Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98275 total results. Showing results 73061 to 73080 «365036513652365336543655365636573658Next ›Last » Digital policing: “Forces need to move further away from the obsession over police numbers.” An increasing number of policing functions could easily be automated, but forces are too focused on police numbers. Former Deputy Chief Constable of North Yorkshire Paul Kennedy argues that budgets spent on recruiting more police officers should be redirected into embracing these new and emerging technologies. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 1/4/2019 Opinion English Police Chiefs to follow Scotland’s lead on dealing with knife crime Police chiefs in England are aiming to copy Scottish success in using a public health approach to reduce knife crime. The National 1/4/2019 News Increasing stop and search is the Tories trying to look tough – but only ending austerity will reduce knife crime There is mounting evidence of the direct links between cuts to public services and the devastating murders being widely reported in the media The Independent 1/4/2019 Feature, Opinion Metropolitan Police let hundreds of officers accused of sex attacks escape punishment, figures reveal Figures obtained by The Independent show only one in every 18 members of the Met accused of sexual assault are subject to formal action The Independent 1/4/2019 News Police who shot unarmed man followed procedure, watchdog finds Sharif Cousins was shot in the chest at point blank range in Birmingham in July 2017 The Guardian 1/4/2019 News Violent crime: Police cannot ‘arrest’ the issue away – May Violent crime is an issue that cannot be solved solely by increasing police powers, Theresa May has warned. BBC 1/4/2019 News Government funds research into knife-detection technology Researchers are seeking solutions to the problem of people carrying concealed blades in public places. Home Office 1/4/2019 News Can US system help forces crack down on gun crime? System uses acoustic sensors to detect and locate where a gun has been fired. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 1/4/2019 News New NPCC head: Once-in-a-generation chance to change our role Policing sees 'critical time ahead' to lead a whole system response to getting right capabilities at local, regional and national levels. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 1/4/2019 News It’s A Man’s World, Try to Convince the Men Otherwise: the Role of Women in Irish Policing Police organizations are historically and predominantly male organisations; as such, the purpose of this study is to examine the role of women in Irish policing. The literature review will analyse gender-specific organisational literature, focused on the United States. Theoretical components include biological determination and social constructivism in the policing context. The study is conducted through qualitative interviews and thematic analysis of 10 current and former Gardaà in Ireland. This study empirically contributes to how the organisation views gender and how those differences are institutionalised in that Gardaà are treated differently based on their gender. Women and Criminal Justice - Registration at source 1/4/2019 Research article Patterns in the Supply and Demand of Urban Policing At the Street Segment Level Policing plays a critical role in crime prevention, incorporating both deterrent and responsive activities. Since many policing activities require the physical presence of officers, a crucial issue for police effectiveness concerns the extent to which officers are located where they are needed. Operationally, this can be framed as a ‘supply and demand’ issue, where the aim is to match the supply of police resource to the demand for service. In this paper, we examine this issue for a five-month period in London, UK, using police vehicle tracking data and call-for-service records. We examine the extent to which supply and demand are aligned at the street segment level and build a statistical model which seeks to explain the disparity between the two quantities in terms of network structure. We find that police activity is distributed unevenly, with over-supply on more central streets, and discuss the implications of this for police practice. Policing and Society - Registration at source 1/4/2019 Research article A Typology of Citizen Presentations in Police Use of Force Events: Are There Ecological Drivers? This study identifies subtypes of citizen behavioral characteristics within police use of force events and assesses ecological influences on these subtypes. Data comprised police use of force reports, recorded crime data, and census data. Latent class analysis was applied to 19,900 police use of force events to identify latent classes of citizen behavioral characteristics. A five class-solution demonstrated best fit and comprised the following classes: violent, unstable, and drug or alcohol affected; apparent mental disorder and possessing a weapon; alcohol-related violence; suspicious and fleeing; and violent behavior and threatening a weapon. Chi-square analysis and multilevel logistic regression showed each citizen presentation class was associated with distinct patterns of offence types and contexts for police use of force. Ecological influences were notable for three classes of citizen presentations. The clustering of citizen behaviors within incidents provides insights into the nature and distribution of types of police–citizen encounters where force is used. Police Quarterly 1/4/2019 Research article Assessing the Appetite For Evidence Based Policing: A UK Based Study Although evidence-based policing (EBP) has emerged in Europe, Australasia and the Americas, its level of implementation has received little scrutiny. Using a questionnaire completed by 625 police staff employed by a major UK police force, this study examines how police employees both view and use evidence-based practice. The study found that although the term EBP was recognized widely, its use was less apparent. The findings specifically distinguished lower ranked officers from senior police officers, and discriminated between warranted (sworn) officers and non-warranted (unsworn) civilian staff. It showed that lower ranking officers (constables) were more likely to value experience over academic evidence and collaboration, whereas senior ranks were much more likely to embrace EBP principles. Further, civilian staff were less likely to view new ideas as a ‘fad’ and be more open to research experimentation and evaluation, albeit they had fewer internal avenues to pursue professional development. In summary, it is argued that to develop an environment in which EBP can thrive, explicit implementation plans that consider issues such as organizational culture, are helpful. International Journal of Police Science & Management - Registration at source 1/4/2019 Research article Examining Collective Efficacy and Perceptions of Policing in East Baltimore This study examines how residents from a high-crime, high-poverty neighborhood in East Baltimore interact with one another, participate in their community, and perceive police. Using community surveys collected from 191 respondents, the study empirically measures collective efficacy, community participation, and police services and encounters. We predict that high levels of collective efficacy lead to more positive perceptions of police and an increased willingness to work with law enforcement. The results indicate that neighborhood trust is an important factor in shaping a community’s overall perception of police. Furthermore, older residents who own their homes are more likely to report a more positive perception of police, specifically police response. Crime Prevention and Community Safety - Registration at source 1/4/2019 Research article Time slip: How would police devices fare in the “10 Year Challenge”? Remember a decade ago when Blackberry devices were all the rage and the iphone was only into its second generation? Simon Hall, CEO, Coeus Software, takes a look at how police technology has moved on since 2009 and where we might be in ten years time. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 1/4/2019 Opinion The London Killings of 2018: the Story Behind the Numbers and Some Proposed Solutions This paper examines the underlying issues behind the London killings of 2018 and considers some possible solutions. To do this, primary research has been undertaken with those involved in the violence, those charged with addressing it and those seeking a solution to this crisis. Violence among young people in the capital and elsewhere in Britain has been the focus of much media attention and academic discourse, some of which are examined here. In understanding the causes of the violence, it is, however, incumbent on us all to consider viable ways in which to address the issues behind the killings and identify possible solutions to the problems it creates in communities. The introduction, in January 2019, by the present Home Secretary of knife crime prevention orders appears to have aggravated the situation. Crime Prevention and Community Safety 1/4/2019 Research article ‘World’s gold standard’: New domestic abuse law comes into force in Scotland New domestic abuse legislation comes into force today [1 April] that criminalises psychological domestic abuse and coercive and controlling behaviour. Common Space 1/4/2019 News Harrowing ‘control’ abuse of Scottish women and children revealed Harrowing details of women and children whose lives have been blighted by controlling partners have emerged on the day ground-breaking new domestic abuse legislation comes into force. The Herald (Scotland) 1/4/2019 News APCC response to government announcement on stop and search David Munro, the APCC Lead on Equality, Diversity and Human Rights (EDHR) and the Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 1/4/2019 News North Yorkshire Police published gender pay gap figures The figures, which are a snapshot of the organisation at a date in March 2018, show a median gender pay gap of 22.2%. This is a marginal increase of 1.4% on the previous year. North Yorkshire Police 1/4/2019 News «365036513652365336543655365636573658Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events