Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98273 total results. Showing results 72961 to 72980 «364536463647364836493650365136523653Next ›Last » PCSOs to remain in Cumbria, says crime commissioner Peter McCall Cumbria’s Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) has insisted he has no plans to abolish the county’s 95 PCSOs. News & Star 4/4/2019 News ‘We’re already doing this!’ Police puzzled by new government knife initiative which calls on them to ‘report concerns’ The Government's new flagship strategy to deal with knife crime - essentially making it a 'public health duty' for services such as the police, hospitals and councils to report concerns is; 'part of our job anyway', according to Dorset's Police. Dorset Echo 4/4/2019 News Defending the world from terror: Fascinating pictures show anti-terror police in action around the world including US SWAT teams, French RAID agents and Israel’s elite Yamam unit These powerful images show the dedicated counter-terror police around the globe, including the US SWAT teams, French RAID agents and Israel's elite Yamam force. Mail Online 4/4/2019 News ‘No Action Required’: A Historical Pattern of Inaction and Discretion Towards Child Sexual Abuse in Queensland Policing Throughout much of the 20th century, the Queensland Police Force were led by an administration of senior officers more engaged with corrupt practices than with the prosecution of child sexual abuse. An unwillingness within the police force to take action against suspected child sex offenders on many occasions could be perceived to obstruct investigations and provide a layer of protection to this kind of criminal behaviour. Examination of archival material suggests that Queensland police were motivated by an anomic condition within the force that led to deviance from established social norms governing attitudes towards child sexual abuse cases. Police Journal - Registration at source 4/4/2019 Research article ‘These People Are Vulnerable, They Aren’t Criminals’: Mental Health, the Use of Force and Deaths After Police Contact in England This study identifies subtypes of citizen behavioural characteristics within police use of force events and assesses ecological influences on these subtypes. Data comprised police use of force reports, recorded crime data, and census data. Latent class analysis was applied to 19,900 police use of force events to identify latent classes of citizen behavioural characteristics. A five class-solution demonstrated best fit and comprised the following classes: violent, unstable, and drug or alcohol affected; apparent mental disorder and possessing a weapon; alcohol-related violence; suspicious and fleeing; and violent behaviour and threatening a weapon. Chi-square analysis and multilevel logistic regression showed each citizen presentation class was associated with distinct patterns of offence types and contexts for police use of force. Ecological influences were notable for three classes of citizen presentations. The clustering of citizen behaviours within incidents provides insights into the nature and distribution of types of police–citizen encounters where force is used. Police Journal 4/4/2019 Research article The Police Education Qualification Framework: A Professional Agenda Or Building Professionals? Given the growing complexity in British policing, the College of Policing are implementing a Police Education Qualification Framework through a professionalization agenda. This aims to standardise entry to the police and allow serving officers to gain accreditation for their previous training and experience. Part of this process involves the development of a national police curriculum for higher education institutions to deliver to new recruits. Different definitions of what constitutes professionalism can impact on officers’ interpretations of this concept and how they subsequently engage with the proposed reforms. This paper, which is based on in depth qualitative interviews with serving officers who have undertaken an academic qualification in policing, suggests that the relationship between police education and the development of professionalism is complex. Officers need to be trusted and encouraged to use their learning in a way that develops their own personal sense of professionalism. However, this paper will argue that current perceptions amongst officers are sceptical of the wider agenda and brings into question the development of a standardised curriculum which may ultimately be viewed as further governance over officer behaviour. Police Practice and Research - Registration at source 4/4/2019 Research article Changing the Narrative: Police–community Partnerships and Racial Reconciliation Police–community relations are strained in the United States, especially along racial lines. This paper assesses community perceptions of crime and the police before and after the implementation of an intervention aimed at eliminating overt drug markets through focused deterrence and police–community partnerships emphasizing racial reconciliation. Mail surveys were sent to every household living within a two-mile radius of the block group where the intervention took place and we estimate differences-in-differences OLS models to examine whether the intervention changed perceptions of crime and police trust and legitimacy. Relative to non-black respondents, black respondents perceived a reduction in non-violent crimes and disorder as well as less racial profiling after the intervention; these results are robust to a number of robustness checks. We did not observe a change with respect to perceptions of police effectiveness, fairness, or other measures of police legitimacy. Justice Quarterly - Registration at source 4/4/2019 Research article HMICFRS: Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority inspection HMICFRS: This inspection looks into the use of investigative powers by the Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA). HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 4/4/2019 Report The teenage hackers who’ve been given a second chance Step inside the offices of Bluescreen and you'll find some of the UK's most talented teenage hackers, dragged from a world of crime to fight for the other side. BBC 4/4/2019 News Police are well prepared for a potential no-deal EU Exit The National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) is leading police planning at national level working with the Government, other public services and partners. A national unit has been established to gather and share intelligence from across policing with the Government. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 4/4/2019 News Brexit: Police warn politicians to mind their language in ‘febrile’ atmosphere The chairman of the National Police Chiefs' Council says public figures should be 'wary'. Mirror 4/4/2019 News Hillsborough disaster match commander could face retrial Retired chief superintendent could face retrial but his lawyers plan an 'abuse of process' response. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 4/4/2019 News South Wales Police appoints first ever Special Superintendent In what is believed to be a first for UK policing, South Wales Police has awarded a volunteer officer the rank of superintendent. Police Professional 4/4/2019 News Brexit warning: Police ready to deploy 10,000 riot cops for no deal Police are ready to deploy 10,000 specially trained riot officers in the event of a no-deal Brexit, Martin Hewitt, chairman of the National Police Chiefs’ Council, has said. Express 4/4/2019 News 10,000 officers on standby to prevent Brexit unrest Policing has assembled the biggest ever peacetime reserve of riot-trained officers with chiefs warning campaigners and politicians to mind their language to avoid inflaming the "incredibly febrile" atmosphere around Brexit. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 4/4/2019 News Does CCTV help police solve crime? AUSTRALIA: This study examines the impact of CCTV footage on clearance rates for crimes occurring on the rail network in New South Wales. [pdf] Australian Institute of Criminology (Australia) 4/4/2019 Research article Policing Authority welcomes new Garda recruitment campaign, ‘The Difference is You’ REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Policing Authority welcomes the announcement today of a recruitment competition for Garda trainees. Policing Authority (Republic of Ireland) 4/4/2019 News How do police use CCTV footage in criminal investigations? AUSTRALIA: This study examines how police use CCTV footage in criminal investigations. Structured interviews were conducted with 146 sworn members of the NSW Police Force who had recently requested footage from the NSW rail system’s network of CCTV cameras. [pdf] Australian Institute of Criminology (Australia) 4/4/2019 Research article Police chief’s Brexit warning to MPs and campaigners: watch language to avoid inflaming ‘febrile’ atmosphere Politicians and campaigners must watch their language to avoid inflaming the “incredibly febrile” atmosphere created by Brexit, a top police officer has warned. The Standard 4/4/2019 News Gwent Police Chief Constable Julian Williams announces retirement from the force Gwent Police Chief Constable Julian Williams will retire from the service in June after two years in the role. South Wales Argus 4/4/2019 News «364536463647364836493650365136523653Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events