Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98361 total results. Showing results 73441 to 73460 «366936703671367236733674367536763677Next ›Last » Christchurch shootings: UK media ‘must deny terrorists a voice’ Danny Shaw: "Neil Basu's open letter will inevitably stir up a debate about where the balance lies between freedom of speech and national security. And that is clearly what he wants." BBC 20/3/2019 Analysis, Feature UK prison ‘fundamentally unsafe’ two years after damning report The report on HM Prison Onley is the latest in a series of damning reports on conditions in many jails in England and Wales from Peter Clarke, chief inspector of prisons. Financial Times 20/3/2019 News County lines gangs believed responsible for surge in trafficked British children Ministers urged to 'step up efforts' to tackle county lines exploitation after figures show surge in modern slavery cases involving UK minors The Independent 20/3/2019 News Why male and female serial killers choose their victims differently Psychologists say behavior may have evolutionary ties to the gender roles of hunter-gatherers Mail Online 20/3/2019 Analysis, Feature Police failing to protect rape and abuse victims, says super-complaint Data from 11 frontline services shows forces failing to use legal powers, says group The Guardian 20/3/2019 News County lines drugs’ gangs fuel rises in modern slavery cases Nearly 7,000 potential victims of trafficking reported in 2018. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 20/3/2019 News ‘Brexit shambles will handcuff forces and leave serious criminals to roam free’ And policing warned officers will be managing traffic in Dover in no-deal scenario. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 20/3/2019 News ‘Cheating’ storm blows over PCC-Mayor consultation 'Serious doubts' emerge as public back plans to scrap West Midlands PCC role. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 20/3/2019 News Super-complaint raised over police failure to protect victims of domestic abuse A ‘super-complaint’ has been submitted to Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services over the police service’s failure to use existing powers to protect the vulnerable. Police Professional 20/3/2019 News London Assembly calls for review into local policing priority The Mayor of London has been asked to review the effectiveness of prioritising local policing in the capital amid concerns it could be undermined by rising demand. Police Professional 20/3/2019 News Public being shut out of crucial debate on police use of technology, new report finds New research from the Police Foundation shows that the police are failing to recognise the public’s concerns about how their personal data is used in the fight against crime. The Police Foundation looked at national and local digital data policing projects. It found that while the police service is using new technology in ways that benefit public safety, the service has been too slow to consider the risks of ‘technology creep’. The Police Foundation 20/3/2019 News Data-driven policing and public value This report examines the relationship between data-driven policing initiatives and the ability of the police to deliver public value. The Police Foundation 20/3/2019 Report Hundreds more police officers to be handed tasers to tackle rise in violent crime Every one of its officers who is likely to have to deal with violent incidents while on duty will now be given the chance to take up the force's training and accreditation programme to carry the weapon. Kent Online 20/3/2019 News Exercise with caution: The new anti-terror laws have considerable implications for policing The police are about receive extensive new powers when provisions contained in the Counter-Terrorism and Border Security Act 2019, which received Royal Assent in February, come into force. Policing Insight contributor and Senior Research Fellow at CENTRIC Andrew Staniforth explores the implications of the new Act for policing. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 20/3/2019 Analysis When bad evidence is worse than no evidence: Quilliam’s “grooming gangs” report and its legacy Dr Ella Cockbain, a Lecturer in Security and Crime Science at the Jill Dando Institute, raises serious concerns over the Qulliam Foundation's influential report on grooming gangs and how it has fuelled an inaccurate and dangerous narrative around 'Asian grooming gangs'. Policing Insight 20/3/2019 Analysis More Britons referred to National Referral Mechanism than any other nationality The National Referral Mechanism (NRM) end of year summary for 2018 published today (March 20) reveals that British citizens made up the largest number of potential victims (1,625) out of 130 nationalities that feature. Police Professional 20/3/2019 News Investigation launched into potential for bias in algorithmic decision-making in society World-first Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation will partner with the Cabinet Office’s Race Disparity Unit to explore potential for bias in crime and justice. Home Office 20/3/2019 News Police accused of ‘failing’ sexual violence victims in super-complaint In only the second super-complaint made to a national watchdog, the Centre for Women's Justice (CWJ) says forces are not using existing powers to deal with crimes including stalking and rape. BBC 20/3/2019 News Knife crime crisis exposed in chilling photos of thousands of surrendered blades Images show bins of blades collected during the national event which ran between March 11 and 17 amid wave of fatal stabbings. Mirror 20/3/2019 News Child sexual exploitation advice shared at partnership conference Around 150 representatives from businesses and organisations across Bradford attended a conference on Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE). West Yorkshire Police 20/3/2019 News «366936703671367236733674367536763677Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events