Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98284 total results. Showing results 72481 to 72500 «362136223623362436253626362736283629Next ›Last » Circular 003/2019: Regulation 10b of The Police Regulations 2003 (Rejoiners) This circular publishes consequential changes to Annexes C (Probation periods) and OO (Career breaks) of the determinations made under the Police Regulations 2003 which came into effect on 22 February 2019. Home Office 25/4/2019 Report UK sends Counter-Terrorism Police to Sri Lanka Britain has sent a team of Counter-Terrorism Police to Sri Lanka after the deadly bombing attacks that killed at least 359 people, including eight Britons, on Easter Sunday. Lankaweb 25/4/2019 News The brilliant way police tricked two cocaine smugglers into revealing their £6m haul Bungling Mark Holmes, from St Helens, thought he'd thrown police off the scent of his Class A booty Liverpool Echo 25/4/2019 News Tory Police Minister admits cuts to police numbers are fuelling knife crime rise Less money for police forces since the Tories came to power has seen 21,000 police officers taken off the beat Mirror 25/4/2019 News Only 1.7% of reported rapes prosecuted in England and Wales, new figures show Overall proportion of reported crimes prosecuted plummets to 8% amid justice ‘crisis’ The Independent 25/4/2019 News Labour accuses ministers of being ‘in denial’ over police cuts as knife crime figures hit record levels Labour has accused ministers of being "in denial" over the impact of police cuts as knife crime figures rose to record levels last year. PoliticsHome 25/4/2019 News A Police Specialist Rape Investigation Unit: A Comparative Analysis of Performance and Victim Care This article examines quantitative and qualitative data in an analysis of the workings of a specialist rape investigation unit and compares its performance with a non-specialist investigative approach. This is the first study to examine the work of a specialist rape investigation unit in this way. The research finds that the specialist unit outperformed the non-specialist investigative approach in many, though not all performance measures, including charging and ‘reached court’ rates in rape cases, retention of cases characterised by complex victim vulnerability, allocation of Sexual Assault Investigation Trained (SAIT) officers, rate of referral to Independent Sexual Violence Advisors (ISVA) and accuracy of crime recording. Further, police officer interview data suggest that team working and support, communication and a sense of common purpose were distinctive features of the specialist unit, when contrasted to experience of working in a non-specialist policing environment. Policing and Society - Registration at source 25/4/2019 Research article Measuring up: We need to take a more qualitative approach to victim satisfaction Chris Horne, Business Architect for Sopra Steria argues the case for 'subjective, outcome-focused social measures' to even the scorecard of measuring victim satisfaction. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 25/4/2019 Opinion What Would You Do (Instead)? On 23/04/2019, The Police Investigation and Review Commissioner (PIRC) criticised the actions of a Police Scotland officer for her use of a Taser against a boxer who was wanted for a violent crime. [VIDEO] Scottish Police Federation (SPF) 25/4/2019 Feature, Opinion Crime outcomes in England and Wales, year to December 2018: data tables Outcomes assigned to offences recorded to December 2018 and the total number of outcomes recorded, by outcome type and offence type. Home Office 25/4/2019 Report Police recorded crime and outcomes open data tables Police recorded crime and outcomes detailed figures and supplementary material including a user guide. Home Office 25/4/2019 Report Homicides in England and Wales hit highest level in a decade Official figures also show knife crime has increased by 6% in the last year. The Guardian 25/4/2019 News Sri Lanka suicide bomber was previously arrested and then released, government says Ilham Ahmed Ibrahim - one of two sons of a spice tycoon who blew themselves up in Sunday's attacks - detonated a device at the Cinnamon Grand hotel in Colombo, Sudarshana Gunawardana said. CNN 25/4/2019 News Extinction Rebellion: Five train protesters arrested as police unglue London Stock Exchange activists Protestors climbed atop a DLR train at Canary Wharf with banners reading 'business as usual = death'. Huffington Post 25/4/2019 News Increased reporting and better recording continues to impact on crime figures West Yorkshire Police Temporary Deputy Chief Constable Russ Foster has welcomed an almost 10% reduction in theft from vehicles, alongside smaller reductions in other volume crime including burglary, wider theft offences, criminal damage and arson. West Yorkshire Police 25/4/2019 News Knife crime offences at record level in 2018, police crime data shows Police recorded 40,829 offences involving knives or sharp instruments in 2018, up 6% on the year before. BBC 25/4/2019 News Cumbria Constabulary launch new police officer entry routes Cumbria Constabulary announced their move to the Police Education Qualifications Framework (PEQF) yesterday (24 April), a transformative professional framework for the education of police officers and staff. Cumbria Crack 25/4/2019 News Extinction Rebellion: Climate activists block London Stock Exchange Extinction Rebellion is urging the government to "tell the truth" about the scale of the climate crisis, it wants the UK to reduce carbon emissions to net zero by 2025 and it wants a Citizens' Assembly to oversee the changes needed to achieve that goal. BBC 25/4/2019 News Police call for new powers to deal with protests Review of tactics will reveal policing and protest has moved on and legislation should follow suit, MPs told. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 25/4/2019 News Pensioner’s anger at £200 invoice after police smash open door A pensioner claims police officers assured him the constabulary would pay for repairs after smashing open his door – but he’s now been lumbered with the £200 bill. Bromsgrove Advertiser 25/4/2019 News «362136223623362436253626362736283629Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events