Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98404 total results. Showing results 73941 to 73960 «369436953696369736983699370037013702Next ›Last » Police forces across Britain fine just 125 drivers A YEAR for leaving engines running to de-ice windscreens – despite claims that they’ll be fined £40 Fewer than 500 of Britain's 48million motorists - which works out at around 0.001 per cent of all licence holders - have been fined in the last four years by police for leaving their engines running. This is Money 4/3/2019 News The Use, Effectiveness, and Hazards Associated With Police Use of Force: the Unique Case of Weaponless Physical Force Many studies have been conducted on police use of force. However, relatively few have examined the most common type of force used by the police: physical force. In this study, we analyse use of force data collected in the US to: (1) describe and predict the circumstances in which physical force is used, (2) assess the effectiveness of it, and (3) examine the hazards associated with its use. Results show that physical force is most likely to be used in situations marked by lower levels of subject resistance. This explains both its frequent use and its effectiveness at incapacitating resistant subjects. However, physical force is also most likely to result in officer and subject injuries, which is problematic. Our findings highlight the relevance of de-escalation techniques in use of force situations. Police Practice and Research - Registration at source 4/3/2019 Research article Wiltshire police chief ‘was unaware ex-spy Sergei Skripal lived in Salisbury’ Kier Pritchard says he had no idea the former spy was living in our city. Spire FM 4/3/2019 News Knife crime epidemic: Put 20,000 police back on streets now demands ex-Met boss Hogan-Howe Ministers should put 20,000 officers back on Britain's streets to tackle knife crime, it was claimed yesterday. The call came after two teenagers lost their lives in a weekend of bloodshed. As stabbings claimed the lives of promising 17-year-old victims, ex-Met Police Commander Lord Hogan-Howe demanded an immediate increase to the nation's depleted number of bobbies on the beat. Express 4/3/2019 News Home Secretary Sajid Javid to meet with police chiefs in bid to halt rising UK knife crime Home Secretary Sajid Javid will meet police chiefs to discuss violent crime amid a series of brutal stabbings around the country. The Standard 4/3/2019 News How Scotland stemmed the tide of knife crime Home Secretary Sajid Javid has condemned the "senseless violence" that has seen a rise in the number of teenagers being stabbed to death across the UK. BBC 4/3/2019 Analysis, Feature Backlash as May rejects link between stabbings and police numbers Political row erupts amid new evidence of a significant rise in teens using knives The Guardian 4/3/2019 News Shocking scale of youth knife crime is revealed as children with stab wounds DOUBLE in five years and knifepoint robberies rise 50% Shocking figures today reveal the scale of the youth knife crisis after another weekend of carnage on Britain’s blood-soaked streets. Mail Online 4/3/2019 News Home secretary: ‘Knife crime can’t go on’ The home secretary is to chair a meeting of police chiefs to combat the "senseless violence" that has seen a rise in the number of teenagers being stabbed to death across the UK. BBC 4/3/2019 News Women who fell for police spies say they were victims of ‘co-ordinated rape’ A woman who found out her partner was a policeman paid to spy on her group of activists has said she is the victim of a "conspiracy to rape". BBC 4/3/2019 News Novichok poisoning pushed police officers ‘to their limits’ Wiltshire Police Chief Constable has spoken about the aftermath of the attack and how it has affected his officers and the region they serve. Belfast Telegraph 3/3/2019 News West Midlands Police 999 response times getting longer Police response times to 999 calls have nearly doubled in just three years, figures show. Express & Star 3/3/2019 News Controversial plan to merge British Transport Police and Police Scotland halted in its tracks Controversial plans to merge British Transport Police (BTP) with Police Scotland have been formally halted. The Sunday Post 3/3/2019 News What impact will Brexit have on police in the UK? As British law enforcement faces losing access to all EU databases, Lizzie Dearden looks at the impact of Brexit on domestic policing The Independent - Registration at source 3/3/2019 Analysis, Feature Police chiefs call for public to help tackle ‘national emergency’ of UK knife crime A charity has said a spate of deaths in 2019 is "just the tip of the iceberg" and "all of society" needs to take responsibility. Sky News 3/3/2019 News Police Scotland outsources part of whistleblowing process to a charity Police Scotland has overhauled its whistleblowing procedures by funding an independent advice line for officers. The Herald (Scotland) 3/3/2019 News £50 compensation pay out for police officer punched in the face is ‘sickening insult’ A female police officer punched in the face while apprehending a suspect has condemned a £50 compensation pay out as a crime tsar declares it a “sickening insult”. The Sunday Telegraph - Registration at source 3/3/2019 News Police back ‘shooting galleries’ for drug users Senior police officers are backing plans to create a national network of drug consumption rooms, known as “shooting galleries”, where addicts are provided with drugs such as heroin, paid for by the state. The Sunday Times 3/3/2019 News Police watchdog Jennifer Izekor ‘framed by Met officers’ for investigating racism A former senior official at the police watchdog has accused Scotland Yard officers of framing her for criminal offences in a bid to stop her investigating racism inside Britain’s largest police force. The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 3/3/2019 News School exclusions fuel deadly ‘county lines’ drug trade Lord Hogan-Howe was the London Metropolitan police commissioner in 2011-17 The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 3/3/2019 Feature, Opinion «369436953696369736983699370037013702Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events