Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98273 total results. Showing results 72701 to 72720 «363236333634363536363637363836393640Next ›Last » Document catalogues almost 200 police errors over 18 months A catalogue of Police Scotland blunders has been identified in a dossier revealing almost 200 mistakes were made in 18 months. The Press and Journal 16/4/2019 News Figures reveal UK police are dealing with 20 ‘Tinder crimes‘ a week The number of Tinder-related police call-outs has more than doubled in the last three years, official figures show. Milbank Monitor 16/4/2019 News More than 100 people arrested in London climate change protests Police have arrested more than 100 environmental protesters as the Extinction Rebellion demonstrations that brought chaos to central London enters their second day. The Guardian 16/4/2019 News Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts - plus a short guide outlining how serving police officers and staff can get access, free, to many of the articles listed through the National Police Library. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 16/4/2019 News Police chiefs call on ministers to recognise tourism strain Police chiefs in Dorset have urged the government to consider the added strain on their resources that the UK tourism industry creates. Dorset Echo 16/4/2019 News Loopholes in UK gun laws could allow terrorists to get hold of lethal firearms Loopholes in Britain's gun laws could enable terrorists to get hold of powerful firearms, police have warned. Mail Online 16/4/2019 News Our gun laws are not strong enough to protect us Louise Haigh is shadow policing minister and MP for Sheffield Heeley The Times 16/4/2019 Feature, Opinion Javid ‘ignored’ police warning of gun loophole Sajid Javid, the home secretary, was accused yesterday of ignoring police warnings about loopholes in Britain’s gun laws that could allow criminals and terrorists to get hold of lethal firearms. The Times - Subscription at source 16/4/2019 News I could have turned to crime, says Sajid Javid The home secretary said that he could have ended up as a criminal in a speech that dwelt on his upbringing on what was dubbed the “most dangerous street in Britain”. The Times - Subscription at source 16/4/2019 News APCC response to Home Secretary’s speech on tackling serious violence Mark Burns-Williamson: “The Home Secretary’s reiteration of his commitment to prevent crime, including serious violence, through early intervention in the lives of our young people, is to be welcomed. Additional police powers and funding are important but, as he acknowledged, there is no quick fix and it is essential that those at risk can be identified and supported at the earliest opportunity." Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 15/4/2019 News Thomas Orchard death: police accused of risk assessment failures A police force may have failed to properly assess a restraint belt that was placed across the face of a church caretaker before he collapsed in custody in 2012, a court has been told. The Guardian 15/4/2019 News Teenagers being recruited by criminals on video games, chiefs warn Police chiefs are piloting a multi-million pound prevention scheme to divert highly-talented teenage gamers often on the “autism spectrum” away from cyber offending into “legitimate” employment for the UK economy. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 15/4/2019 News Report calls for rethinking of child sexual exploitation and abuse response A new independent centre for orchestrating a multi-organisation response to child sexual exploitation and abuse (CSEA) has been called for in a report on tackling the growing online threat. Police Professional 15/4/2019 News Scotland hit by £700,000 in doorstep scams over six months Doorstep scammers took more than £700,000 from people across Scotland in six months, according to new figures. BBC 15/4/2019 News Police officers sent to wrong addresses 62 times Police Scotland recorded almost 200 “notable incidents” in an 18-month period, including officers attending wrong addresses. Aol 15/4/2019 News Police Scotland control room blunders led to officers being sent to wrong address 62 times, stats reveal The mistakes were among 182 'notable incidents' recorded between August 2017 and December 2018 The Scottish Sun 15/4/2019 News A Tangled Web: Rethinking the approach to online CSEA The online CSEA threat is evolving fast. Our society’s social web culture and the global proliferation of high speed, low cost internet access has created a unique threat, increasing the exposure of victims and enabling unprecedented levels of offending. PA Consulting 15/4/2019 Report Sajid Javid: I could have been drawn into life of crime Sajid Javid has admitted he could have ended up in a life of crime instead of becoming home secretary. BBC 15/4/2019 News Police Rewired – using data to fight crime and increase public safety Lewis Westbury, a software developer for 15 years, a special constable for almost 10 and now founder and volunteer coordinator of Police Rewired, highlights several interesting pieces of research sourced in Crime Survey of England and Wales data, and the implications for developing practical tools in the fight against crime. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 15/4/2019 Innovation Google’s location tracking designed to target ads is being used by POLICE to solve cold cases – and innocent people are being caught in the ‘dragnet’ Data harvested by Google on the location of its users is being used by police to find new leads in cases that have gone cold. Law enforcement agents in the US have been trawling information taken from the search giant's Sensorvault database to help them in criminal cases. Mail Online 15/4/2019 News «363236333634363536363637363836393640Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events