Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98284 total results. Showing results 73121 to 73140 «365336543655365636573658365936603661Next ›Last » Police ‘could abandon’ Maddie inquiry as detectives have turned up no new leads or suspects The £12 million investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann is at risk of being abandoned as leads dry up and Government funding runs out, The Mail on Sunday can reveal. Mail Online 30/3/2019 News Police Scotland slammed after anti-stalking experts warn cops are ‘failing’ victims by not properly probing reports The Scottish Women’s Rights Centre said officers sometimes tell women to come off social media or 'block' suspects The Scottish Sun 30/3/2019 News Private police force to patrol Leicester Square in crackdown on anti-social behaviour “Bobbies” from Britain’s biggest private police force will go on patrol in one of the West End’s busiest tourist destinations for the first time next week to crack down on anti-social behaviour. The Standard 30/3/2019 News Electric police cars for Cumbria? Police officers could soon be buzzing around South Lakeland in electric cars in a bid to cut down on expensive fuel costs. The Westmorland Gazette 30/3/2019 News Public perception down as less people think enough police patrols are taking place More than half of people in the north and north-east think local police do not patrol their areas regularly, according to a new study into the single force. The Press and Journal 30/3/2019 News Overstretched police force are taking longer to submit reports to Procurator Fiscal Over-stretched police are struggling to meet their target times for progressing cases to the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service, new research has revealed. The Press and Journal 30/3/2019 News Police chief’s housewarming party ends in an almighty row and three complaints to her own force It had been a relatively sedate evening; the Devon and Cornwall police chief and a handful of local Tory councillors discussed the forthcoming elections over salmon and a few bottles of wine. The Telegraph 30/3/2019 News Police chief’s boyfriend reported over 1am parking row A police chief’s partner was reported to her force after he allegedly clashed with neighbours following a late party. The Times - Subscription at source 30/3/2019 News Can US system help forces crack down on gun crime? British police will consider using an American high-tech system that listens out for gunshots in cities to crack down on rising gun crime. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 29/3/2019 News Thames Valley Police Chief Constable will be standing down at the end of March A highly regarded chief police officer will be retiring from duty after 32 years in the force. Bracknell News 29/3/2019 News HMICS Scrutiny Plan 2019-20 Our Annual Scrutiny Plan for 2019-20 sets out how HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS) will meet its statutory purpose to inquire into the state, efficiency and effectiveness of both the Police Service of Scotland (Police Scotland) and the Scottish Police Authority (SPA). It is published in terms of Section 75 of the Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Act 2012 and sets out our scrutiny priorities from April 2019 until March 2020. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS) 29/3/2019 Report ‘Ching, wap, ox’: slang interpreters decipher texts for court evidence Police struggling with shifting meanings of youth dialect have enlisted slang translators The Guardian 29/3/2019 News Police watchdogs to investigate forces over immigration referrals Inquiry follows super-complaint against sharing of victims’ data with Home Office The Guardian 29/3/2019 News Brexit protest: Ukip leader slapped down by police for falsely claiming they could use water cannon they don’t even own on protesters Gerard Batten had suggested Metropolitan Police may use banned devices, despite force not owning any The Independent 29/3/2019 News Stephen Lawrence’s father: Met must work to lose institutional racism label The father of murdered teenager Stephen Lawrence says Scotland Yard still has to prove it is no longer institutionally racist before it can be free of the label imposed by the inquiry into his son’s death. The Standard 29/3/2019 News Police 101 line misses one in five calls says commissioner Warwickshire's 101 police service which is used for reporting non-emergency incidents is not good enough according to the man tasked with overseeing law and order in the county. The Shuttle (Kidderminster) 29/3/2019 News Why are Hertfordshire County Council not telling policing about speeding on our roads? Herts County Council have been accused of refusing to hand over information from ‘speed indicator devices’ to the police – despite a number of requests. Hemel Today 29/3/2019 News North Wales Police Commissioner Arfon Jones to run again for the role in 2020 North Wales’ Police and Crime Commissioner, Arfon Jones, has been renominated to run again for the role in 2020. 29/3/2019 News Woman dies in crash after police pursuit Watchdog investigates ninth vehicle-related fatality since start of the year. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 29/3/2019 News More men received bonuses and occupied higher paid positions than women on Surrey Police force The gender pay gap at Surrey Police widened in the last year according to new data published by the force this week. Comet (Surrey) 29/3/2019 News «365336543655365636573658365936603661Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events