Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98361 total results. Showing results 73401 to 73420 «366736683669367036713672367336743675Next ›Last » West Yorkshire Police Chief Constable Announces Retirement Dee Collins: "In July I would have completed 32 years’ service in policing, 12 years of those as a chief officer in Derbyshire Constabulary and West Yorkshire Police. Following my recent secondment to the College of Policing where I have had the privilege to successfully lead the national Strategic Command Course, I have decided that it is the right time for both me and the Force that I retire." West Yorkshire Police 22/3/2019 News Explaining Police Corruption Among Mexican Police Officers Through A Social Learning Perspective This study examines the causes of corruption among Mexican police officers through the lens of social learning theory. Self-administered questionnaires were used to gather information about behavior of corruption, economic situation, job dissatisfaction, lack of commitment, and definitions and reinforcement favorable to corruption among a sample of Mexican police officers. Ordinary Least Squares regression analysis was used to determine whether differential reinforcement and definitions help to explain levels of corruption among sampled police officers. Results show that positive definitions and reinforcement towards corruption are significant predictors of police corruption, and partially mediate the effect of job dissatisfaction on corruption. Deviant Behavior - Registration at source 22/3/2019 Research article Police officers ‘unaware’ of dog control legislation Police officers do not all know about dog control legislation introduced by Holyrood almost a decade ago, MSPs have been told. The National 22/3/2019 News ‘If I was a drug dealer… I would go to Lyme Regis or somewhere like that’: Dorset police unwittingly offer tip for drug-smugglers at a public meeting Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner made the odd comments Mail Online 22/3/2019 News Volvo cars to pull off road if they detect drunk drivers For motorists who might be tempted to take the wheel after a drink or two there is a new brake on bad behaviour: a car that can tick you off for drink-driving. The Times - Subscription at source 22/3/2019 News UK Police Federation Hit by Ransomware The UK’s Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) was the victim of a malware attack, according to two different tweets posted by the National Cyber Security Center (NCSC) UK and the PFEW. Info Security 21/3/2019 News Police Federation confirms cyber attack PFEW says the incident happened on March 9 and it was able to respond quickly to the alert from its cyberÂsecurity systems. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 21/3/2019 News Windows smashed at five mosques in Birmingham Counter-terrorism police are investigating after windows were smashed at five mosques in Birmingham. The Guardian 21/3/2019 News ‘Time for forces nationwide to judge our pilot scheme’ A regional pilot scheme to speed up domestic abuse investigations through the courts has been hailed a national game changer on the day campaigners accused police of "a systemic failure" to protect victims. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 21/3/2019 News Predictable risks A new report released this week by the Police Foundation looks at how the service can meet the challenge of a changing criminal landscape by the imaginative use of data-driven technologies amid concerns of threats to civil liberties and privacy. Police Professional - Subscription at source 21/3/2019 Analysis, Feature Note guilty Differences in the short-term and working memory of individual members of a jury, together with the speed at which they are able to make notes, can all have a significant impact on the verdict they reach, according to new research. Police Professional reports. Police Professional - Subscription at source 21/3/2019 Analysis, Feature Post-Brexit challenges Professor Cathal McCall discusses smuggling in the Irish borderlands and why it could get worse after Brexit. Police Professional - Subscription at source 21/3/2019 Analysis, Feature A compelling plan Chief Constable Sara Thornton is due to retire this month as chair of the National Police Chiefs’ Council and proposes a new body be established to create a convincing argument for more resources and a way to use them to make the public safer. Police Professional - Subscription at source 21/3/2019 Feature, Opinion Kent Police to offer Tasers to all frontline officers All frontline officers in Kent are to be offered the opportunity to carry Tasers to assist in dealing with a rise in violent crime across the county. Police Professional 21/3/2019 News CT head calls on media to stop giving terrorists a voice The Head of Counter-Terrorism Policing in the UK has criticised media platforms for hypocritically pressuring social media platforms for its terrorist content, while simultaneously publishing content in print or online. Police Professional 21/3/2019 News The debate on automatic facial recognition continues Once again the issue of police use of Automatic Facial Recognition (AFR) technology has come into public spotlight. This week it was part of an inquiry at the House of Commons Science and Technology Select Committee – to whom I submitted written evidence. Surveillance Camera Commissioner 21/3/2019 Feature, Opinion Kent Police to get £3.5 million to cover Brexit planning costs Kent police has been given a further cash injection of £3.5m to deal with the impact of Brexit on the county. Kent Online 21/3/2019 News Corby WILL get a new police base a year after officers moved to Kettering Police officers will once again be permanently based in Corby fifteen months after the town’s police station shut. Northamptonshire Telegraph 21/3/2019 News Brit Police Federation cops to ransomware attack on HQ systems Sort-of union for bobbies has triggered criminal investigation The Register 21/3/2019 News Confronting Denial: Institutional racism twenty years on Twenty years after the Macpherson report was published, Dr Lisa Long, a Senior Lecturer in Criminology at Leeds Beckett University, shares her recent research into the current state of relations between the police and BAME individuals and communities. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 21/3/2019 Analysis «366736683669367036713672367336743675Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events