Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98413 total results. Showing results 74041 to 74060 «369937003701370237033704370537063707Next ›Last » Police chief says knife crime spate is ‘national emergency’ West Midlands police and crime commissioner asks for special grant to tackle outbreak The Guardian 27/2/2019 News Birmingham stabbings: ‘Knife crime is an emergency’ – police chief A West Midlands Police boss has declared knife crime "an emergency" after three teens were stabbed to death within 12 days in Birmingham. BBC 27/2/2019 News Working group lists ethical principles for facial recognition policy Avoidance of bias, necessity and public interest are to be considered among major concerns for policy development on facial recognition, according to a Government advisory group. Police Professional 27/2/2019 News Deputy Chief Constable Pippa Mills starts new role at Essex Police The new Deputy Chief Constable for Essex Police is “very proud” to take on the role. Deputy Chief Constable Pippa Mills was selected in January to replace former DCC Matt Horne, who has left to join the Metropolitan Police. Echo (Essex) 27/2/2019 News Police chief blasts Sinn Fein in row over successor The Chief Constable has launched a blistering attack on Mary Lou McDonald for her controversial comments over the appointment of his successor. Belfast Telegraph 27/2/2019 News Reforms to pre-charge bail regime leaving domestic abuse victims ‘at risk of further harm’, report warns PCCs welcome culture change but admit forces need to deal with complaints 'more quickly'. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 27/2/2019 News George Hamilton on Sinn Fein ‘interference’: You have got us in a right pickle over my successor Negative commentary means 'no surprise' problems in confidence in policing, says chief. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 27/2/2019 News Forces improve response to domestic abuse despite almost 90 per cent increase in reports Police forces have been praised for improvements in their response to domestic abuse, but concerns were raised over delays in initial attendance, use of bail and a fall in arrest rates. Police Professional 27/2/2019 News Civilising the Police: Reconceptualising the Role of the State in Theories of American Policing The three eras in American policing – political, reform, and community – has become the default theoretical framework within the study of criminal justice, explicitly and implicitly shaping the discourse of police studies. Despite historically informed criticisms of this three-era model, no alternative theory has been proffered as a way of critically thinking about the police. This paper draws on Norbert Elias’ civilising thesis and the role of the state as an alternative theoretical framework to explain the evolution of American policing. We argue that changes in policing are more cogently explained by assuming a long-term view of change and that the intrusion and the retreat of the state from society better captures the evolution of the police through time. Global Crime - Registration at source 27/2/2019 Research article North’s police chief accuses McDonald of poor leadership Northern Ireland’s police chief has accused Mary Lou McDonald of poor leadership over her comments about who might succeed him. The Times - Subscription at source 27/2/2019 News Police eBay prices are criminally good Searching for a steal on eBay? Try Leicestershire police force’s site, where more than £1.7million of the hottest goods have been sold. Metro 27/2/2019 Analysis, Feature Chief Constable accuses Sinn Féin of ‘poor leadership’ A special meeting of the Policing Board, called to discuss a failure by the PSNI to disclose sensitive information to the Police Ombudsman, resulted in the outgoing Chief Constable George Hamilton, accusing the president of Sinn Féin of "poor leadership". The Times - Subscription at source 27/2/2019 News Migrants are phoning police to collect them from Channel boats Illegal migrants are ringing police to collect them from boats in the Channel because they are so sure of avoiding deportation, MPs have been told. The Times - Subscription at source 27/2/2019 News Wellbeing ‘significantly improved’ if employees have a direct say on changes Change management is underdeveloped in policing and failures in implementation is putting pressure on officers and staff, according to new research published by the Police Foundation. Police Professional 26/2/2019 News Calls for urgent action as Birmingham murder rate threatens to overtake London The former lead prosecutor of the Crown Prosecution Service in North West England has called for urgent action to address the growing death toll in Birmingham after it emerged the latest victim is one of his relatives. Police Professional 26/2/2019 News Police Wellbeing and Organisational Development This report sets out the findings of the Police Foundation’s review of Organisational Development (OD) and its implications for police workforce wellbeing. [PDF] The Police Foundation 26/2/2019 Report The police response to domestic abuse: An update report This report is the fourth in a series of thematic reports, which consider the response the police service provides to victims of domestic abuse. In March 2014, we published our first report in this series (Everyone’s Business: Improving the Police Response to Domestic Abuse). Since that time, the service the police give to victims of domestic abuse has improved markedly. Victims are now better supported and better protected. Unlike in our previous reports, we don’t make national recommendations to forces. But we do comment on progress made since our previous reports. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 26/2/2019 Report The police response to victims of domestic abuse continues to improve HMICFRS’s fourth report on the police response to domestic abuse found continued improvement in how the police identify, respond to and support victims of domestic abuse. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 26/2/2019 News APCC Response to HMICFRS publication: The Police Response to Victims of Domestic Abuse – an update report APCC response to HMICFRS publication: The police response to victims of domestic abuse - an update report. APCC Victims Lead, Dame Vera Baird said: Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 26/2/2019 News Chinese police use surveillance technology to identify people by their walking style Software still works even if someone's face is covered or if they pretend to have a limp or hunch The Independent 26/2/2019 News «369937003701370237033704370537063707Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events