Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 96988 total results. Showing results 72741 to 72760 «363436353636363736383639364036413642Next ›Last » Chief on seven-year hitch to national force’s top job BTPA extends contract for four-decades 'Mr Rail Policing'. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 21/2/2019 News Development of force ‘drone capability’ approved South Yorkshire Police has secured funding approval to develop its drone capability. Police Professional 21/2/2019 News Arresting case for facial recognition Facial recognition technology (FRT) being trialled by police forces in Britain should be subjected to more rigorous testing and transparency, according to new research from the University of East Anglia (UEA) and Monash University in Australia. Police Professional 21/2/2019 News Lesson learning not blame Dr Robert Heaton and Steve Tong argue that the answers to some of the problems of the current complaints system lie in the police’s own hands, but it is not apparent that the service is ready to capitalise fully on renewed regulations. Police Professional 21/2/2019 Analysis, Feature Evolving capabilities As forces balance the need for more specialist skills and services with protecting local policing, Assistant Chief Constable Phil Kay explains how a national programme is helping them meet their requirements without the need for major restructures. Police Professional - Subscription at source 21/2/2019 Analysis, Feature Merseyside PCC will not seek re-election The police and crime commissioner (PCC) for Merseyside has announced that she will not be putting herself forward for re-election in 2020. Police Professional 21/2/2019 News Learning the lessons: The challenge of investigating child deaths Child death is such a complex area of policing that it has its own sub group within the NPCC Homicide Working Group. As it prepares for its annual conference, NPCC lead on child death Det Chief Supt Eamonn Bridger explains the challenges of investigating this difficult area of policing. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 21/2/2019 Interview, Opinion Security orders for ex‑jihadists are ‘so expensive that many roam free’ The security orders used to keep the public safe from former jihadists are so expensive that experts fear most of those returning from Syria are being allowed to roam free. The Times - Subscription at source 21/2/2019 News Shock as children as young as 10 are held overnight in police custody Children as young as 10 were among the 5,684 youngsters to be kept overnight in police custody in West Yorkshire in the last five years – a figure branded "shocking" by some critics. Telegraph and Argus 21/2/2019 News What is the point of a police commissioner? Can anyone explain precisely what having a police commissioner has achieved? The Argus 21/2/2019 Feature, Opinion Disgruntled airport EMPLOYEE was behind Gatwick drone chaos that caused Christmas misery for thousands, police believe The drone attack that brought chaos to Gatwick airport before Christmas is thought to have been an 'inside job', according to Whitehall sources. Mail Online 21/2/2019 News Police believe airport insider was behind Gatwick drone chaos The drone attack that brought Gatwick to a standstill before Christmas is believed to have been an “inside job”, according to Whitehall sources. The Times - Subscription at source 21/2/2019 News More stop and search powers to cut acid attacks Police are to get more powers to stop and search people they suspect of carrying acid and other corrosive substances in public, the home secretary said yesterday. The Times - Subscription at source 21/2/2019 News Mental Health Cop: Three years until 2022 A little medium and long-term thinking on mental health and its relationship with policing, if I may? Mental Health Cop blog 20/2/2019 Feature, Opinion Smacking ban set to increase demands on police and social workers, MSPs told The smacking ban is likely to increase costs for the police, force chiefs say. The Courier (Scotland) 20/2/2019 News Altia-ABM’s investigative software embedded with dtSearch is now deployed across UK police forces and other enforcement and intelligence agencies Headquartered in the UK, Altia-ABM develops innovative software to facilitate investigations and manage covert operations. U.S.-based dtSearch Corp. provides document filters to parse a wide variety of data formats and text retrieval to instantly search terabytes of data. Altia-ABM products embedding the dtSearch Engine span UK police forces, local and central government agencies. Altia-ABM is now looking to further expand its software footprint globally, including to police and other law enforcement and intelligence agencies across the U.S. SD Times 20/2/2019 News MPs painted a picture of ongoing ‘savage funding cuts putting very legitimacy of our service at stake’ Spotlight Merseyside: It surely can not be right the largest cuts in police funding hit communities with the greatest social and economic need. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 20/2/2019 News Failure to fund Grenfell Tower inquiry in full is ‘slowing down investigation’ The Home Office has been criticised for not funding the entire costs of the Metropolitan Police Service’s (MPS) investigation into the Grenfell Tower disaster. Police Professional 20/2/2019 News A police officer’s view: ‘I know what domestic abuse in Britain really looks like’ “My boyfriend has just beaten me up... There’s blood everywhere, I think he… he’s broken my jaw. He was stamping on my head and punching me”. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 20/2/2019 Feature, Opinion Mermaids training for police ridiculed online Training given to Merseyside police by trans activist group Mermaids has been ridiculed online. The Christian Institute 20/2/2019 News «363436353636363736383639364036413642Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events