Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98284 total results. Showing results 72521 to 72540 «362336243625362636273628362936303631Next ›Last » Tolerance of Triads, Police Legitimacy, and Self-Help Amidst the Umbrella Movement The 79-day Umbrella Movement in 2014 is the largest civil disobedience movement in Hong Kong’s history. Based on a sample of 186 protesters and 503 students, the present paper aims to examine the protesters’ tolerance of triad activities; their perceptions of the police, of triad protection of occupiers, and of triad weiwen (maintenance of stability for the government); and the relationship between police legitimacy and tolerance of triad activities. We found that attitudes toward democracy, toward the importance of national identities, and toward triad involvement, and negative perceptions of the police were all significant predictors of an individual’s support for the Movement. We further found that the predictors we had identified earlier were able to significantly differentiate protesters from student opponents. When compared with students, protesters had lower ratings for police procedural justice and were more tolerant of triad legal behavior and of protecting protesters, but less tolerant of triad illegal behaviors and weiwen. Implications of Hong Kong’s self-help movement are discussed. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology - Registration at source 24/4/2019 Research article Force to deploy drones to search for missing people Aerial technology 'will search large areas faster than officers'. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 24/4/2019 News Overstretched, underÂ-resourced ranks will keep Donald Trump safe 'With 22,000 fewer frontline officers, it's a case of the same first team doing more and being run ragged'. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 24/4/2019 News Criminal barristers threaten to strike over low pay Criminal barristers are threatening to walk out of trials or refuse to take on new work because of a dispute over pay with the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). Police Professional 24/4/2019 News Revising PACE Codes C and H This consultation response concerns the outcome of the consultation on PACE Codes C and H. Home Office 24/4/2019 Report Dignity of women in custody ensured by planned law change Police will have to ask female detainees whether they are likely to require sanitary products, which they will be given free, under Home Office plans. Home Office 24/4/2019 News Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (PACE) codes of practice The Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 codes of practice regulate police powers and protect public rights. Home Office 24/4/2019 Report ‘You can’t arrest your way out of record drug-related deaths,’ say police Police forces across the UK are offering drug users pre-arrest education and treatment instead of a caution or charge The Guardian 24/4/2019 News Caring for our people, our police and our public Paul Griffiths gives his thoughts on beginning his new role as Association President and outlines his priorities over the next three years. Police Superintendents' Association (PSA) 24/4/2019 News Fall in Scottish gun crime masks rise in serious offences Firearms offences in Scotland have fallen to a record low but are masking an increase in the most serious crimes, according to latest government figures. Police Professional 24/4/2019 News Police told to reclaim the streets for President Donald Trump’s State visit Police have been told they must take back control of the streets for President Donald Trump’s State visit in June after surrendering to climate change protesters last week. The Telegraph - Registration at source 24/4/2019 News UK sends counter-terrorism police to Sri Lanka after Easter Sunday bombings Britain has sent a team of counter-terrorism police to Sri Lanka after the deadly bombing attacks that killed at least 359 people, including eight Britons, on Easter Sunday. The National 24/4/2019 News Officers are ‘sick of political pledges to treat violent crime like a disease’ Federation also turns on highest echelons of policing for 'getting things the wrong way round'. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 24/4/2019 News UK link to Sri Lanka suicide bombers One of the nine attackers behind the Easter Sunday bombings in Sri Lanka studied in the UK, according to the country’s defence minister. Police Professional 24/4/2019 News Met plans Olympic-Âsized increase of specials in fight against violent crime Lloyd's joins paid-Âleave scheme as Met looks at turning back the clock to 2012 recruiting levels. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 24/4/2019 News Why PCSOs – and not police officers – will be dealing with anti-social behaviour complaints in future Staffordshire Police is to give its 200 PCSOs more powers Stoke on Trent Live 24/4/2019 News Cuts prevent us investigating 60% of crimes says Greater Manchester police chief One of Britain’s largest police forces is regularly abandoning investigations into thefts and break-ins as officers struggle to handle caseloads, the chief constable has admitted. The Times - Subscription at source 24/4/2019 News We can fulfil Jill Dando’s legacy by ensuring crime science keeps up with the pace of change Two decades ago, the brutal murder of the television presenter Jill Dando sent shockwaves across the UK and beyond. Following her death Jill’s family, friends and colleagues created a lasting legacy by setting up an academic institute with a new approach to dealing with crime called the Jill Dando Institute (JDI) of Crime Science. The Times - Subscription at source 24/4/2019 Feature, Opinion GCHQ helps banks fight fraud by detecting stolen credit cards British intelligence officers have joined the fight to combat credit-card fraud, the director of GCHQ will reveal today. The Times - Subscription at source 24/4/2019 News Secretive ‘Five Eyes’ club to speak openly about cyber threats Experts from the so-called Five Eyes intelligence agencies will appear together for the first time in the UK to discuss cyber threats. BBC, The Times - Subscription at source 24/4/2019 News «362336243625362636273628362936303631Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events