Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98273 total results. Showing results 72981 to 73000 «364636473648364936503651365236533654Next ›Last » Devon and Cornwall Police need millions of pounds extra to deal with Brexit holiday makers The rising influx of visitors is having an dire impact on day-to-day services Plymouth Live 4/4/2019 News Police amass 10,000 officers in preparation for no-deal unrest Chiefs warn that inflammatory rhetoric from politicians could worsen Brexit tensions The Guardian 4/4/2019 News Brexit: Police warn MPs and campaigners not to inflame tensions Politicians and campaigners should take care not to "inflame" tensions in the UK caused by Brexit, a senior police chief has warned. BBC 4/4/2019 News Riot police on alert for no-deal Brexit chaos More than 10,000 riot police are on standby in case of disorder and looting following a no-deal Brexit. The Times - Subscription at source 4/4/2019 News Drug laws ‘keep police from bigger crimes’ Rank and file police officers have called for a radical review of drug policies to free forces to tackle rising violent crime. The Times - Subscription at source 4/4/2019 News New national protected persons’ service starts work Officers to stay with regional forces under transferred leadership from the NCA. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 3/4/2019 News ‘Vehicles used as weapons against officers becoming common’ An officer was left “lucky to be alive” after being run down by a car with the service facing the increasing threat of vehicles being used as weapons against the rank-and-file. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 3/4/2019 News New Scottish law to crack down on fugitives A new offence of being “unlawfully at large” from home detention curfew (HDC) is set to give police in Scotland new powers of entry and search as part of a set of proposals to strengthen the electronic monitoring of offenders. Police Professional 3/4/2019 News Scottish Police Authority signs for new ICCS The Scottish Police Authority (SPA) has awarded Austrian company Frequentis the contract to develop a new integrated communication control system (ICCS). 3/4/2019 News Scotland’s top police watchdog calls for more powers to probe rogue cops Scotland's top cop watchdog has urged ministers to boost her powers to probe rogue officers. The Scottish Sun 3/4/2019 News Gardaí will be allowed to wear turbans and the hijab Turbans and the hijab will be allowed to be worn by Sikh and Muslim members of the Garda. The new rules were announced by Garda Commissioner Drew Harris as the force opened a recruitment competition for trainees. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 3/4/2019 News Strategic Plan 2019–22 Independent & Effective Investigations & Reviews [PDF] Police Investigations and Review Commissioner (PIRC) 3/4/2019 Report Commissioner puts forward key proposals for strengthening scrutiny of police, with launch of three year Strategic Plan The Police Investigations & Review Commissioner (PIRC) has put forward a series of proposals to strengthen the independent scrutiny of police actions in Scotland. Police Investigations and Review Commissioner (PIRC) 3/4/2019 News Scotland’s prison suicide inquiry system ‘not fit for purpose’ The system for investigating prison suicides in Scotland is not fit for purpose, according to analysis conducted by the parents of a woman who killed herself in the country’s only dedicated young offenders institution last year. The Guardian 3/4/2019 News Hillsborough trial: No verdict over David Duckenfield The jury in the trial of Hillsborough match commander David Duckenfield has been unable to reach a verdict. BBC 3/4/2019 News Whistleblower says police IT systems ‘unreliable’ but force says issues have been tackled Police IT systems are unreliable and are putting staff and the public “at risk”, according to a whistleblower. The Hunts Post 3/4/2019 News Close-range use of Taser being challenged in court as an ‘unreasonable crime’ Weapon's two metal barbs lodge in victim's left eyebrow and neck, jury hears. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 3/4/2019 News Police respond to fraud in an inconsistent manner An inspection of the police response to fraud has found that organisational structures are failing to work, despite the crime being identified as a national threat. Police Professional 3/4/2019 News Making Sense of Policing Identities: the ‘deserving’ and the ‘undeserving’ in Policing Accounts of Victimisation New recruits within policing are involved in a process of negotiating and creating meaning within their newly shaped identities. Within this identity formation, members engage in both categorisation and comparison in an attempt to sustain the group and to enhance the self-image of the group member. The benefits of inclusion and enhanced group identity however must be analysed alongside the inevitable exclusion and ‘othering’ that also occur. Using the framework of social identity theories, this paper seeks to consider new police recruits in England and their perceptions of, and attitudes towards, victims and potential victims of crime. It does this through an analysis of qualitative data obtained through a piece of longitudinal, ethnographic research which focussed upon new police recruits to an English police force. The research followed the police recruits for four years and in doing so, attempted to produce a holistic description of their developing cultures. What emerged from the findings was an enthusiasm for assisting victims of crime but within the context of culturally defined notions of what a ‘victim’ might constitute. By sharply delineating between ‘deserving’ and ‘undeserving’ victims of crime, police officers are contributing to the ‘diminishing status’ of certain potential victims through privileging certain identities over others. Police officers are one of the key definers of victim status and through this process of ‘informed neglect’ are contributing to the discrimination and alienation of certain parts of the community. This has the potential to add to the exclusion of those who are already socially, educationally and economically ostracised. Policing and Society - Registration at source 3/4/2019 Research article “Trust Your Instincts – Act!” Prevent Police Officers’ Perspectives of Counter-Radicalisation Reporting Thresholds The UK PREVENT programme aims to address radicalisation by identifying and supporting “at risk” individuals that are deemed vulnerable to extremism. Central to this process is the willingness of professional practitioners to report information to authorities, a duty consolidated through the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015. Despite this, little is known about the thresholds to report from a policing perspective. How risk performs beyond fixed indicators which pre-figure terrorism is also underexplored. This qualitative study provides insight into PREVENT police officers’ accounts of the reporting stage of PREVENT. A thematic analysis of semi-structured interviews identified the mobilisation of intelligence on the basis of “gut feelings” and “instinct”. Professional partners were encouraged to trust their own subjective judgements in the absence of observable risk indicators and tangible evidence. A simplified risk logic was said to provide several operational benefits, for example, aligning the PREVENT team with non-specialist actors. Critical Studies on Terrorism - Registration at source 3/4/2019 Research article «364636473648364936503651365236533654Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events