Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98397 total results. Showing results 73841 to 73860 «368936903691369236933694369536963697Next ›Last » Sadiq Khan set to spend £62m on staff while police go short, say Tories Sadiq Khan has been accused of profligacy after his spending on staff was projected to be £25.8 million more than that of his predecessor Boris Johnson. The Times - Subscription at source 7/3/2019 News Knife crime and the austerity question The most awful political truth about the flare-up in knife crime is that it is so familiar. BBC 6/3/2019 Feature, Opinion APCC Victims Lead responds to the violence against women and girls refreshed strategy Responding to the Violence against Women and Girls refreshed strategy, APCC Victims Lead, Dame Vera Baird QC, said: Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 6/3/2019 News Park power rangers get mini-force status for another three years Police renew partnership powers to help safeguard population of one of Britain's most important geological and wildlife havens. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 6/3/2019 News Home Secretary meets senior police officers to discuss violent crime The Home Secretary, Sajid Javid, today chaired a meeting with police leaders from across the country to discuss what more can be done to tackle serious violence. Home Office 6/3/2019 News Report Watch: HMICFRS update on Police Response to Domestic Abuse The latest in our Report Watch series summarises the findings of the fourth report by HMICFRS which is an update on the police response to domestic abuse (February 2019). We look at key points for policing as well as stakeholder and media reactions. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 6/3/2019 Analysis “Time to put party politics aside and end this knife crime epidemic” The National Chair of the Police Federation of England and Wales has urged ministers to put party politics aside and give the police service the resources they need to help halt the devastating knife crime epidemic sweeping the country. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 6/3/2019 News New counter-terrorism information sharing platform announced A new multi-million pound project to share information with the private sector has been announced by the security minister. Home Office 6/3/2019 News Chief constables meeting with the Home Secretary about violent crime “constructive” Police chiefs met the Home Secretary today to talk about what more can be done to stop young people dying on our streets. Today's meeting involved NPCC Chair CC Sara Thornton, along with police chiefs from seven forces hardest hit by violent crime. Chiefs told the Home Secretary that "bringing violence down is a police priority and police officers across the country are putting in huge effort." National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 6/3/2019 News Former Chief Constable’s plan to scrap senior ranks at Cleveland Police has been paused Former chief Mike Veale had planned to cut bureaucracy at the 'top heavy' force but since he resigned under a cloud, its being looked at again Teesside Live 6/3/2019 News Gardaí help MPS investigation into multiple explosive devices found in London An Garda Síochána is assisting the Metropolitan Police Service’s (MPS) investigations into three small explosive devices found across London on Tuesday (March 5). Police Professional 6/3/2019 News Police told to stop glamorising knife crime by displaying weapon hauls Displaying images of seized weapons glamorises knife crime and encourages those living in areas where such incidents are prevalent to arm themselves, according to the head of the Scottish Violence Reduction Unit (SVRU). Police Professional 6/3/2019 News Met Police chief slaps down Tory Defence Secretary over ‘bring in the Army’ call Deputy Commissioner Stephen House said the using the army 'wasn't appropriate' and would cause 'more alarm' Mirror 6/3/2019 News Javid backs police as they seek £15m fund to tackle knife crime Home secretary risks clash with PM as he prepares to make the case for more money The Guardian 6/3/2019 News Knife crime: school heads call for more money to keep children safe At least 1,745 weapons found in UK primary and secondary schools in four years, FOI data reveals The Guardian 6/3/2019 News UK police forces not yet adopting Cloud First Police forces across the UK should adopt cloud computing, new research conducted by American software company Citrix has found. Police Professional 6/3/2019 News Knife crime: Theresa May ‘not listening’ says ex-police chief Prime Minister Theresa May has not listened to police concerns about knife crime, a former head of the Metropolitan Police has said. BBC 6/3/2019 News Future proofing: Transforming policing through digital evidence management and robotics Former Deputy Chief Constable of North Yorkshire Police and now an independent advisor on police and technology Paul Kennedy unpacks the challenges of digital evidence and asks if solution lies in greater automation through robotics. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 6/3/2019 Opinion Britain’s transport hubs are warned to ‘be vigilant’ for further letter bombs as police probing New IRA link fear Brexit tensions could be to blame for IEDs sent to Heathrow, London City Airport and Waterloo station Counter-terror police are probing links to the New IRA over the letter bombs. Mail Online 6/3/2019 News Defence secretary Gavin Williamson says military ‘ready to respond’ to knife crime crisis The UK armed forces “stand ready” to intervene in the knife crime epidemic, the defence secretary has said. The Independent 6/3/2019 News «368936903691369236933694369536963697Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events