Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98397 total results. Showing results 73861 to 73880 «369036913692369336943695369636973698Next ›Last » Police boss calls knife crime ‘national emergency’ and demands Tory ‘leadership’ A police leader has demanded the Tory government show "leadership" and treat knife crime as a "national emergency". Mirror 6/3/2019 News Thornton: Knife crime increase should be treated as national emergency Chiefs to meet Home Secretary over violent crime epidemic. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 6/3/2019 News South Yorkshire Police invited to meeting with Home Secretary amid claims of a national knife crime emergency South Yorkshire Police has been invited to a meeting with Home Secretary Sajid Javid today as concerns of a national knife crime emergency grow. The Star (Yorkshire) 6/3/2019 News Knife arches are deployed across central London as police step up their blitz on blades with ‘pop up’ metal detectors and ‘surprise’ stop and searches by plain-clothes officers Police in London have started using metal-detecting 'knife arches' in streets in a bid to stem the tide of stabbings. A battery-powered metal detector was put in Soho yesterday with pedestrians forced to walk through it if they wanted to go down the alleyway. Mail Online 6/3/2019 News The police are not in the Cloud: FoI shows officers remain on premises A Freedom of Information (FoI) request on police cloud adoption answered by 24 police forces across the UK reveals that the vast majority still access and manage their data and applications on-premises – despite the government’s “Cloud First” policy. Computer Business Review (CBR) 6/3/2019 News Schoolchildren given lessons in how to treat stab wounds Children in areas where knife crime is common are learning how to stem bleeding and deliver first aid to victims under the Street Doctors scheme, which operates in 16 cities including London. The Week 6/3/2019 News Knife crime: Pupils given lessons in how to treat stab wounds Children are learning in school how to stem bleeding and deliver first aid to knife-crime victims as they increasingly find themselves affected by violence. The Times - Registration at source 6/3/2019 News Police chiefs to meet Home Secretary over knife crime ’emergency’ A string of fatal teen stabbings have sparked a heated debate over police officer numbers in England and Wales, which have dropped by more than 20,000 since 2009. Belfast Telegraph 6/3/2019 News Revealed: The areas of the UK where knife crime is rising the fastest The number of offences involving knives or sharp instruments has increased by 30% since 2011. Sky News 6/3/2019 Analysis, Feature Police chief says rise in knife crime in England is national emergency One of England’s most senior police officers has called for emergency funding and the convening of a Cobra meeting in Whitehall to help tackle the rise in violent crime. The Guardian 6/3/2019 News Special Weapons and Tactics Teams in Canadian Policing: Legal, Institutional, and Economic Dimensions Despite extensive social science analysis of special weapons and tactics (SWAT) team deployment across the United States, the phenomenon in Canada has been overlooked. Drawing from data on deployments disclosed under freedom of information (FOI), legal decisions, and media data, our findings reveal that the use of SWAT teams have escalated in many major Canadian cities. Public police now deploy SWAT teams across Canada for routine law enforcement activities such as warrant work, traffic enforcement and other routine tasks, as well as responding to mental health crises and domestic disturbances. We then develop three sociological explanations for the rise and current use of SWAT teams in Canadian policing. We draw from sociologies of law, institutionalism and institutional effects, and field/capital. This paper concludes with reflections on the implications for public policing and avenues for future research on police militarisation and in Canada and beyond. Policing and Society - Registration at source 6/3/2019 Research article Do Intensified Police Controls Change Perceptions of Apprehension Probability: A Field Experiment The perceived sanction risk is an essential element in the theory of deterrence to link criminal policy and criminal behavior. Previous research has not made clear how or even if individuals update their perceived sanction risk in response to changes in actual criminal policy. This study presents the first field experiment on the updating of the perceived probability of apprehension. On one location the police intensified moped traffic controls during a period of 6 months, while the control intensity on a comparable location remained unchanged. Difference-in-difference estimates reveal that the increased police activity caused an upward revision of the perceived probability of apprehension of offenses such as operating a mobile phone while driving or driving under the influence of alcohol. Crime and Delinquency 6/3/2019 Research article Hot Spots of Crime Are Not Just Hot Spots of Crime: Examining Health Outcomes At Street Segments In this article, we seek to identify whether the relationship between health disparities and crime occurs at a micro-geographic level. Do hot spot streets evidence much higher levels of mental and physical illness than streets with little crime? Are residents of crime hot spots more likely to have health problems that interfere with their normal daily activities? To answer these questions, we draw upon a large National Institutes of Health study of a sample of hot spots and non-hot spots in Baltimore, Maryland. This is the first study we know of to report on this relationship, and accordingly, we present unique descriptive data. Our findings show that both physical and mental health problems are much more likely to be found on hot spot streets than streets with little crime. This suggests that crime hot spots are not simply places with high levels of crime, but also places that evidence more general disadvantage. We argue that these findings have important policy implications for the targeting of health services and for developing proactive prevention programs. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice - Registration at source 6/3/2019 Research article Knife crime: Javid in strategy talks with police chiefs Home Secretary Sajid Javid is meeting later with police chiefs from seven forces most affected by violent crime. BBC 6/3/2019 News Police ramp up stop and searches across Britain amid battle between Theresa May and Met chief over officer cuts and rise in knife crime Police have ramped up stop and searches across the country after Britain's most senior officer clashed with Theresa May over whether there is a link between police cuts and violent crime. Mail Online 6/3/2019 News Cabinet split over calls for cash to fight knife scourge The cabinet is split about how to tackle knife crime as ministers argue over whether the police need more cash. The Times - Subscription at source 6/3/2019 News Explosive packages found at Heathrow, Waterloo and London City Airport Working explosive devices being sent through the mail - or letter bombs - are very rare in the UK. Fortunately these packages only appear to be designed to start a very small fire - the one that went off just melted part of its own plastic envelope, and the other two were not opened. BBC 5/3/2019 Analysis, Feature Explosive devices found at Waterloo station, Heathrow and City airports Three improvised explosive devices have been found at separate transport hubs in London in what Scotland Yard believes to be a series of linked incidents. The Guardian 5/3/2019 News Government to invest in attracting former detectives The Government has launched a new project to persuade parents and carers to return to policing and fill vacant investigative positions. Police Professional 5/3/2019 News We must give police more powers to fight the knife crime disease infecting our young people By Home Secretary, Sajid Javid MP The Telegraph - Registration at source 5/3/2019 Feature, Opinion «369036913692369336943695369636973698Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events