Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98382 total results. Showing results 73721 to 73740 «368336843685368636873688368936903691Next ›Last » Knife crime rising more steeply outside London, police figures show Exclusive: Police Federation head calls on government to tackle ‘national crisis’ The Guardian 10/3/2019 News Police fury at soft judges who let knife thugs go free as frustrated officers take to social media to blast courts for suspended sentences Frustrated police officers have hit out on social media at soft knife crime sentences as scores of dangerous offenders walk free from courts. Mail Online 10/3/2019 News Knife crime may be an emergency but no one can agree how to stop it Cuts to police numbers and reduced funding for youth services are thought to be partly to blame The Guardian 10/3/2019 Analysis, Feature Knife crime rising more steeply outside London, police figures show Exclusive: Police Federation head calls on government to tackle ‘national crisis’ The Guardian 10/3/2019 News Teenage knife crime calls for cohesion and education Readers discuss solutions to knife crime, the importance of schools and the benefits of youth services The Guardian 10/3/2019 Feature, Opinion Apple anti-snooping system to thwart police mobile phone surveillance Apple is developing anti-snooping technology that would thwart police forces' ability to track mobile phone users’ locations and messages. The Telegraph - Registration at source 10/3/2019 News It’s madness to say we’ve enough police, says NICK FERRARI It's virtually unprecedented that the nation's most senior police officer chooses to engage in a war of words with the Prime Minister. Last week, Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick was faced with little option not to - and she chose to do it on my weekday radio breakfast show. Express 10/3/2019 Feature, Opinion Apple patents anti-snooping technology that would stop police from being able to track mobile phone users’ locations and messages Apple is developing anti-snooping technology which would prevent police forces from being able to track mobile phone users' locations or read their messages. Mail Online 10/3/2019 News Points of View: Arrestees’ Perspectives on Police Body-Worn Cameras and Their Perceived Impact on Police–citizen Interactions Entirely absent from debates about the desirability and potential impacts of police body-worn cameras (BWCs) are the views of a significant group on the other side of the lens—individuals who have recently experienced arrest by a police officer. In a bid to redress this significant gap, this article reports findings from the first study to examine arrestee views and experiences of police BWCs. Data from interviews with 907 police detainees reveal that they are largely in favour of officers wearing cameras, believing that they can provide greater accountability and improve the behaviour of both law enforcement officers and members of the public. Importantly, however, this support is contingent on a number of operational and procedural policies regulating the use of BWCs. British Journal of Criminology 10/3/2019 Research article Knife crime: David Gauke in retreat over abolition of short sentences David Gauke, the justice secretary, has been forced to water down prison reforms after it emerged that plans to abolish short sentences would see about 4,000 knife-wielding criminals a year avoid jail. The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 10/3/2019 News Gangs know they can hack and slash and get away with it in London war zone It is just another Thursday at Camberwell Green magistrates’ court in the heart of southeast London’s gangland. Three cases on the list involve alleged knife crimes. “It’s shocking, but it’s what we see on a daily basis. We’re hardened to it,” a court solicitor said. The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 10/3/2019 Analysis, Feature Knife crime war ‘being lost because of lack of police for stop and search’ EXCLUSIVE: Durham's Chief Constable, Mike Barton, says overworked officers are in danger of burnout - as violent crime surges across the country Mirror 10/3/2019 Feature, Opinion Police want dog DNA database as attacks on livestock increase Farming organisations hope an increase in awareness among dog owners will reduce thousands of livestock deaths and injuries. Sky News 10/3/2019 News Absent fathers have a ‘significant impact’ on behaviour of young people caught up in crime, drugs and gangs Absent fathers have a ‘significant impact’ on the behaviour of young people caught up in crime, drugs and gangs, a shocking report has found. Mail Online 10/3/2019 Analysis, Feature Eye-rolling Mayor Sadiq Khan is all talk and no action on wave of violence in London, says DUWAYNE BROOKS who witnessed Stephen Lawrence’s murder The shocking level of violence on our streets is not only painful to see, it is traumatising for the family and friends of the victims. Believe me, I know. It is nearly 26 years since my friend Steve Lawrence was killed in front of me. And I can tell you that it still hurts – as if it were yesterday. Mail Online 10/3/2019 Feature, Opinion Dramatic fall in thugs convicted of violent crimes sent to jail as only 50% of yobs repeatedly arrested with knives are jailed The number of young thugs being locked up has plummeted, despite soaring violent crime. Mail Online 10/3/2019 Analysis, Feature The real cause of knife crime? It’s hidden in a fog of cannabis smoke Does any powerful person in this country ever think? It has been quite astonishing watching the alleged debate about knife crime over the past few days. Not a single thought took place. Mail Online 10/3/2019 Feature, Opinion Police guilty of gross misconduct in domestic abuse murder case Linah Keza trusted the police and they let her down, says sister The Guardian 10/3/2019 News Knife attackers use YouTube to issue death threats from prison Rap videos by jailed gang members in which they warn of further stabbings have been viewed tens of thousands of times The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 10/3/2019 News Officers must focus on building community trust to help solve Britain’s knife crime epidemic, says former New York police commissioner BILL BRATTON There has been much discussion recently among British politicians and police officials regarding the knife crime the country is experiencing – a crisis that cannot be denied. Mail Online 9/3/2019 Feature, Opinion «368336843685368636873688368936903691Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events