going to prison by tens of thousands a year, with those otherwise receiving short sentences instead receiving non-custodial punishments. This report uses the latest Ministry of Justice statistics to explore the implications. Can tens of thousands more criminals receive non-custodial sentences without compromising public safety? Civitas 25/2/2019 Report 30,000 repeat offenders to avoid prison A study has found that almost 30,000 repeat offenders, including burglars and those caught in possession of knives, will be spared jail under government plans to abolish short sentences. The Times - Subscription at source 25/2/2019 News Village flap over crime puts me in the hot seat A recent spate of crime in my sleepy village just outside Stratford-upon-Avon has everyone in a flap. No one quite knows whether to ignore it, invest in CCTV or form some kind of vigilante lynch mob. There’s been a lot of talk and no action, so last week I decided to phone the police and demand they do something. I didn’t rest until arrangements for a meeting between residents and the local police force were put in place. Everyone’s happy, the village is sorted and Sara saves the day. The Times - Subscription at source 25/2/2019 Feature, Opinion Sixteen officers and three civilian staff are under investigation for making racist and homophobic comments New police station was bugged with secret recording devices Mail Online 25/2/2019 News Chinese tech giants a threat to our security, warns GCHQ boss Jeremy Fleming National security could be threatened if Chinese technology companies become involved in Britain’s telecoms network, the head of GCHQ has warned. The Times - Subscription at source 25/2/2019 News How Amazon’s Alexa could grass up dope-smoking teenagers Digital assistants such as Amazon’s Alexa should be able to snitch on their users for smoking cannabis or “immoral behaviour”, experts say. The Times - Subscription at source 25/2/2019 News City of London police took £29m from insurers and banks City of London police received almost £29 million in funding from banking and insurance trade bodies over the past five years in an arrangement that has been attacked as a “serious conflict of interest”. The Times - Subscription at source 25/2/2019 News Met police kept families of Isis schoolgirls ‘in the dark’ Shamima Begum and the other Bethnal Green girls who travelled to Syria could have been stopped, their parents say The Guardian 24/2/2019 News Neil Basu: My doubts answered on policing achieving ‘professional, open and caring’ institution 20 years on from Stephen Lawrence inquiry and 'no one has changed the Met as much as his parents', admits force's most senior BAME officer. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 24/2/2019 News Uber drivers ‘are helping to smash £500million ‘county lines’ networks by shopping child drug traffickers to police’ Uber drivers are helping to smash the £500 million 'county lines' national crime epidemic. Mail Online 24/2/2019 News Cops caught making ‘racist’ and ‘homophobic’ comments on secret cameras at police HQ Sixteen officers and three civilian staff are under investigation 20 years after the murder of black teenager Stephen Lawrence The Sun 24/2/2019 News Differences in Citizen Perceptions of Interactions With Police Officers The topic of this study is how different demographics and crime rates in police beats differ in their perceptions of interactions with police officers. The research questions for this study are: ‘Do citizens of a mid-sized city in California differ in their perceptions of interactions with police based on demographic?’ and ‘Do differences in neighbourhood crime rates affect different perceptions of the police?’ The participants in this study were 307 residents from households of an anonymous city in California, chosen through stratified random sampling. Mailed surveys were sent out to 1,500 households, with canvassing done several months later to increase response rate. The results of the study were determined using frequency distributions to determine the descriptive statistics of the study, Kruskal–Wallis H tests and Mann–Whitney U tests for determining differences in predictor variable groups, and crosstabs and Spearman’s Rho to determine any correlations between the predictor and outcome variables. The results show that, outside two weak correlations, demographics and crime rates do not cause differences in people’s perceptions of interactions with the police. Police Journal 24/2/2019 Research article Idiot drug user calls police to complain when her £200 cocaine purchase turns out to be brown SUGAR Stunned officers in Craigavon, Northern Ireland, told how they received a call from a woman complaining that her drug dealer had conned her into buying sugar The Sun 24/2/2019 News Police officers across Britain have leave cancelled in case of No Deal Brexit Forces ban holiday bookings for police officers in weeks after Brexit amid fears of public unrest if the Government cannot agree EU exit strategy by March 29 cut off date The Sun 24/2/2019 News Police commissioner raises concerns over Tory treatment of female politicians A Tory police commissioner has raised concerns over her local party’s treatment of female politicians after failing to win automatic reselection for the £74,400 salary role. Richmondshire Today 24/2/2019 News Police told rape victim her attacker would not be caught unless she gave up her mobile phone Exclusive: ‘I had a trust in the police and justice system to have my back and they didn’t’ The Independent 24/2/2019 News Social media are like a school for terrorists, say MI5 experts Extremists are made to feel legitimate by social media and are being “galvanised” into plotting terrorist attacks, according to MI5. The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 24/2/2019 News How DID this war hero police officer end up sleeping rough on the street?: Shocking story that shows why – one year on – the helpline we fought for is needed more than ever Britain's first homeless policeman, 46, is a former Iraq and Afghanistan veteran Mail Online 23/2/2019 News Force guilty of ‘positive action’ discrimination which stopped son joining his father in the ranks Tribunal rules being white heterosexual male meant 'exceptional' candidate missed out on taking up dream job. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 23/2/2019 News Uber drivers trained to help catch kid drug traffickers hitching rides in their cars Around 10,000 youngsters, some aged 11, are caught up in the £500million 'county lines' trade The Sun 23/2/2019 News «370237033704370537063707370837093710Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events